Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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I in which communication TELEGKAPHIC £'GN DE N'C ki ii I and 41 iitf 4 fl i to! a submit! i i of some four or fire may 2 fitif A Vftlftl B'Ll 'ia 4 3 A Di HAi qu fe pens ken and inxeioi oxes of all the flings and nient organ under best qual linen tn Lineu Up I A fere Lmcncaa ld in CO It is Obvious that her dragging force is applied at right angles to the vertically suspended cable the resistncp of the water will cause it to assurao a curve (0 its Concavity towards the bottom Now as the vessel runh On frqm position 2 to 8 and 4 constantly check ingithe cable to preventit* running right down the angle will become less and less until the dragging force of the shij will be exerted nearly in the line of the cable itself (04) Then the gravity of the cable coming into play carries it by this line bo that its convexity is towards the bottom (0 5) But the upper portion of the cable which is being continually paid out from the ship sinking with Was ridul er time rehed JR you nd gl nt to ham ng ink he best ink par linen be submit avail sizcAwt Stopp it seal bi host qualfe irlet scan renient si eh tides ne or eqi lies CT cql best qualig handf the best fsacbinclg the best fo tand audA naouly knX bf the vA 1 trimmed lj lej white it id fmnt lj best qttatoj QCiuad't of tia Market klubSE Uo uak be acR price uMii be made of the effl la veil ae i 'V rate willWill present its (Or) There will be a vse suspended vertically or itsUte editorial yellow oi thick wii threefolb 10 bv 4 ue aadkiic of the yellow or the very lof the yellow ri vbtion panied bv to MHUI atcg1 the fitint lin quality iand mac W2 nmed of tnade wg1 uh" 'red fainahn qua Jit fainUluK 4 Um g'lt xdmd I Quality gfi il i rd fith fS service encils ok lea Ma laker's i te la of the of of leadf Is uVew York MarJcet Nxw Yobk Mat 8 Cotton is heavy and has declined i cents: sales of 1860 bales Orleans middling 14 cents uplands State $630 at5( Soulh erj tin 7'ij Wheat is unsettled: Southern red $lnO a 168 white $185 a 188 Corn mixed 811 a 85 cents 1 mess $2:135 a $2350 Beef $1625 for Chica got epacked Lai 1 4 a 14 cents Whiskey Ohio 86 cents Cullee Rio $11 a $llj Sugar Muscovado a I cent Spn jLS turpentine 49 cents Rosin $190 Rice at 1 tt oj cchts Baltimore Market JI 'T Hour TTowaAl street superfine a buio extra $725 a $750 Ohio super $662: City Milis Jo S6 Sbr75: extra $o00 Laltimorc ground family $925 and extra 8 25 Rye flout $450 Cornmeal $3 a $323 Wheat "white $168 78 red $168 Corn white 72 a 75 'centsello 73 a iPcints Whiskey 00 a 31 cents per gallon Baltimore Cattle Market Baltijhobk May 8 There were oil ered yesterday at the scales head of heel cattle of which t0 weye left oyer unsold and the balance ot7 head were taken up by Baltimore butchers at prices ranging from1 23 to 6 7o on the hoof equal to $975 a $12 nett and ave raging $6 gross The receipts of hogs during the week have been about 400 head all from th West The nuinet is lull and prices have declined the quota: ions beuiS S8o0 a $9 per liW lbs nett Sheep are dull at from $3 to $623 per lot) lbs WASHINGTON and Union now and forever one and xL SATURDAY JI AY 9 1857 it ''retfmmriS to thegj are l9rnr a gvBJ traced Will be ft 'eL by th JjR the I be liabU fe? 9UW bJS Ml Qf kl? Metropolitan Railroad Office 'Veorgetowii' May 7 AT a meeting of tha Board of iHnwtota'Mn 5th 1S57 it was ordered that euli be made upon the atoekholdeya for no of 2 per ctuL (in lieu ofone for JO per cent called lr 8 oiJic tune mdco) tor the purpeae of raising fund sufhciCDt io meet i be prerent luibilitios cf the Company and thut tbe SuvreUiry proceed aX once to collect tbu Miae He will therefore as eurlv us praucicuable wait upon tckhol4 lor 8fHdinshilment Thoacw uhiug to do so can to any of the Directort pr deposit to the credit 4 the Ireasurer in tome Lank con vcniciit tj them I ne 1 reaeurer cant be found from A ttf 3 at the' 1 ai mertf and 5it Baukof Georgetown DEEBLE may Jwdit Secretary and Treasurer LKllsPiCTABLTi IsAl)Y from Philadelphia a rdtinfion 5 Housekeeper or to uke charge of art Jn valid or trawl with feueh She is fully competent to manage in a hotel or private farnilv at No 460 Suuth Capitol Hill 'T may cn3t position of our country with those Powers I endeavor to look at thmgs as they are and I do not lose sight of the fact that the history of the United States and Great Iritain exemplifies what all history records of competing Kinni rno nC 4 i avfc as lon8 48 A remember of such things there has not been a time that a dispute ot some kind has hot existed liable to bring them to hos tilities and in repeated instances only did not because of the powerful material interests that were concerned and Jjept animosities in check I do not believe tliat the tempers of men are changed nor that we are going to reverse the current of history and show an example of rivalry and emulation and in some respects antagonism produciug only amubility and love Therefore 1 am not able to believe that because the British Premier and the London press have changed from a condemnatory and de preciating tone toward the American people and Govern ment to one of superlative suavity mid that the present respected Plenipotentiary of licr Britannia Majesty in exchange for an act not over polite of his (I only use the word of our late Attorney General presumptuous) predecessors (whose was rewarded however by his Gevernment with a 1 title of nobility) has made a handsome speech indicative of good temper and good will for all thes5 I am not able to believe that the millennium has come and it be voice of disquiet and contention never more to be bearE It is certainly both thq interest and the duty of the United States and those Powers with which they are competitors in commerce and navigation to cultivate a mutual regard and friendship and to pursue their re spective paths to wealth and eminence in peace But the security that they will do so is not in any change in the laws of nature or that ambition and emulation have ceased among men or States to beget animosities and disputes but it is in the consciousness of the huge da mage that would be done to and that mainly commit ted on the ocean in so tremendous a conflict It is just as clearly therefore their interest and duty to re tain that security? for continuance in peace that safe guard against their turning on each other as beasts of prey as all ambitious nations and ambitious sovereigns weie wont to turn on each other till the magic word Commerce became the great peacekeeper They have no more right to abandon it than an individual voluntarily to get rid of those outward restraints that are appointed to aid sustain and enforce ihe iustincts of virtue 7 his letter sir was written to this point and intended here to be closed when (he news reached us of the re opening perhaps not with very favorable symptoms of one of the old sources' of dispute and sometimes angry contention between Great Britain and the United States It would seem from the report that our late Attorney General as were also the newspapers was too early in felicitations at the supposed magnanimous determi nation in regard to affairs of this Continent of the Eu ropean Slates The Power whose pride it is that bv' reason of its dominions spanning the earth its drum roll does not cease to beat continues its pretensions in re i gard to the great gateways between the two Whether those pretensions are Well or ill founded is not necessary to thisarguuient which is only to show that a little pleasant weather does not denote a perpetual calm The peace ought to be kept and I have no doubt it will be but in order to be sure of keeping it ourselves or that it will be kept toward us we should retain also the means that are most economical most effective and most accordant with our ideas and institutions to bear and repel the brunt war I have the honor again air to subscribe myself your friend and fellow citizen WM CAREY JONES Wasiungtox May 4 1857 nient tad OthJaasg new iu the aWtt maanfaci ha tleiuentshave? been until now they border upon the country of the InitjnB and the necessity for these posts is great eg than ee: Ohio and Mississippi KAisOAD Tnnooair to Cincin Another link in thereat chain of railroads is now finished bringing to oyijAery doors the city of Cin cinnati with its immense trs'fj! and trade This should be a matter of rejoicing tb iojwr citizens as its benefits will soonjbe realised in the increase 'of business to the merchants manufacturers kjtd mechanics of SL Louis To day the first through trl leaves our levee for the Queen City and passengerjill escape that most dis agreeable annoyance a chaw of cars No more hurry Of confusion but an agreeable ride direct from St Louis to St Liliiii Democrat of Monday a Mr Mason the CommisBiqer of Patents returned to this eity yesterday from aLviait weeks to his homq in Iowa 0 tbte Govern mai'i agein ent delighted so ooDstantlYti indulge in its commen taries on foreign nffiiir Or 'to change point of view how long is to be supposed the public peace bctwecnis country and any of the great Powers of Europvwould have been preserved if the fulminations of Lad been always regarded as thc ofliciaroclninations sof Pierce? AVith wliapropriety' 'then 1 is an at tempt now made to eijftc the odium qf the whole American people Ixird Palmerston be cause a newspaper wnusfYis cauea ms may have uttered wiitimenerogntory to' the Senate of the United States fjr representing the political of the'Bnfb Premier the we opinc should be left tojifljoy the undisputed credit of enforcing them by a Jric and a style of its own selection qnd the'orH'yyioiidcnt referred to is to be considered using figurative language not autho rized by actual fact wfafn he speaks of the de nunciations which hTlJately been uttered ly the British mfa ascribes to him the lan guage employed by thefV when it stigmatizes one of the amdnicnts as an art ijiee to promote the Such a confu sion of ideas and blemjipg of characters is to say i the least not the mosttivorable to a fair and candid consideration of the pofy at issue betwecu the two Governments and worejd seem to indicate the un amiable not Io say rejrfehensible purpose of fore stalling the public by an appeal rather to the prejudices and pjsions of the people than to their enlightened reaiitfiq nt Gauze silk Under SbirU and Brawera IO merino uo Do do Do thread Jo Liuen xnd cotton YORK jgNiew York May 7 The papers are still LfpcusBing the subject of the qualify ns well as the qfyijtity of the State legislation at Albany The New YokSrs are very restive under the idea that they are in effinfjleprived of all voice in their own municipal affairs anjliat they are hereafter to be got et ned altogether through the Legislature at Albany Tlie coufplniut is that tine jew Commissioners of Police have been improperly created and that they are chosen by an outside central pojzur There have been nearly one thousand Jaws enaciaq) and the Mirror describes them as crude ineongrps and ill The new Corhujqtioncrs have before them a Imgejtumber of application): for appointments to office JudgeH iiitinu has the office of general super intcudent of the departmity Thejsalary is $3thH 3 he Hoboken people hijyci had a merry making over the inauguration of their Atlw Mayor and City Council The Mayor was fortuuateejioiigh to elicit the approba tion of nil parties' sQ A 1 The sloop oLwar Baratfigfl is in the dock and part of I uui uivw uiauuargca £3 go to seft ai boou as re paired 3 John A i5iN01iD aq iuiiient iperchant of the city died on Tuesday in Iho year of his age He began life as a trapper nnd endetj rt in the possession of'wealth' but this was beyond his yiijoyment as he died insane He deserved comiiiisserarjen even in the of lux great wbalth i L'ii Comptroller ilago ha Jiveiiau exposition of the financial atlairs Of the clfrom which it appears that there is an annual tax of or eight millions of dol lars and still the treasury fa laboring under embarrass ment The ordinary exjnses of the city government areozer four and a half ijitjions the amount paid for the State schools nnd thespport of the State govern ment was above eight hunjtred thousand dollars and on account of the fice school 4f the city nearly nine hun dred thousand dollars Ti acquisition of hind for the Central Park amounted to'auyer five millions nnd about seven hundred thousand ft lhe acquisition of new land for the new Croton reservrj Thus it will be seen that every thing is done here uUiMi a magnificent scale The Boston folks attendance of President Bi ctiANAN aud a poi tiou his Cabinet on the 17th of 1 June al the inauguration Htfiho statue of Gen Wahrsx 1 on Bunker Hill 1 THE DALLAS CLARENDON TREATY iPi Tll ji The rejection by the British Government of the Dallas and Clarendon Treaty as amended by dbe Sehate continues to be the theme of much specu lation and remark on the part of newspaper 'corre sppndents from this city one of the most intelli gent and well informed of whom writes under date of the7th instant as follows: Presidential campaign for 1860 had hardly been opened by th Republicans when they were uucipectedli by the Ralmtrslon Government It trill be seen that the Republican presets re echo the denunciations of American slavery umcn nave lately been uttered by the tish Premier nnd unite with him in ''censuring the Senate for their presumption in refusing to become a 'party to stipulations the only object of which is to cast a slur upon the domestic institutions of the United States The chuf reason assigned by Lord Palmerston through his London organ for rejecting the Senate amendments to the Dallas and Clarendon treaty is tire recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott case whereby aa the article sets forth negroes who wera free while America was under British domin ion are now decided not to be citizens of the Republic This is a new point in our relations with England Ne groei who were British subjects ptiorto the Declaration of Independence are now disfranchised and declared not to be entitled to the privileges of American citizens Of course a restoration of people to their ante revolu tionary rights is to tee an issue Another reason is given howeverfor the rejection of the treaty in its amended form to wit that the Uni: ted States Senate had refused tobe a party to the stipu lations of a certain treaty between Great Britain and Honduras whereby it was expressly declared that slavery should never exist in the Bay Islands Thit the Dritieh I'remivr denounces as aa artifice of the Senate to promote the extension of slavery in these islands and he intimates that the British Government will not permit a solemn engage ment into which it had entered with Honduras to be ignored at the dictation of the Senate The reasons for rejecting the treaty were published only two days' before Lord Clarendon informed Mr Dallas of the decision of her Government adverse (o the treaty as attended by the United Slates p'There is one other objection of a more general na ture to the amendments to wit that they seem to be intended to destroy British influence in Central America A grand discovery It may bo doubted whether if is the intention of this Government to pursue this matter by further negotia tion The story that Mr Dallas will return and Mr! Marcy be sent out is probably without the least founda These statements it will be seen add nothing to our knowledge of the facts op considerations which are supposed to have influenced the British Gov ernment in coming to its deteraiination respecting the defunct treaty They consist rather in com ments and reflections which though put forth with the assurance of one who speaks by authority we must yet regard having no sufficient founda tion in the facts of the case so far as they are known to the public and which moreover if they should be generally credited could have no other effect whatever may have been the intention of the writer than to irritate and inflame the pub lic temper An analysis of the reasoning contained in the aUve letter will suffice we think to show that it is equally illogical in its premises and unjust in its conclusions In the first place we have the intimation that this I recent decision of the British Government is to be I regarded as a reinforcement by the Palmerston I Ministry of the litpublican party this coun I jflE PROPOSED CHANGE IN THE LAWS WAR Gen Lewis Cass Secretary of State Lbxtxr III Sib In my previous letters I have endeavored to show tijt liadoplion tho of the Paris Con fe cnee would operate only to change the manner inich the United: States could avail themselves ofiteir merchant marine for purposes of war whilst jerminaiion on the' basis of Mr MarcyJp pro )sal would deprive them entirely of that branch their belligerent resource" nnd so compel them to maintain a regular navy equal to the armaments of their chief maritime competitors or iu case of war Lid monopoly of commerce and and tlte(dominion of the to their enemy The necessary conclusion from this reasoning is that the adoption of tlie alone would be far less injurious to the imerests of the United States than its adoption with Mr Masa proposed a Idition and that as the de claration itself is acknowledged not to be reeommend bk or desirable to this country neither the one nor the Other plan ought to be adopted by il Mr Marcy assumes in his despatch to the Count dk SianfiKS and more emphatically in a late correspond jm'ee with some merchants of Baltimore that the ex emption of private property on the as on land mJ a consequent mitigation of the rigors of was die inducement to the Paris declaration and that his proposed addition to the declaration would complete and establish the beneficent It is also asserted by the only writer who Jis far as 1 I bro heard has undertaken to vimlicatelargumeutatively Mr proposition (I allude to Mr Law etxcs the learned editor of the late edition of ton's Elements International that the principle I which ought to govern the proposed change is that of aimmimity to the subject (i private property on the vcean) and not the regulation of the species of that may be used against it I have heretofore shown in a uuhiber of pieces on the subject that whatever may lzre been the purpose with which the was adopted by the diplomatic representation at Paris or whatever end Mr Maucy may have supposed that his proposition would attain neither tho one nor the other could have the effect which was assnmed to be their pur's pose That fact has been proved beyond disputation But it now further appears that the immunity of the saljeet was no pirt of the intent did not enter iaio the of the councils which led to the de lara'ion of Paris This is clearly shown in a speech in the House of Commons (9th March last) of the eminent statesman of Great Britain who himself participated in those councils as the representative of her Government Lord John RossetL not only does notsar that the exemption of commercial enterprises from the risks of war was a purpose of the declaration he announces the fact that such an exemption would increase the probabilities of nations entering into wir by tnkiny away one yreal reason for their remain up at i That fact was early perceived on this side of the water tad to my mind at least furnished an insuperable objec tion to the proposed change iu whatever form it could i presented If however any change is to be made undoubtedly the true principle that ought to govern it lAoulil be immunity of the species of property that is proposed to be exempted and not the regulation of the ehzracter of the forces by which if it were not exempted it might be attacked To effect this that is to effect the exemption of private property at sea as on the Palis declaration and modification of 'it' mast be amended so as to right of blockade aud abolish the distinction between what is called con traband of and cargoes that are held to be lawful llnh regard to the latter point a precise designation of the articles that shall be counted contraband is a deside ratum without reference to the proposed change iu bel ligerent rights But such a designation would not reach the object that is under consideration for as long as the ilmim tion exists between contraband aud lawful goods priiate property on the sea whether an or neu tral must be exposed to annoyance search delay in ka r' to the will of the attacking party The absolute abolishment therefore of that which after al is absurd for the supply of whatever want to a bel ligerent is an aid to him and the difference is in degree sar not in prinwaple together with an unreserved ab tterstion of commercial blockades are necessary to effect that exemption of private property on the sea which the hte Secretary of State seems to have flattered himself he bid provided for In ftict with all that added to the propMsuion of Mr Marcy it will not be difficult show American commerce and the intercourse social an commercial of the American States and people would still nut hast that nor enjoy theirhare uf any benefits thai it might confer Supposing however chat it were otherwise and that the rule evuld be rjade te operate equally then the question arises 111 fs it expedient that there shall be a complete afbsftmeni of the belligerent right to make captures of private property al sea As the only idea that has been advanced in favor of Air Marcy plan (beyond the suggestion that unless this country should yield to the concerted action at Paris it wotid be or that he has himself suggested is that of immunity to private property it ia obvious that Ue inquiry here presented is the proper odc and that the plan of Jr Marcy presents a false issue In txiis inquiry the question properly arises Whether the sune reasoning that commends the (professed but by no means true' in fact) modern usage of sparing as an operation of war the seizure of private property on land applies to and should lead to a like exemption on the Quean I have assumed the same reasoning is not applicable evefi admitting (which is not however in its 4ull extent yet a settled question) that tho reasoning is md a regards operations on land Thz re are various uf prosecuting warfare on land and gaining such anania in it as to make it effective without the seizure uprnate property or the molestation of nou combat atiis beyond what the existence of public hostilities ne csariiy causes them Public docks arsenals fortitica navy yards custom houses and their revenue the jiutumal domain and whatever pertains to the sovereignty fir viix ii it 1 0 ana iu me nanus ana enures to the imme dpeenniary' benefit of a successful invader and suine ad he acquires what the desire for has been nndJ pruhnbly always be the moving cause of most wars rf That dominion moreover if by the usages of day it does not operate to convert private property a ua to rhe possession of the conquerori carries with 1 ie right to lay taxes upon it and to exact from its Service and tribute War may there uaC carried on i upon land effectively and conquer! ngly' an in a Way to induce a return to peace witbout the nCfi'y of the direct seizure of private property An ier consideration that goes to the prevention of attacks CMiubauuts and their goods upon the land is expose to the extreme rigors of war and its vilest abuses and cruelties not only men able aior kyt wpmen children the sick the aged tl and defenceless The desolation of is orueshc hearths of a people is therefore a very dif vnI thing from making War on the rich argosies that 1 ventijre qu the ocean only for purposes of profit Wtr the if made at all is Obliged to xnf rVi Persons or on property either by a i vessels of war in which nothing Hbcr Party but ictdry at the cost of fire tbe enemy through the de 113 commerce Which is the most humane wild' IT effective? I will venture' to say that I a first class man of war may stand to national afc the cost that a first class mer man stands to its builder the seizure of one mcr not attended with loss of life or tf will count more in an issue twAn OT war jan half a dozen bloody battlcs be th il ships line pd that to the same eu Ie i single bale of coarae cotton fabrics will rnor' than the joss of two human lives The point sji reflectionr The comparative numbers uitG urac only introduced by wav of illus tK i1) 1 'v do not admit of demontra ion will bring the fact as clearly home to 8i conviction i be thought that the reasons which antb £eneral predatory warfare by invading Mivatk an Should also cause a like exemption of ties to 8ea so cenfiue maritime hostili aaTl combats it follows necessarily that in1 tlUJe Sdate which shall not maintain navy 5 Piiiot 1 Mi)romPetlor or possible combination of com CODeiantIy the risk of war and in4r habtelo expulsion from the ocean Are Lnitd States ready for that alterni Cn4f C0IUBa8ion a navy like the navies of knr An V'J or iell their equality on the 4 It il 45 wen capable of extra territorial war? tU pm? 1 are not rcady for st change ins any of 8n'rPeJiIfcd forms of the existing esfa utber rn 9 belligerent Powers as against each the ocean I htSf Iu! 1 to vn I have Lad the honor lo al sahL1? an hich I have ou the 'r Sre ntt interests of war bntin the our believe that in the reserve force aiijeus 1 voluntary Xepirit anv gin 'S to a defensive war not only bdivij Lu4 world in 1 arms I iu Buch0 marine that would develop wr and "llenergvncy it could carry on an aggres lowers tkIDlai? UJ dignity against all whirl Mn to sea I believe that the the ereat 1 counrJr has in these resources is one0 Mme coHenlt HU that another element Serini int eudis the commercial intercourse Us iTq 8 coniect transatlantic nationshose interest o' those resources resigned and thP from tho penalties of war sheddirfaTtc of war and certainly ns far are thew hlood is concerned its severities nf (e8SttJ8 sir in a captious spirit hat concerned in tbe Buiioned in th and rance are frequently ilW the pronosnrl'L't1 18 because in its practical applica nnge Would chiefly affect the relative ENTENSIYE RAILROAD OPENING The Baltimore Anit rUsn sayg The arrangements fors lie festivities by wlih it Is designed to aonimeuoratehje opening of the Ohio and Mississippi railroad from (ijiCciunali to St Louis and in cidentally also the coin pit liynol the connecting links the Northwestern Virgiantf ft nd the Cincinnati and Ma rietta roads in the gi Cut'Ll might line route from Balii onne to St Louis are nowStJ progress and have already been sufficiently developed'tit show tliat th i Enclose them a blue stamp and they will mail the upon the late Administration which whatever may I be one ot the most inqsing that the successive com et I pletiou of the great arterial Hnea of onr mil mad i oe me intrinsic merit oi me oenate anienuments hnq Axnkcwl a I am now potUug up enlarged and very superior Ten Pin (and WC have already exurCSSed OUT annrobation of I new lines of rfftlkad whose oimnimr tlIM mvu wuiuu wun tue uh at a i i I vreiuuuieH win nmrk emlPiices seven hnndrmi intLa nC I in rd Stlinn will affrd one flinnnw tnnm ns at present mlvirl nn the I en units ol ft 1 weinva i ranroau moding by nett rt nk thA Aihntm and siflRippi end bringing witlAiZa dav's iournev turn nf tha nV Sit thmr incowiim tlio I oi iVJJierti 1011 ftml (incin ar lx ry a i a i izm vi sr 1 4 vt LI lijj 1 I 'll 1 I a In frbort the undersigned acting for bis firm is retfolvad I a i i a inaManat Louis with the co operation of his efficient and popular aid to I r(Jec10n0 trcatj? which it is to be presumed I The event is ono of fional importance and the Spare neither labor nor expense in giving comfort and satis was deemed bv the late Administration sufficiently dl ibring togijer an unexampled assem vtufoc ui iuy uihi inctiun iiterpriso of the country whilst I il 0 Go 1 xi a I muu cue inieresung it originally came from the hands Mr Dallas mcidi nts attending Aeruf will be earnestly regard aud Lord Clarendon Without therefore ques e' ui fi i tv Amongst the twu quests to be invited will be tiohing the propriety of the Senate amendment the President of the UnitefiljLtra nnd members of the with regard to the prohibition of slavery in the Bay Cabmet Lord Napier and d(ers of the diplomatic corps Islands we can as little sec the justice of imputing I st The Eastern portion leave Baltimore on the 1st tn tlm 1 a A A Ttidi irn r1 i I of June it i I will leave here iu the steamer MiUjflsndon Monday next I We learn from the Philndclphiiv gning Journal that 1 parly of citizens from that place iMj also to participate 1 in the celebration They are tl'gjcart in the steamer Norfolk this afternoon arrive idt yiicluuond early on Monday morning and thence depkipifor Jamestown This celebration will mark anniversary of tho first permanent settlement in United States Ex President Tylxr is to deliver thittion i Thu States Sloop o5Var Da from Hiampton Roads jy 5 bound to Ma deira The following is a list Wai BtAtn Captain Kennard Tr Walker Hunter Davidson A BoyA jfiiftuningsj and Tlios Lieuteiianfs Passed arfjnyjuit surgeon ash Sherman i Richard Dean' asJjA flut surgeon Johu Cunningham purser Chas flxtlasker boatswain John Gaskins gunner Johnuk MJjon carpenter Ste phen King sadinaker I i yvaa jj i DeathLo the Oldest New IlAMrsniRfc The Manchester (N H) America jfeys thahWidow Re becca Carleton recently died iniWflett HL at the advanced age of one hundred yea She was born tn 1733 and was twenty tw pls ot age when the Revolutionary war began Hersteijht children are all living the youngest being over 5 I AGENCY IN WASHINGTON (Opposite the Treasury JT4HE subscriber Mayor of Georgetown for tbe last twelve yearsoffers his service to the public in prose cuting claims before Congress or the Executive Departments He will also give prompt attention to a'ny business of a kindred character which may bo entrusted to him When necessary he will be aided by friends of influence and a gen tleman of great legal ability HENRY ADDISON Washington 1st May 1351 rKTEBKXCKS Hon Jesse Bright of Indiana I Hon William Seward of New York i i William Coreoran and Hon TV Seaton of Washington may 4 law3mif is" WASHINGTON INSURANCE COMPANY Chartered by Congress Capital $200000 I II4UIS Company are now prepared to receive applications JL for lose ranee on Buildings Merchandise Ae at their Office corner of Tilth street aud Pennsylvania avenne 1 Directors Samuel Baeon James Halliday Hudson Taylor Galt KIES MIKYLAM) I Tbe following are the drawn numbers of tbe Patapsco Lot tery Class 1 (15 drawn May 7 18J7 1 47 0 22 37 UO 7 75 (IS lt 10 21 64 A Tho follow ini are the dmwn numbers of the Carroll County Lottery CUs Su 10 drawn Algy 7f 187 6S 43 63 6 61 40 50 16 76 3T 41 75 2 The following aro the drawn numbers of the Patapsoo Lot tery Class No 1 06 drawn Ma 8 1857 11 22 52 HI 36 31 41 38 27 69 53 70 following arts the drawn numbers of the Pekomoko Lottery Class No 12 drawn May 1857 61 2:65 48 13 62 39 7 23 47 3G 1 RANCE A CO VePuAtt Commissioner may thverhtt i not pee: 1 Wm Bayly Robert arnham Orme rancis Mohyn Beni No charge made for Policies JAMES McGUIRE President Hanson Secretary ap 3 eodJtn KOCKKKIDGE alum springs riMIE subscriber is now engaged in enlarging the nr commodattons at this favorite and celebrated water pzace its remarKabte medieinalprwpertx are now too 1 1 i 1 well known and highly appreciated to require nny adver I trI WhOSC presses It JS charged have already UU1 at be objcct 1 tcd with tIlc British Premier in his denunciations ti to urge iNiaWt who really require the use of the water avail themselves the months of April May' and June of American slavery and in censuring the Senate before the crowd aud the rush come on ns thereby thev will 1 tt I Secure an amount of comfortable avcomniodvtion attendance presumption in refusing to become a party aud nursing beyond what is possible iu July and August to stipulations the only object of which was to cast The waters are never used to better advantage than in the spring months experience has fully proven this Our a bnr the domestic institutions Of the United cvut1D a account of the action of the water Now it seems not to have occurred to the derived from tbe most authentic an 1 reliable authorities Al' new editioa will be out in a few days and in the hands of I writer that while ostensibly aiming his blows at the i Bennett A Beers Richmond Republican party he is ill reality inflicting a wound A 1 nucKer tzynebburg la and the subscriber at the 1 Springs Enclose them a blue stamp and they will mail the 1 upon the late Adiuinist ration which whatever may pamphlet I i Board be'fbre June and after September $9 per week t1C lntnnsic merlt Of the benate amehdments I am now putUug up enlarged and very superior Ten Pin (and WC have already expressed OU approbation of Alleys both for ladies and gentlemen which with the Bil 1 7 I Hard Saloon wiUlafford aud exercise to the inva one aB0ng them as at present advised on the sub I a jeetj eestainly considered them too unimportant to I A superior Bund of Music from New lark for il I' I and ball room engaged for the regular I 1 With of the treat5 which it is to be presumed spare neither labor nor expense in giving comfort and satis was deemed by the late Administration sufficiently laction tn tbe guests of the house a I asy Recollect tho Virginia Central railroad eonducUto acceP tabic to the United States in the form iu which meso springs and the cars now ruu within 5 miles of them Passengers from the Nerlh Lake the Alexandria nnd Gordons ville railroad WM RAZIER for the Proprietors Mr Wm II Sale Boom Manager Mr Jackson Dining room Director eo6wcn 'f isiindSj we can as little sec the justice of imnutin IXI ccnuns naving jq tneir possession Book I i i 4 1 11 belonging to the Library of the Department of State t0 ate Administration (under cover of rebuking I 7 Juue will vTl ta fu ras 4 wnl 1 1 i i 'll Tra I rian 7 pine Kepupiican party )a disposition or wil HON THEODimi HUNT rjpb AU wm'om'lt may concern Notiee that the Zn bconie party to stipulations the only Thi gentleman who manned a prominent poaitiin JL dersigned is now travelling through the valley counties I of which was to cast a slur upon tlie domestic I in dclibei atious of th" Jhirty third Congress as a £0Lh institutions the United We had always 0f HrcenUtivos took hi aeat vr Charlestown a thought that the friends of the Administration of Judge 1 ie CMH of Uie ciJ of niAy tf WILLIAM LIPSCOMB Jr I xr 1 hew Orleans to hich recently elected bv the i I Mr 1 IERCE were accustomed to rint tn pnn I i fi Ol Persons having books in their possession be 1 I cannot doubt what was known of him kT longing to the late Jefferson arc requested slstePcy upon any 1SSUCS involving the rights or I here as a gentleman of highland honorable bearing that to return them to the Tmunrpr rif ssiil ihrrw or fku I I il i i It Any gift1 of books will also be thankfully revived by the Biavcnoiain OtatCS as not among the wm aiscriargc the dutipof his new position with dig Treasurer fur the purpose of establishing a Library I least of its claims to the confidcnco and gratitude I 7 and fidelity 1 I those interested in thu New Orleans Ilulleti tin noticing Judge WANTED TO HIRE for the Summer inontliE a first appearance on the ben 4iv ouvs comfortably furuuhed country Residence and Stated which the original treaty 13 alleged to have Within a few miles'of the city or such an establishment a affixed an intentional We' at least hall indite his token1 1 1 tVT yeelc'j fair rent would be given and the property well eared for i' ri i hMtuken 1ls seat iton the bench and in doing J'Icase address IV Box S23 office making to believe that that Administration fell into 8 1118 made a very excelled Charge to the Grand Jury ksioerm and particulars may 7 3tif the weakness thus imputed to it or that it was so 71 hie Il EMOVlT WTT TAM WT'vn I i I qualiritM? if biought to bear upon to a Stipulation Of ofcrinfri! justice in this eityJan Louuiana avenue the late residence of Mr William A which the Only was that illiatri tied by the esteutml btyiybt to the community He Bradley lti ti as an arduous and respoti pole work committed to hi rii i pit ii 77 7 I 'vrlr Bpon whose allegations wc are commenting I care and we trust he will ilearlessly' sternly and im JL in valuable Patent fo? Stem can bZarTf to vindicate the amendment of the Senate 7 asm! original proposition it docs not become neccs this and he yrtoe'emunit en mass' established unds wanted to etart a manufactory is the Silry to Suppose that the absence of that amendment 1 t0 h18 support Ito possesses the very elements at 4b Twelfth atreet between and street I into the body of the treaty it may be imjxirtant to mt not bo da ppointtdt may 4 tH iK i 1 I I The hew Orleans CrestoncurriDr in the enco 1 Show that it waa of suflinient nniiHPzniAnce to justify rH om 6 TJOR SALE a beautiful family carriage Hone A 1 Ji 4 mura of Bulletin ad JL2 eight years old of fine style perfectly gentle nd toe benate in making the success of the whole ne I We are entirely persuajto Judge Hunt will make ranted to work well in double or single harness Apply to I gotiation depend linon the adoption of a single I toe of the most efficient jujgs that ever sat upon thenv5 tf 'Modification' The late Administration' wo ciy 118 Ue ability the 9 8 i ar ii i an tl it inn ep a Dot ot an UNDER DKESS for the Spring I bound to believe could notbring itself tn consider I to enable him to holSie scales of justice evenly IIoul now offer their tho amendment of the Senate in this lisrlii ami Glanced to vindicate the nujcMy of the law and to pro iue riEuts ana norsou ui theretore recommended the ratification of thi irmiv to in its original form ABANDONMENTS ORTS do i tbe writer proceeds arraign Lord I he Kansas Herald stafe £hat the Secretary of War lra I i I ft Tsl ownl flra nlftnrlran ma if rtf' ra4 1Z ft A I 2 Awenciln PW1? for the un Tho editor thinks movement will not only 'toe tra7e ft Ne'w langu8g8 he London Prove disastrous to the pcopV of Kansas and Nebraska prices Salesroom 1 as though the British Premier should be held re involve the (trvernment in troubles and fitif Union StarSutes Hotel snonsiblc for all the rude onHbota 7f o'' i Wars with lh Indian iribe liow held in check bythe it nr id 7 bponsioic lor all tie rude epithets of any single presence of the military forced igt these points These forts Of ibis Waler rZiJiJ1 ALER A rc8h press because it liatr the reputation Gif bcinw Lis weVe established for the pjfigection of emigrants and ftnpXnhie offimaiorgamG Without knowing how 'intimate mXTom tics and uses furnished gratis on by rnail or 4 lC delations jbctwcen the and the on tllc frontiers This ernigion and commerce across vtherwixe to the sole agent i Prime Minister of Great Britain 'niw'Jii tlie plains has in no wise dequed and the frontier set 3 IL GILMAN Pharmaoeutiflt rf i I may Stif corner Penn avenue and 44 ture to intimate that perhaps rfcwun high official rugs and MEDICI NES A fresh stock of statIon under any Government would desire to be pure Drugs and Modic*ms kept constantly on hand I considered personally or officially responsible for the 8 Pharmacy and the 0olc of journals which possess the ft 4 No 528 7th street between st and nearest access to them or hold with them the closest fit tbs Vrr ANTED to to 'L political alliance Employed it mqy be as conduitsV Ar 11 I roin 30 to 50 tons freight for Cumberland and intermediate port will be taken in the steam pro I tor the transmission to the public of 'information' poller James Cathcart Inquire off nRVP deemed valuable or interesting to it they are yet may iw Cor Congress nd Bridge sts Geo rgetowii 1 generally presumed to preserve their identity in GloiD WATCHES Chains We invite I those matters of personal character and private and elegant Gold Watches just received which Which mo amount of official Inspiration1 canVi perfect timekeepers wholly' overlay or transform example we Also a large assortment of Chatalains vest fob andguard I Chains of the latest styles are disposed' to think that the personnel of the YtolAIT A Jewellers late Administration would have little relished the Pennsylvania avenue (Star) between vth and 10th streets idea that they were to be held accountable for a lower velocity than tl vunLuiiij tuntuua wave iu the cable and giisjravc will exist whether start as supposed witlAa abla suspended 'ivanj1 ui simply inclined so lonAnsrw js checked on board the ship 1 And this checking qaaijot be dispensed with ex cept in the case of acahic lighter than that of the Atlantic Company fitn This wave would nuir conditions cause tlie exhibition of singular vsliati ihs iu intensity of the strain upon (he cable If for instance tbe nf fcedif thS ship be reduced5nore lor less suddenly to velocity of tho I cable I the wave will travel stewards the sip and tbe "tiainfwill be reduced ifi Min triiordinary degree but a mopieut after the gauming the catenary 0 6 will exert a tremendous toow 'it would then be neces sary to increase the vessel without attempt ing tojariest the cable Mitil portion had been laid more horizoutuBy the wafer aud the wave tiius re esLabushcd i consider the great velo city of such a run any ot wimy fear fatal accident as well as waste And weflye Pressed' with the impor tincq pf attaching au iijmatrjjof intensity of to the regulating machine lnay be by the employment ot clt priugs so apphed as to receive from tbe axle utjthuunn or'drums the strain of the cubic Two such springs furh'with graduated scea of compression and each end of the axle or axles vould if the enb w7 Jimited to an inte modi ate space on the drum bei Ween "Jiem show by the sllm of their indcntions the strup of J1C jhle xeepting that small portion applied iirWppoqfHon to prevent die cable from riudenny around tlitdrui As in using drums fberofing wire somedmes cuts thionirli the mitte nprlih i r' do proper io score the drums in such that alomr the i of benrmg tbe convex surfs ote cable lying a close fitting groove would bo £ftzierRy Supportc'4 thtf'powet to cut would riot then in any single wire1 but would be divided amfsjig tji ypi all 1 It seems preferable iuonar fueling a telegraph cable' to arrange tho Btrengtniij and protecting wires stiaiglt nud nearly irncl' die copper conducting wires the latter dightly and to over the whole with an extern il coaling 'f gta perch'tor other einn I rt liraCiizav iral aL 1 fSM 1 hi muptumnqru iiiretiier ati'l pre vent ilicii culling the inXJilarjtg core which a before lemarkcd smetiwts bsp nsph heavy cables The present cable maytemot Successfully laid bm the eventual accomplishmt iy dusf great enterprise cun scarcely be doubted BBoOk'E 11 Uuifed I States Navy Arnn OCR RELATIONS GREAT BRITAIN the items ofidUlligenee sent by Tele graph from this city North American on Thursday find the 'following on a subject 6f ceueral rrtert Lord Nlfrttii had a foak jjaterview with the sidint ycalcrdfy which nearly two hours in re ference to the ClarcwiofUn eatv He read Lord LARixpoj despatch to iTii Knithe subject Tlrit de hpatcb sets toith that tho fcsive: ground for rejecting the treaty by the British Gveiaiment is they non confir matiun pl the contention 1 Jtmte1 Honduras aud Great Ijjjiiain AU the other iimtodnis made by the Senate except that qualifying id regard to Hou hire were aeccptel in their eutiry and wnU'ouL reserva tion byilhe British Tiiere i therefore no' misunderstanding as to theth tad Or real point of dtffi Loiu Napier endeavurtuvj toith much earnestness to impress the President withknelicf that no other than' friendly iechugs were tuleiiiJ towaids the Adunnra tration qr the countiy Ly thojM jiislrv and cited expres sions from Loid Cl nth as justifying this language In conclusion hs proposed to mstiinta a new negotiation fuunded(iipon the rtoYiditional acquiescence of Homlnras This suggeojM was promptly declined by the President luatler rests for tho i The lorida the fullowimr items uf news oftho in lorida horn the Tampa the 25th of April Companies and and JI 1st artil lery are ordered to move wftof delay from their poi lions to fccuut lhe IlalpautoLfc AMignp Jlarnnv ir it vrurrs to inuinpiy UTijibrr of parti? sent in puremii of the Indians Morris 4 th artillery ba beeji ordered to lort Kt waft A nirKHftSl i rarawrairr 4 1 a I Jth infantry' las received of absence for sixty toys 'During his al rente toe regiment will be com manded by Lt Col Waite to a Preiniuins ranging frem 5t5 are offered fu every live Indian that 4o? captured or induced to emigrate (The iemoiil Harney froniithe com maud of the troops will it iY0re'l have a lkd Biby Bqwlegs said when last ipt'l pupa that he had whip ped GenjTaylor and Gen Sjtto mll will now claim to uave wmppea ucn Harney I I I Bp to POLITICAL t'iVBLES There has been more troulji the Democratic 4ig wam at Tammany Hall A Jildtnciery' comniitict have adopted an address to the nt Jrified Democracy de 4 za i efnung their independence itlj recently elected ehems liey state asad*stinclplsiff the tebema rule thepeople or shall therpfr qdo rule themselves They deplore the existing stntvofktlunga by saying' A We think that by this tiinT are tick of hearing of the sachems of Tammany tyeW their regulation of the Democratic party Bui fy toein ftni the divnrions caused by their interference feiifr rent State wotild'now stand proudly Democratic wirt (tojrcprestintative in Mr Buchanan Cabinet and it Democratic Senators to speak that parly tn They are thus going to work'wsjjiout leaders selecting delegatesf to the general conf With this pro say the committee 'iwiHTorce the sachems into our Reforms or walk over nQs '1 A man Irnia Malta well skilled in uoiutfueserTic and Acquainted with several of tho longudgcb about to return to hia native conn vuy He niuy bo hignly mmendo i a tisefuJ Attendant to ay person desirous ot travel on the Eastern continent or he would oe willing bin Rervice in such iiidniif) Information and thu best references willbe given bu appbvai ith to lhe subscriber at his rtsidencp at the corner oi and 3d streets Witshington JlA HALL 4 he atlenti ol tbc publL aud person ZL wishing to maluf a good juvesttnerunn property is re fully united to the rule of beautifol Building Lots which take place on Monday tho 11 th mstaut between the hours of 4 and 5 1 Thu property iro nta on New Jersey 1 avenue nt the romer of north street and divided into rix Building Lots being part oi square 63 above njcbtioned property considered very desirable frunt ng as if does on a beautiful thoroughfare in tbe most rapidly tmprvi ing part nt the city and its unmeduUo proxiniity the Capitol riih oud depot and business part of the city bale peremptory or further particulars pec advertictrent A KEEN Auctioneer' (Star States) i A A CVAKD Tbo attention of hnuRe koepers and persons xjL furnishing called to the extensive sale 'of excellent uxfliluru raid Effects lLtel commencing ay 1 2th and continuing each day at the same honr I i 'J he furniture is of xcellent quality and mostly iu perfect order having been purchased vritlrn the la twe years 3 he Varpets aro pnucipally Hdglish Brussels and handsome pat'erus lhe Curled hair Mattrrae3 Blankets Linen Sheeting QutlLs Acviiro of the roost superior quality and quite as good is new the Table urniture are twenty hoaviiy plated ox al Covered' Dishes of beautiful patterns and finish lliere also a larcc quantity of handsome rench China Muter axi i Milk Pitchers double thick flat and deep Dihe superior biivnr plaP 1 Caster Table Cutlery Ac itvfiin jui epporiimitv Mrsons furnishingrnrely met wjth as every article wilt positively le sold to the highest udder McGTHRE mat 5 uu tarl States) Auctioneer 'of theeiybe ft medium Sxm (Uolitj gj it royal gSj (aality Spf lite qi inti krJ yallow dazed yr IARCE ASORTMKVr OK EMBRO1 DERI ES and Itarc Goodes will bci soldi at On Murdsy niAroing May9 1 at 10 o'clock A at QeorgE: Rif5X0XT York Lace Stere Penngylvauia avenue be tween Sth and Sth ta Terms of sale cash All goods bought must be taken away the same day Thw is an opportunity which the ladves of Washington leldonk ha as the uutuo slock must be sold thi day with out rciorve LCBOWN A CO Auctioneers' And lot on 13th street between llllfl Ii rmnriini TahJftlft' ft jr VNJ 11 Vllft I Tl'i HUI Uj L'ClIlj UUC UJ tifcj niort desirable locations in Washington only a few a walk from the Treasury or Post office Department The hucae is a thrre storv and basem*nt with back building ind ill the modern imnro veuieutb The lot fmute 22 feet luobeH ruua back 104 feet te a 30 feet ally in rear of the iSpiycopal Church lr Inquire of SIBLEr 4larl Agenc for Mrs Phelps 1 SAKId my residence liierorner of Ncir Jersey avenue and street south Capitol Hill fronting the aMffiuu 1C2 feet 9 inches and on street south 2b let II inches anil containing nearly thirty four thousand square! fyet WM PHILLIPS IOK BliNT a tvvo sfory Brick House on Mrect biwcn I'thand 20th street west Pussc'givovid be given on the 1st of June lor terms apply at 157 street adjoining the prenib'cz iniiv i IOR SUE a irpan of line Carriage lluraea and taro Cainagee quite new Apply al 2J4 Pennsylvania7 lunue fiifnyeire quare may 3 1 Vlfll Y' AN nsoin7si SuimT Bl tiU'EGK RobeV Welmvoiiht received another lot of rich ilL hn Robe ut greatly reduced A1mi a large assortment of spring and summer Silk 'fm0 cents tw $1 per yard Ruli in plaid and plain Berego? Organdy Muslins and rench Lawns ith all kinds of bcautjfnl Dress Goods to which in vito tho special itrppeeuou nf purchaser COLLEY A STAKS 523 Seventh: street three doors north of tn ay 9 rtfdif Penn arenuo f) I ci JJB AC kTa JC JL' hrtvlUt luCCIvd direft from thnininnrtiru uni iHHUufacturer a beautiful 'asaorlnient1 of tho above the most choice navcluea of thu 'beamm Thereror a few inhuming Mmitilhie in the lot which are verv scarce nod durable 1o ak the special attention of tbii ladica 1Mswe bhiAl sell tbeux at luudcrutu prices: CULLEY A SEARH to ii i 523 Seventh btreet 3 dourer Stdif north of Pa nvenne fTMIIv TH JLkTR 1 The Relation of Public Ainusc JL went? to Public Morality especially of the Theatre to i the Itishcst interest of humanity an address delivered rt thoAcademy of Music New York by tho Itev JJCnrv Bel lows pastor of All Soul's Church NeW York Trica 20 ccuts to Jlacvn vs with annotations DD rom the second London edition revised us published and for sale at TAVLOR A MAUBY'S Bookstore I near 9th street6 i 0ur8 i JT GcuLlemeu Dress naw complete at i iniy 3t if terA Stetea J5nlesroiu Browns1 Hotels T) Rl 'RIGPRATORS AT JlV BIRD Vf uuld respectfully anuoujice to pur friends and tbe public that we have on Land aud 'Mr receiving all of tho various kinds of tbe best nnd mon up 1 proved RefrnjerHtore' consisting part of WtcnnanS Patent Ventilated Upright and Horizontal of all the vannu sixes and price The Dr Kaqe vritn ventilator attached a very hainHome article for dming rovm baudlui( Patent delf yeuulaung Lpngbl a new article and a littleanperior to ever before introduced Ian be lutd ol walnut maheyanv or rosewood Lave also upnor lol of Water Coelera and Bird vaster ot cry handsuine pattens The only way to certnin hmv much lower our price aro than other is 10 0011 on us before purchasing Quick sales and small profits is our motto to 1 8IBBEY 4 GUY i avenue between HUlnand Ilth street" may 9 fit i i (Star) IE from a Pastor' Note book bv Rev 1J Robert Turnbull Dl SI Chris tuna PUbto opher new edition Tue (Uristian Poetrine ot slavery bysRat Gi D'Ann firoug HH of Aorlplk Ya 82 cents 1 Graoie Amber by Airs 4V Denifton $125 i Just published and for sale at to ivAX a JMlibAftl INE nW 498 8von th street A I AD Yj desires a situation as Teacher of ltlio higher English branches Mathematics and rench Address lEACIIETi Eagleville Montgomery county Pennsylvania may 8 3t ii OICI DESTRUCTION THE''V QUABANTINE The proposed removal of tbMWraiitine at New York to the grounds at Poiipfiely owned by Uriel phus has caused such in that vicinity as hasledtoibc temporary drMgtjon of the quaran tine buildings by a mob Thc'iiings were on Wed nesday night set on fire nml de3n0jftcd in a short time Tho mob then set fire to the falM spiiise occupied by the farmer having charge of (he pkn nbd also set fire to the dwelling house stables anoiiUsheds The inmates swjvels to them the conducting wire does'not admit of I amount to about $15(100 in alf such an appliance Thc smooth and unbroken spirals of I llie arc located abocj jfteen miles from the the wire cable affording an easy passage to the water' it I Staten Island lauding direct! 5posito 'the Princess is to be anticipated that as mile after mile Of this cable Itav Lighthouse The citizens about the place goes down it will twist the turns will follow the shipd in the greatest state of JStient The persons and accumulate But this prejudicial result may bo mo were engaged in he work fhe said tn be known and dified by coiling the cable on board with reference to the I steps will be taken to have thenpUjarrcsted Many of resulting turns and this application which does notj the inhabitants iu the neighbor have aid thev will appear to have been recognised raakds useful disposition not submit to having the new qifjtttinc placed at of these coil turns rendering it unnecessary to compli I cess Bay and this is but the out of threats put cate the arrangement of the cable on board by attempts forth before the purchase by the to avoid or destroy them to I to The character of the curve assumed by the cable on In TUI JAMESTOWN CtopBRATION its kway to the bottom will depend upon the velocity of its 1 We Jearu lrom tjrtit the grcabcele desoent and the speed of the ship at Jamestownon the taut will be utlefid If the cable when extended horizontally upon the wa I loul present indications thousands of the terlsinko faster than the ship runs the convexity of its and chivalry of the ominjon and neigh curve will bo towards the bottom the upper portion to01 'PE Hates There will be au placcummodations it nearly vertical will descend more directly and there 's seated for all who may wish irlicipate in this pa fore snore rapidly towards the bottom the lower portion' I triotic commemoration Air Hetrflyer of Richmond will consequently br deposited tn waves upon the bottom I now on (tbc ground making preparation jq liis But let us suppose that we have 'a cable which I Iowcr the entertainment ot pilgrnns? laid horizontally upon the water will descend less rapidly citizen of Washington wJ Intend to be present than the ship advances that we suspend this cable ver ticnlly from the vessel at pos (see diagram) its lower portion fixed on the bottom at 0 and that then checli ingtho cable to prevent waste the ship moves off at per i haps be rate of ten miles an 1 to to THE OCEAN TELEGRAPH I'Ot the instructive paper which follows we are indebted to Lieutenant Brooke of the Navy a gentlewan who bos rendered invaluable service to fffijence and wfapse name wc may say almost with Out a figure js already known throughout the depths of ocean for it is by means' of his invention that lep soundings are now taken and that the soundings were made' for thei'Occan Telegraph illis reflections and suggestions on that (interest ing subject are entitled io great respect and we have no doubt that they will be' carefully consider ed by the officers engaged in laying down the cable There are some who doubt (he possibility of laying atelegraph cable across the Atlantiq I think it may be easily shown however that the eventual accomplishment of the project is much within lhe limits of probability It is true that we have but little experience in this kind of engineering yet in kindred branches there have been many interesting facts developed bearing directly upon this subject We know for instance that not unfre I quently four or five miles of small twine less than one I tenth of an inch iu have been veered into and dragged by heavy weights to bottom of the sea and that in some instances these lines have been recover ed from a depth of nearly Your miles Suppose that without attaching weights you were to pay this twine freely out and to run on with the'ship you might go from New York to Ireland and if the line were slack enough to meet the demands of diverse cur rents it would be unbroken This twine would require no regulating machiaerybut it would scarcely sink to lhe bottom i to i Now in some experiments in' tho Gulf Stream under the direction of Lieut Walsh six miles of steel wire were veered out and much of it was recovered before break ing I ou might then but for its too rapid descent spoil the ocean with a wire it would reach bottom quickly but would require the most minute attention and various appliances lo regulate its velocity and to guard against waste ro tnat what we require is to combine as it were (he strength of iron with the lightness of twine to con struct a cable that may be strewn uponthe water to find its way slowly to the bottom while the ship' runs at her highest rate of speed Thus the greatest resistance to the descent of the cable may be obtained and the tendency to slide away diminished This most favorable' of all Conditions is only limited by the probable strain arising from lhe action of unequal currents Gutta percha the insulating material affords a ready means of diminishing the specific gravity of wire cable Il is trueAhat in adding percha the surface expos ed to thq action of these currents' will be increased but (here is evidence of their absence atthe depth of a thousand fathoms This we learn by microscopic examination of specimens obtained from the bottom of the sea But apart from this there is a compensation afforded by the movement of the cable itself it will sink in the direction of its incliaation in other words it will run away from the ship in opposition to her course and this ret resting qf the cable may be its back It is evi dent that while this action tends to waste the cabled it will more than supply tfie demand of the current This back set which with a heavy cable presents the most serious obstacle with a lighter one becomes au ele ifieut of success It is the opinion of several eminent I men that the simple copper wire clothed with gutta I percnat most nearly fulfils the required conditions Bu there are certain contingencies liability to abrasion ffom the rolling of the ship and in veering it would even be endangered by the heel of abbot a hungry shark would cutit jn an instant is necessary tq protect the gutta percha The cable of the Atlantic Telegraph Coihnanv is com posed of seven copper conducting wires coated with gutta ppreha forming a core which supports in spiral coil some seventeen twisted strands of iron wire each composed of several smaller wires It remains to be seen in practice whether these vari ous materials have been most advantageously combined Suppose that the copper and iron wires were straight and parallel in that cose since the relative ductility of I these metals is about as four to five in favor of the cop per the iron wires would practically bear the strain re lieving the copper and this without regard to change of form in the core of gutta percha But in the cable now to process of manufacture the outer wires make two whole turns to the foot It becomes then a serious ques tion whether by strain or the pressure of five or six thousand pounds to lhe square inch the core will be compressed or altered in form The water penetrating be tween theiren wircswill surround each part of tho cable and on them individually exert its powers of compres sipn if tlie guttapercha yields the iron wires will become lopse will extend nnd the strain will come on the straiftlil copper drawing it and although it 'may yield twenty zper cent of its length without breaking any such pro cess involves risk It is stated that India rubber is less compressible than water and it may be inferred that gutta percha rerem bles it in that respect ns well as in some others But this comparative incompressibility of india rubber is only observed when that substance is entirely immersed but parts of the cable will be above water and as gutta percha is ot nearly the same specific gravity as water its longiLwUnal extension granting it incompressible will chieflbe restrained by adherence to the Copper wires tne outer wires will in some degree'elon gate with the gutta percha toils perfect form this cable possesses flexibility lightness and great strength it might be lighter with advantage To say that a cablew ill support six or seven miles of its length when suspended in still water con veys bufr a very general notion of its adaptability for a rope of specific gravity nearly that of water would support many more miles of its length when so suspended We tnqst take into consideration the fact that the cable is toa pertain extent toLe dragged laterally through the water the resistance from (his source will exhibit itself inthe sliding astern or back set before alluded to is this tendency of the cable to run in the direction of inclination which will render lhe operation of laving it difficult Perhaps til will be necessary to arrange the regulating machinery so as to indicate constantly the strain upon tho cable and then to veer no more than safety demands It has been observed in deep sea sounding that the lines have a tendency to I wist probably in part due to spiral character of surface it is usual therefore to attach I of the house had barely tiiue icape Tho loss will 0XeY'4Kj? 55 I ftj 1 Sa I of I ineei a'a IWahafe I 31 ei I mJ eg 1 1.

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About Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express Archive

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 6577

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.