How to Make Pine Needle Tea (Benefits & Pine Tea Recipe) (2024)

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Last Updated on February 14, 2024

Bright and refreshing pine needle tea not only tastes delicious, it’s also rich in compounds linked to better health. Here’s what to know about how to make pine needle tea, plus safe foraging and the science behind pine needle tea benefits.

Best of all, you can forage a nutritious cup of pine tea for free all year round!

How to Make Pine Needle Tea (Benefits & Pine Tea Recipe) (1)


  • Benefits of pine needle tea
  • Correctly identifying pines safe for making pine needle tea
  • Foraging tips
  • Pine needle tea recipe

Table Of Contents



OK, I know a cup of pine needles might sound odd to some, but pine needle tea is really worth giving a chance. Here’s why.

First of all, pine needle tea (also called just pine tea or sometimes white pine tea) is delicious, like drinking a little bit of the scent of a pine forest or a fresh Christmas tree.

Second, pine needles have useful medicinal properties that make them helpful for supporting health and alleviating cold symptoms. (More details on the health benefits of pine needles below.)

Last, this delicious and healthy tea is free to any forager with access to a pine tree. Most people don’t realize the trees around us offer ample foraging opportunities.

In the case of evergreens, like pine and spruce, the fact they can be foraged all year long, when nothing else is growing, makes them all the more valuable. Here are more than 25 medicinal trees to explore if you’re curious.

I happen to have a spruce tree growing in my yard, so spruce tea is something I make often in the colder months, when all my home-grown herbs have long since died.

I love that spruce and pine offer opportunities for fresh herbal tea any time of year. In summer, I use lemon balm, mints, and other perennial herbs in sun tea and this easy mint water recipe. I also harvest some of the new spruce tips in late spring.

Making the most of these easily-foraged ingredients can help you eat seasonally all year round. And since pine is always in season, pine tea lets you enjoy seasonal eating at any time of year.

Love learning about medicinal herbs? Follow my Natural Remedies Pinterest board or like HealthyGreenSavvy on Facebook to keep up with the new ones I share every day!


Like elderberries and other long-standing plant medicines, the active compounds in pine needles have undergone some intriguing research. I’ll bet you never realized the power your pine trees might have to benefit your health.

Pine needles have been used by herbalists and native peoples for centuries. Some of pine needles’ medicinal properties include:

Other parts of the pine are also edible and medicinal, but that’s the subject of another post.Check out this one exploring the question, ‘Can You Eat Pine Cones?‘ if you’re curious to know more.

Below are what scientists have learned to date about the benefits of pine needles.

How to Make Pine Needle Tea (Benefits & Pine Tea Recipe) (2)


Like so many other potent medicinal plants, pine needles contain compounds called flavonoids, which are known to benefit health.

Studies suggest that pine needles contain a-pinene, which may aid memory, alleviate anxiety, and help with depression, though these animal studies cannot directly demonstrate these pine needle benefits for humans.


Antioxidants help our bodies deal with something called oxidative stress, which can affect proteins and DNA in ways that may contribute to chronic disease, like cancer and inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

Pine needles, like many other foods rich in antioxidants, contain compounds that may help reduce oxidative stress, which can lower our risk of many chronic diseases. (Additional studies here, here, and here.)

One study looking at the potential benefits of pine needles found that “pine needles exhibit strong antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antiproliferative effects on cancer cells and also antitumor effects in vivo and point to their potential usefulness in cancer prevention.”

If you’re looking for more ways to work antioxidants into your diet, be sure to check out these top superfoods.


Like spruce, pine needles contain vitamin C, which is why it’s long been used as an effective remedy for scurvy. (You may find mention of Jacques Cartier’s crew using pine to treat scurvy, but that appears to have been arborvitae, which is a different genus of conifer.)

I’ve seen numerous claims that the vitamin C in pine needles exceeds that in lemons and oranges, but not one of them cites their sources. One study cited in this article found differing amounts of vitamin C in different types of pine, and while some are quite high, it’s worth remembering that you’re not likely to eat 100 grams of pine needles the way you would 100 grams of orange.

Another source found that the vitamin C levels in the pine needles analyzed wasn’t very high, but consumed in pine tea they seem to have enough to help with scurvy.

However much vitamin C it contains, pine needle tea isn’t just useful for scurvy. You probably know that vitamin C plays an important role in immune system function, so it’s useful for fighting colds. Here’s a complete list of immune-boosting foods to incorporate into your diet regularly to help you stay healthier during cold and flu season.

Researchers at the University of Maine found that pine needles steeped in hot water readily released shikimic acid, one of the key ingredients in the antiviral drug Tamiflu, though of course a cup of pine needle tea will have only a tiny amount of this compound compared to a dose of Tamiflu.

You’d have to consume an awful lot of pine needle tea to take in significant amounts of these compounds. But adding an easily foraged tea to your herbal tea rotation will help you expand the range of polyphenols you get in your diet, always a good thing.

And as a herbal remedy for coughs and colds, a steaming cup of pine needle tea may provide some much-needed relief. Immune-boosting elderberry tea or soothing thyme tea are other great options. Here are more effective home remedies for cough.

Curious about other medicinal plants you might grow in your yard? Here are more than 45 options to consider for your medicinal herb garden.

Note: Pregnant women are advised to avoid spruce and pine tea.


The first rule of foraging is ALWAYS to make a positive identification before harvesting. Though some people refer to all evergreens as pines, there are actually many different types of conifer, and not all are safe to consume.

There are over 100 species of pine in the genus pinus growing around the world, and they share an easy-to-identify feature: clusters of long needles, usually found in groups of 2-5 called fascicles.

If you find an evergreen with individual leaves coming directly out of the branch, you don’t have a pine, but likely a spruce or fir. You’ll see these used in a lot of blog posts purportedly about pine needle tea, but they’re technically making a spruce or fir tea.

More than you wanted to know, perhaps, but it’s irksome when people share foraging information and don’t bother to check they’re correct. Here’s more detail on identifying spruce vs fir vs pine.

How to Make Pine Needle Tea (Benefits & Pine Tea Recipe) (3)
How to Make Pine Needle Tea (Benefits & Pine Tea Recipe) (4)

Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus, pictured above) grows widely in North America, and can be easily identified by its clusters of 5 needles, while red pines have 2 and yellow pines have 3. Count the needles on more than one cluster in case a needle has fallen from the cluster.

Here’s more on distinguishing different conifers from Iowa State Extension. This post on conifer identification from Grow Forage Cook Ferment is also very informative.

–> Alwaysconsult agood field guide for foragers or enlist a local expert so you know what you’re collecting.

Here are some of my favorite foraging books.

Since correctly identifying the specific type of pine you have can be a little tricky, this identification tool from the Arbor Day Foundation can help you distinguish exactly which pine you’ve got. Make sure it’s not one of those to avoid listed below.

If you’d like to know more about safe foraging, you might consider taking a foraging class, like the Herbal Academy’s online foraging course,which teaches plant identification and ethical wildcrafting practices.

How to Make Pine Needle Tea (Benefits & Pine Tea Recipe) (5)

–> Avoid the trees below when foraging for pine needle tea. Note that though some are sometimes popularly referred to as pines, they’re not actually in the same family:

Another non-pine with pine in its name is the Australian Pine (Casuarina equisetifolia). Here’s more on uses for it from Eat the Weeds.

Here’s how to identify yews and why to make sure to avoid them. This video also has a good description of what to look for to make sure you don’t accidentally harvest this poisonous plant.

A much-cited study of cattle fed large quantities of ponderosa pine found that pregnant cows were more likely to miscarry on a diet of ponderosa pine, leading to assertions that ponderosa pine is unsafe for consumption by pregnant women. Though concerns about ponderosa pine may be overblown, most experts recommend caution with many herbs in pregnancy because of the lack of safety data.

Ponderosa pines have 2-3 needles per cluster. Lodgepole or Shore Pine (Pinus contorta) also has conflicting information about its edibility, so skip it if you have concerns.

If you want to be extra-cautious, using needles from trees with 5 needles per cluster means you’ll be using only white pine for tea.

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Once you’ve correctly identified your local pine trees, you’re ready to collect needles for your pine tea.

Harvest needles from a tree that hasn’t been sprayed with chemicals, which may mean avoiding public parks or yards where homeowners spray their lawns with herbicides.

If you’re foraging from your Christmas tree, make sure it wasn’t sprayed, as many commercial growers spray their Christmas trees.

Gather needles sparingly, as the tree needs plenty of needles to stay healthy. Take a few bunches of needles from several trees rather than lots all from one tree.

Many foragers prefer the flavor of younger needles, which you’ll find toward the end of the branches. I’ve read that the older needles may have more vitamin C, but I haven’t found any study supporting that claim.

If you don’t have ready access to a pine tree and want to collect extra when you find one, you can use dried pine needles for pine tea.

Many readers have asked about purchasing pine needles for pine tea. These sellers on Etsy ship fresh and dried pine needles.

How much pine needle to use: Some pine needle tea drinkers suggest dunking the tip of a branch into boiling water, while others suggest chopping the needles and using a couple of tablespoons per cup of water. Different trees will have different flavors, and the flavor can vary with the season as well. There isn’t just one ‘right’ way to make pine tea, so do what works for you.

You’ll likely get more out of your pine needle tea if you chop the needles to help release their medicinal compounds. I also recommend making your tea too strong and diluting it rather than using too little pine and having a weak, tasteless tea you won’t want to drink.

–>Pour freshly boiled water over needles rather than boiling your pine needles on the stovetop to preserve medicinal compounds.

I find pine needle tea lovely on its own without sweetener, but if you prefer sweeter tea, add a little honey or other sweetener to taste. Or try making this lightly sweetened pine syrup, which is helpful for soothing coughs. You can also make a pine needle tincture for a more concentrated way to extract pine needles’ benefits.

How to Make Pine Needle Tea (Benefits & Pine Tea Recipe) (6)

How to Make Pine Needle Tea

Yield: 2 cups

Prep Time: 2 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 17 minutes

This simple foraged tea is a delightful and nourishing way to enjoy the flavors and benefits of pine.


  • 1/3 cup chopped pine needles
  • 2 cups boiled filtered water
  • Optional: honey or other sweetener to taste


  1. Collect pine needles from trees you've positively identified as pines, and not from the trees to avoid mentioned above.
  2. Remove needle clusters from the branch and rinse.
  3. Chop or snip pine needles into small pieces, discarding the brown covering holding the needle cluster together.
  4. Place chopped needles in a teapot or cup and cover with freshly boiled water.
  5. Allow to steep 10-15 minutes, strain and enjoy.


Different pine needles will have different flavors and intensity. Add more pine needles for stronger flavor and less if you find the flavor too strong.

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 2 cups (unsweetened)Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 0Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 9mgCarbohydrates: 0gFiber: 0gSugar: 0gProtein: 0g

I hope you love this simple pine tea — please leave a comment if you try it and let me know what you think.

If you find yourself with an abundance of pine needles, you might want to try some of the many other uses for pine needles, from cookies to bath salts!

If you like foraging wild herbs for making delicious teas, here are some other ideas:

  • Birch Tea
  • Mulberry Tree Leaf Tea
  • Elderflower Tea
  • Elderberry Tea
  • Dandelion Tea (from leaves, flowers, or roots)
  • Ginkgo Biloba Tea
  • Nettle Leaf Tea

Wondering what else you might be able to forage in your yard? You probably have a number of edible weeds like dandelions, purslane, wild violets, and creeping Charlie, as well as numerous flowers you can eat. Crab apples can be used for all sorts of things as well. Here’s what to know about how to use crab apples.

If you’re trying to make as much as you can from the plants growing in your yard, you might be interested in the leaves of the lavender plant, which can be used like their pretty flowers. Here’s what to do with lavender leaves.

Pin to save this info on how to make pine needle tea for later!

How to Make Pine Needle Tea (Benefits & Pine Tea Recipe) (7)

Disclaimers: Though HealthyGreenSavvy and EcoSavvy Writing LLC always aim to provide thorough and accurate information, we assume no liability or responsibility for any consequences, health issues, or symptoms that arise from ingesting or touching any plant described on this website. It is always the reader’s responsibility to ensure accurate plant identification and use multiple reputable sources to confirm. If you have any doubts about the identification of any plant, do not eat it.

I’m a health & foraging enthusiast, not a medical professional. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to provide personalized medical advice. I draw on numerous health sources, some of which are linked above. Please consult them for more information and a licensed professional for personalized recommendations.

How to Make Pine Needle Tea (Benefits & Pine Tea Recipe) (8)


Susannah is a proud garden geek and energy nerd who loves healthy food and natural remedies. Her work has appeared in Mother Earth Living, Ensia, Northern Gardener, Sierra, and on numerous websites. Her first book, Everything Elderberry, released in September 2020 and has been a #1 new release in holistic medicine, naturopathy, herb gardening, and other categories. Find out more and grab your copy here.

How to Make Pine Needle Tea (Benefits & Pine Tea Recipe) (2024)


How to make pine needle tea and benefits? ›

White Pine Needle Tea not only boosts your immune system but also has a lovely, light piney, somewhat citrus flavor. You simply need two ingredients: two cups (16 ounces) of water and one-third cup of fresh pine needles. Remove any brown ends of the pine needles.

How long to boil pine needles? ›

In a pot, heat the amount of water that you need until it approaches boiling but does not fully boil. Technically you can let the water boil, but this could destroy some of the nutrients you're extracting from the needles. Add the needles and let them simmer for about ten minutes.

How do you use pine needles as medicine? ›

The fresh needles and buds, picked in the springtime, are called “pine tops.” These are boiled in water, and the tea is consumed for fevers, coughs, and colds. The needles are also diuretic, helping to increase urination.

How do you preserve pine needles for tea? ›

It's best to store an abundance of fresh pine needles in the freezer, in an airtight freezer-safe bag. When ready to use, take out the amount desired, rinse well under fresh water and the needles will immediately thaw. Snip to desired size and steep. Keep in the freezer for up to one year!

Who should not drink pine needle tea? ›

If you're new to pine needle tea, it's best to start with small amounts to see how your body reacts. One important note is that pregnant women should avoid drinking pine needle tea. Some compounds found in pine needles can potentially cause uterine contractions, leading to miscarriage or preterm labor.

What are the medical benefits of pine needle tea? ›

It can be used as an expectorant for coughs and to help relieve chest congestion; it is also good for sore throats. It brings you clarity and mental clearness. It can help with depression, obesity, allergies and high blood pressure. Pine needles contain antioxidants.

What are the side effects of pine tree tea? ›

The varieties above contain harmful toxins that could cause adverse side effects. There have been reports of irritation in the mouth and throat, inflamed patches on the skin, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, diarrhoea and more.

What happens when you put pine needles in vinegar? ›

Studies have shown that pine needles have some antimicrobial properties, making a pine-scented vinegar cleaner a good anti-bacterial spray for general use around your home. Here is how to make it in only three steps.

Why do people boil pine needles? ›

American Indians have used pine needle tea for its healing properties. Pioneers reportedly drank pine needle tea after a long boat ride to replenish their vitamin C. Pine needle tea has 4-5 times more vitamin C than orange juice or a lemon. It is also a good source of vitamin A and is an expectorant (thins mucous).

What are the disadvantages of pine needles? ›

Use a Layer of Compost

Pine needles do have their shortcomings, which are the flip side of their virtues. Because they're so light, you need a layer at least 3 to 4 inches thick to keep weeds from germinating. But mulch that deep may not work around short plants. Also, pine needles are easily blown around.

How do you prepare pine needles? ›

Gather your pine needles and place them in a large pan. With an adult to help you, pour about a pint of boiling water over the needles. Let them sit in the water for 10 minutes to soften, then using tongs, place the needles on paper towels to let them drain and dry.

What did Native Americans use pine needles for? ›

For several millennia, the Native Americans living in the region that became North Carolina fashioned utilitarian and decorative objects from the trees and plants surrounding them. The abundance of pine trees in the region led to the use of pine needles to make baskets and other objects.

Is it safe to make tea from pine needles? ›

Several trees are toxic – including ponderosa pine (such a shame considering its local abundance), common yew, and Norfolk Island pine. These plants contain toxins that can cause anything from cramps to liver damage. Additionally, women who are pregnant should NOT drink pine needle tea.

What is the difference between pine needle tea and white pine needle tea? ›

There are two main types of pine needle tea sold commercially, white and red pine needle. White pine needle tea originates from America and is made from the Eastern white pine tree, whereas red pine needle tea originates from Korea and is sourced from the Manchurian red pine tree.

How do you dehydrate pine needles for tea? ›

Strip each twig of it's needles, and place the needles in a strainer. Rinse needles, and spread on dehydrator trays. Dry on 52 degrees celsius for about 10 hours, or until the needles can be snapped in half (i.e. no moisture left, and the needles snap cleanly rather than bending).

Is it safe to boil pine needles for tea? ›

It is generally considered safe, however pine needle tea should not be consumed if you are pregnant or nursing as is may cause a possible miscarriage. Which Pine Needles are safe for tea? The Eastern White Pine makes a great tea, but any variety of pine, spruce, or hemlock tree can be used.

Can you make tea from fresh pine needles? ›

Cut or chop the twig and needles into one to two inch pieces (it should equal about 1/3 to 1/2 cup). Place the needles and twigs into a tea kettle or pot and cover with about 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil at high heat, then reduce heat to simmer for approximately 5 minutes. If using a pot, cover it.


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.