The Only Pieces Of Metadata Not In An Inode Are The Filename And Path. T/F (2024)

Computers And Technology High School


Answer 1

False. In addition to the filename and path, there are other pieces of metadata not stored in an inode, such as file permissions and timestamps.

Inode, short for index node, is a data structure used by file systems to store information about a file or directory on disk. It contains important metadata, such as the file size, owner, group, and pointer to the actual data blocks. However, there are some pieces of metadata that are not stored within the inode, such as the filename and path, which are stored in the directory entry instead. Additionally, file permissions (e.g., read, write, execute) and timestamps (e.g., creation, modification) are also stored outside of the inode.

learn more about metadata here:


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Which file open mode would be used to write data only to the end of an existing file?


The file open mode used to write data only to the end of an existing file is -ios::app.

In C++ programming language, file open modes are used to specify the purpose for which the file is opened. The ios::app mode is used to open a file for writing at the end of the file. This tmode is ypically used when you want to append new data to an existing file, without overwriting its contents. When you open a file in append mode, all output operations are performed at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, a new file is created. If the file already exists, the data is written to the end of the file.

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1. which is faster, an esata-600 port or a firewire 800 port?


The eSATA-600 port is faster than the FireWire 800 port. The eSATA-600 port has a data transfer rate of up to 600 MB/s, while the FireWire 800 port has a transfer rate of up to 800 Mbps (approximately 100 MB/s).

The eSATA-600 port is a faster data transfer interface compared to the FireWire 800 port. The eSATA-600 port can transfer data at a rate of up to 600 megabytes per second (MB/s), while the FireWire 800 port can transfer data at a rate of up to 800 megabits per second (Mbps), which is approximately 100 MB/s. The higher transfer rate of eSATA-600 makes it a more suitable choice for transferring large amounts of data quickly, such as when working with high-definition video or large files. However, both ports have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which one to use ultimately depends on the specific needs of the user.

Learn more about FireWire here;


in the tag, an alignment value of ____ places the caption above the table.


The <caption> tag is used to define a table caption.

The alignment of the caption can be set using the align attribute. However, the align attribute has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Instead, CSS should be used to align the caption. In CSS, the caption-side property can be used to set the alignment of the table caption. The value top can be used to place the caption above the table.

However, the align attribute is deprecated in HTML5, and the recommended way to align the caption is by using CSS styles. In CSS, you can use the text-align property to align the caption to the left, center, right, or justify the text. For example, the CSS code below aligns the caption to the center of the table:


Copy code

caption {

text-align: center;


Therefore, there is no alignment value that places the caption above the table. To achieve this layout, you can use CSS to position the caption element absolutely and place it above the table. For example, the CSS code below positions the caption element at the top of the table:


caption {

position: absolute;

top: 0;

left: 0;


To know more about CSS, click here:


T/F A printer connected to a wireless network is considered to be a node on that network.


True. A printer connected to a wireless network is considered to be a node on that network.

In computer networking, a node refers to any device that is connected to a network and is capable of communicating with other devices on the network. This includes computers, servers, routers, switches, and printers.

When a printer is connected to a wireless network, it is assigned an IP address and can communicate with other devices on the network, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. This allows users to print documents and images wirelessly from their devices to the printer.

Therefore, a printer connected to a wireless network is considered to be a network node, as it is a device that is connected to the network and can communicate with other devices on that network.

Learn more about printer here:


which pcmcia standard uses the 32-bit pci bus standards and has a bumpy strip on the edge


The PCMCIA standard that uses the 32-bit PCI bus and has a bumpy strip on the edge is called CardBus.

CardBus is a PCMCIA standard that extends the 16-bit PC Card standard to support 32-bit PCI bus operations. It uses a 68-pin connector that includes a bumpy strip on the edge to prevent insertion into incompatible slots. The CardBus standard provides improved performance over the earlier PC Card standard, with a maximum bus speed of 33 MHz and support for DMA (Direct Memory Access) transfers. CardBus cards can also support multiple functions on a single card, such as Ethernet networking and sound capabilities. CardBus was widely used in laptop computers in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but has since been largely replaced by the ExpressCard standard.

Learn more aboout PCMCIA standard here:


what tool below was written for ms-dos and was commonly used for manual digital investigations?


One tool commonly used for manual digital investigations in MS-DOS was Norton Disk Editor (NDE).

Norton Disk Editor was a disk editor and data recovery tool that allowed users to edit the contents of hard drives, floppy disks, and other storage devices at a low level. With NDE, users could view and modify individual sectors, clusters, and files on a disk, as well as recover deleted files or damaged file systems. It was manual used in the 1990s and early 2000s before more advanced tools and operating systems became available for digital forensics and investigations.

To learn more about manual click on the link below:


which tool helps users graphically design the answer to a question against a database?



One tool that can help users graphically design the answer to a question against a database is a Business Intelligence (BI) software or tool. BI tools allow users to create visualizations and reports based on data from a database, which can help them to better understand and analyze the information. Some popular BI tools include Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, QlikView, and SAP BusinessObjects. These tools typically provide drag-and-drop interfaces that allow users to create custom visualizations and reports without needing to write complex code or queries. Additionally, they often have features such as data modeling, data preparation, and dashboard creation, which can further simplify the process of designing answers to questions against a database.

what dns server is never the authoritative source for a domain, but only serves to resolve names?


Recursive DNS server a recursive DNS server is never the authoritative source for a domain, but it serves to resolve names by recursively querying other DNS servers on behalf of the client.

It works by starting at the root DNS servers and working its way down to the authoritative DNS server for the requested domain. Once the IP address is found, the recursive server caches the result for a period of time to speed up future queries.

The main role of a recursive DNS server is to provide domain name resolution services to clients, such as web browsers and email clients. When a client makes a DNS query, the recursive server uses its own cache or contacts other DNS servers to find the IP address associated with the requested domain. It does not store the authoritative information for the domain, but instead acts as an intermediary between the client and the authoritative server.

Learn more about queries here:


when storage space is at a premium, what should you do to ensure that everyone has enough space?


When storage space is at a premium, it's essential to take measures to ensure that everyone has enough space.

Analyze storage usage: Before taking any action, analyze the storage usage and identify the files that are taking up the most space. You can use built-in tools or third-party software to identify the largest files or folders. Remove unnecessary files: Encourage users to remove unnecessary files, especially large files that are no longer needed. This can free up a significant amount of storage space. Implement quotas: Set quotas for each user or group to limit the amount of storage they can use. This ensures that everyone has a fair share of the available storage. Move files to external storage: Move less frequently used files to external storage such as a network-attached storage (NAS) device or cloud storage. Implement archiving: Implement an archiving system to move old files to cheaper, long-term storage. This ensures that frequently accessed files remain on the primary storage while less frequently accessed files are moved to cheaper storage. By taking these steps, you can optimize storage usage and ensure that everyone has enough space while keeping costs under control.

Learn more about storage space here:


what is the term for the time it takes for data to be stored or retrieved?


The term for the time it takes for data to be stored or retrieved is "access time".

Access time is the time required for a storage device to retrieve data from or write data to a storage location. It includes several different components, including seek time (the time required to position the read/write head over the desired storage location), rotational latency (the time required for the storage medium to rotate to the correct sector), and transfer time (the time required to actually read or write the data). Access time is an important metric for evaluating the performance of storage devices, as it can significantly impact the overall responsiveness of a computer system.

Learn more about "access time" here:


the windows diagnostic tool used to monitor how efficiently the computer is running is the


The Windows diagnostic tool used to monitor how efficiently the computer is running is the Task Manager.

The Task Manager is a built-in Windows utility that provides information about the performance and resource usage of a computer. It allows users to monitor the usage of CPU, memory, disk, and network resources, as well as view and manage running processes and services. Task Manager also includes features to end or restart unresponsive applications and to start new processes.

To open Task Manager on a Windows computer, users can right-click on the taskbar and select "Task Manager" or use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+Esc". Task Manager can be a helpful tool to troubleshoot performance issues, identify resource-intensive processes, and optimize the performance of a computer.

Learn more about Windows here:


1. The dividend yield reported on is calculated as follows: A. (dividend/year-high stock price). B. (dividend/year-low stock price). C. (dividend/closing stock price). D. (dividends/earnings).


The dividend yield reported on is calculated as the annual dividend amount paid out by a company per share, divided by the current market price per share, expressed as a percentage. This is represented by the formula:

Dividend Yield = (Annual Dividend per Share / Current Market Price per Share) x 100%

For example, if a company pays an annual dividend of $2 per share and its current stock price is $50 per share, the dividend yield would be calculated as follows:

Dividend Yield = ($2 / $50) x 100% = 4%

This means that the company is paying out a dividend that is equivalent to 4% of its current stock price.

It's important to note that the dividend yield can fluctuate based on changes in the company's stock price or dividend payouts. Additionally, the dividend yield is just one factor that investors should consider when making investment decisions, as it does not take into account the company's financial health, growth prospects, or other factors that can affect the stock's value.

In contrast, the ratio of dividends to earnings (D/E) is a different metric that measures the amount of dividends paid out by a company relative to its earnings. It is calculated as follows:

D/E ratio = Dividends per Share / Earnings per Share

This ratio is used to evaluate a company's dividend policy and financial health. A high D/E ratio may indicate that a company is paying out a significant portion of its earnings as dividends, which could limit its ability to reinvest in the business or pursue growth opportunities. On the other hand, a low D/E ratio may indicate that a company has room to increase its dividend payouts in the future.

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You use the ____ function to return a portion of an aray and assign it to another array.
a. array_slice()
b. array_set()
c. array_assign()
d. array_key()


In computer programming, an array is a collection of data elements, usually of the same type, stored in contiguous memory locations and accessed using an index or a subscript. Arrays are commonly used for organizing and manipulating large sets of data.

The correct function to return a portion of an array and assign it to another array is "array_slice()". This function takes three parameters - the original array, the starting index of the slice, and the length of the slice. It returns a new array that contains the elements of the original array starting from the specified index and up to the specified length. This new array can then be assigned to another variable for further manipulation. It is important to note that the original array is not modified by this function, and any changes made to the new array will not affect the original array.

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Which method can you use to verify that a bit-level image copy of a hard drive is an exact clone of the original hard drive collected as evidence?PhotographsFile directory listingSerial number notationHashing


The method that can be used to verify that a bit-level image copy of a hard drive is an exact clone of the original hard drive collected as evidence is hashing.

Hashing is a process of generating a unique value that represents the content of a file or data. This unique value is known as a hash or checksum. When a bit-level image copy of a hard drive is created, a hash value is also generated for that image. The same hash value is then generated for the original hard drive. If the hash values match, it means that the bit-level image copy is an exact clone of the original hard drive.

To verify the integrity of the bit-level image copy of a hard drive, different methods can be used, such as taking photographs of the hard drive, generating a file directory listing, or noting down the serial number. However, these methods are not reliable enough to ensure that the bit-level image copy is an exact clone of the original hard drive.
The most reliable method is hashing. Hashing generates a unique value that represents the content of the data or file. The hash value is unique to the data, and even a small change in the data will result in a completely different hash value. Therefore, by generating hash values for both the original hard drive and the bit-level image copy, we can verify that they are identical. To generate hash values, different hashing algorithms can be used, such as MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, etc. These algorithms are designed to generate a unique hash value for each data set, and they are widely used in digital forensics to verify the integrity of evidence.

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To verify that a bit-level image copy of a hard drive is an exact clone of the original hard drive collected as evidence, the method of hashing can be used. Hashing involves generating a unique value or fingerprint of the original hard drive data, and then comparing it to the value generated from the copy.

This ensures that the two are identical and that no data has been altered during the copying process. Other methods that can be used include examining photographs of the original hard drive and the copy, comparing file directory listings, and making serial number notations to ensure that the hardware used for the original and the copy are the same.

To verify that a bit-level image copy of a hard drive is an exact clone of the original hard drive collected as evidence, you can use the method of hashing. Hashing involves generating a unique digital fingerprint, also known as a hash value, for the original hard drive and the cloned image. If the hash values match, it confirms that the bit-level image copy is an exact clone of the original hard drive.

To know about hard-drive visit:


PATA hard disk drives require a five-pin ______ power cable for proper connectivity. a. Kevlar b. Lead c. Molex d. L-shaped


PATA hard disk drives require a five-pin Molex power cable for proper connectivity.

This type of power cable is a standard connector used for computer components that require power, including hard drives, optical drives, and fans. The Molex power connector has been widely used in the past, but it is slowly being replaced by the SATA power connector, which is more efficient and has a smaller form factor. The Molex power cable provides a 12V and 5V power supply to the hard disk drive, ensuring proper operation and performance. It is important to ensure that the power cable is securely connected to the hard drive to prevent any power supply issues that could cause damage to the hard disk drive or other components in the computer system.

To know more about Molex visit:


the _____ system is used to represent rgb color in digital graphics.


The RGB (Red, Green, Blue) system is a color model that is commonly used to represent colors in digital graphics.

It is an additive color model, meaning that different combinations of red, green, and blue light are used to create different colors. In this system, each color is represented by three values between 0 and 255, which indicate the intensity of each primary color in the mixture.For example, black is represented as (0, 0, 0) because it contains no red, green, or blue light. White, on the other hand, is represented as (255, 255, 255) because it contains full intensity of all three primary colors. Other colors are represented as combinations of these three primary colors.The RGB system is used extensively in digital graphics, including computer monitors, televisions, and digital cameras.

To learn more about graphics click the link below:


what would you predict about the reaction to create atp using adp and pi as reactants?


The reaction to create ATP (adenosine triphosphate) using ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and Pi (inorganic phosphate) as reactants is predicted to be an endergonic reaction. This means that it would require an input of energy to proceed and form ATP.

ATP is the primary energy currency of cells, and it stores and releases energy through the hydrolysis of its terminal phosphate bond. The conversion of ADP and Pi into ATP involves the synthesis of a high-energy phosphate bond, which requires the input of energy. The reaction is typically coupled with energy-releasing processes, such as cellular respiration or photosynthesis, where energy is provided to drive the synthesis of ATP. The overall reaction is driven by the energy released from these coupled processes, allowing ADP and Pi to combine and form ATP. In summary, the reaction to create ATP using ADP and Pi as reactants is energetically unfavorable and requires an input of energy to proceed.

learn more about input here:


If I simplify the address 2001:0000:0000:00fe:0000:0000:0000:cdef, I get ________.
A) 2001::00fe:::cdef


In this question, you are asked to simplify an IPv6 address by using the appropriate shorthand notation. The correct answer is B) 2001::fe::::cdef.

To simplify the given IPv6 address 2001:0000:0000:00fe:0000:0000:0000:cdef, we need to follow these steps:

1. Remove leading zeros in each group of four hexadecimal digits.
- 2001:0000:0000:00fe:0000:0000:0000:cdef becomes 2001:0:0:fe:0:0:0:cdef

2. Replace the longest sequence of consecutive groups of zeros with a double colon (::) once.
- 2001:0:0:fe:0:0:0:cdef becomes 2001::fe:0:0:0:cdef

3. If there is another sequence of consecutive zeros, replace it with a single colon.
- 2001::fe:0:0:0:cdef becomes 2001::fe:0:0:0:cdef (no change, as there's no other consecutive zeros)

The simplified IPv6 address is 2001::fe:0:0:0:cdef, which corresponds to option B) 2001::fe::::cdef.

To learn more about IPv6 address, visit:


T/F A physical courier delivering an asymmetric key is an example of in-band key exchange.


True. A physical courier delivering an asymmetric key is an example of in-band key exchange.

In-band key exchange refers to the exchange of cryptographic keys within the same communication channel used for the encrypted data. In this case, the key is delivered through a physical medium instead of through the communication channel, but it is still considered in-band since it is delivered within the same context as the encrypted data. Asymmetric keys, also known as public keys, are a type of cryptographic key that are used in asymmetric cryptography. This type of cryptography uses two different keys for encryption and decryption: a public key that is used for encryption and a private key that is used for decryption. Asymmetric keys are often used for secure communication between two parties, as they provide a secure way to exchange encryption keys without having to share a secret key.

Physical delivery of an asymmetric key is a common way to ensure the security of the key exchange process. This method involves physically transporting the key from one location to another, usually through a courier service or other secure means. While this method may seem outdated in the age of digital communication, it is still considered one of the most secure ways to exchange keys, as it eliminates the risk of interception or hacking.

Learn more about cryptography here:


T/F the transfer rate of external hard drives usually is slower than that of internal hard drives.


True, the transfer rate of external hard drives is usually slower than that of internal hard drives.

This is because external hard drives typically connect to a computer via a USB or Thunderbolt port, which can limit the transfer speed due to the bandwidth of these ports. Internal hard drives, on the other hand, connect directly to the motherboard of the computer and can take advantage of faster data transfer speeds. However, it is important to note that the speed of an external hard drive also depends on its specific specifications. For example, some external hard drives may have faster transfer rates if they are equipped with solid-state drives (SSDs) instead of traditional hard disk drives (HDDs). Additionally, external hard drives with faster RPMs (revolutions per minute) will typically have faster transfer speeds.

Overall, while external hard drives may not always have the same transfer speeds as internal hard drives, they still offer a convenient and portable storage solution for users who need to access their data on multiple devices or while on the go.

Learn more about bandwidth here:


the ____ quantifier specifies that zero or more of the preceding characters can match.


The * quantifier specifies that zero or more of the preceding characters can match.

In regular expressions, the * symbol is used to indicate that the preceding character, group, or character class may appear zero or more times in the input string. For example, the regular expression "ab*" would match any string that begins with "a" followed by zero or more occurrences of "b", such as "a", "ab", "abb", "abbb", and so on.

Other common quantifiers in regular expressions include the + quantifier (one or more occurrences), the ? quantifier (zero or one occurrence), and the {n,m} quantifier (between n and m occurrences).

Learn more about characters here:


Common gate configuration of an FET amplifier circuit is also know as drain follower source follower gate follower none of these


The common gate configuration of a FET amplifier circuit is also known as a source follower.

It is a type of FET amplifier that has its input connected to the gate and its output connected to the source. In this configuration, the gate is grounded, and the input signal is applied to the source. The output signal is taken from the source, and the drain is connected to a load resistor. This configuration has high input impedance and low output impedance, making it useful for impedance matching and buffering applications.

In a common gate configuration, the gate terminal is connected directly to the input signal source, and the source terminal is connected to the output load. The drain terminal is usually connected to a fixed voltage supply. The output voltage follows the input voltage with a gain slightly less than unity. The input impedance of the circuit is low, and the output impedance is high, making it useful as a buffer amplifier.

The common gate configuration is advantageous in high-frequency circuits because it provides a low input impedance that matches the low output impedance of a typical signal source, such as an oscillator or a mixer. The low input impedance reduces the effects of signal reflections and improves the signal-to-noise ratio of the amplifier.

In summary, the common gate configuration of a FET amplifier circuit is also known as a source follower, and it provides low input impedance, high output impedance, and a gain slightly less than unity. This configuration is useful in high-frequency circuits as a buffer amplifier.

To learn more about the common gate:


when I was coding, this error shows up.return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0]UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 1035: character maps to how can I fix this??


This error occurs when the codec is unable to decode a specific byte (0x9D in this case) in the input data. To fix this issue, you can use the 'open' function with the 'encoding' parameter set to a suitable encoding, like 'utf-8', which can handle a wider range of characters. Here's an example: ```python with open('your_file.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: content = ``` This will ensure that your file is read using the 'utf-8' encoding, which should help prevent the UnicodeDecodeError you've encountered.

with open('your_file.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
content =

To know more about characters click here:


Which two parameters are used by EIGRP as metrics to select the best path to reach a network? (Choose two.) • hop count • bandwidth • jitter • resiliency • delay • confidentiality


The two parameters used by EIGRP as metrics to select the best path to reach a network are bandwidth and delay.

EIGRP uses various metrics to select the best path to reach a network, but the two most commonly used parameters are hop count and delay. Hop count refers to the number of routers or network segments that a packet must traverse to reach the destination network.

EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) uses a composite metric to select the best path. It primarily considers bandwidth and delay, while other parameters like hop count, jitter, resiliency, and confidentiality are not part of EIGRP's metric calculation.

To know more about EIGRP visit:-


live data is not visible in controls when making changes to a report in design view. true or false


True, live data is not visible in controls when making changes to a report in design view. This is because design view is used for designing and modifying the layout and appearance of a report, not for interacting with live data.

Design view is a term commonly used in database management systems (DBMS) and refers to a graphical interface that allows users to design and modify the structure and layout of database tables, forms, queries, and reports. In design view, users can visually create, modify, and configure objects such as tables, columns, primary keys, foreign keys, indexes, and relationships between tables. The design view also provides a variety of tools and options for customizing the appearance and functionality of forms and reports, such as adding controls, setting data sources, formatting styles, and defining sorting and filtering criteria. The design view is usually contrasted with the data view or the form view, which display the actual data stored in the database or the user interface of the forms and reports, respectively.

To learn more about Design view Here:


Each hotspot within the map element is defined using the _____ element.


Each hotspot within the map element is defined using the "area" element.

This element is used in conjunction with the "map" element to create an image map. An image map is a graphical representation of an image where certain areas of the image are defined as hotspots. These hotspots are clickable and can be linked to specific URLs or actions. The "area" element is used to define the shape and location of each hotspot within the image map. The shape attribute of the "area" element can be set to "rect" for rectangular hotspots, "circle" for circular hotspots, or "poly" for irregular-shaped hotspots. The coordinates attribute is used to specify the exact location of the hotspot within the image. Overall, the "area" element is a crucial component in creating interactive image maps that allow users to easily navigate through the content on a website.

Learn more on hotspot in the map here:


The attribute on the left-hand side of the arrow in a functional dependency is the:
primary key.
foreign key.
candidate key.


The attribute on the left-hand side of the arrow in a functional dependency is the determinant. In a functional dependency in a relational database, the attribute on the left-hand side of the arrow is the determinant, which determines the value of the attribute on the right-hand side.

For example, if we have a table with columns for "employee_id", "employee_name", and "department_name", we could say that the determinant is "employee_id", because the value of "employee_name" and "department_name" is determined by the value of "employee_id".

Functional dependencies are important in database design because they help to ensure data integrity and reduce redundancy. By identifying the determinants in a table and organizing the data in a way that minimizes redundancy and duplication, we can create more efficient and effective databases that are easier to maintain and update.

To learn more about Functional Here:


what is not a valid encryption key length for use with the blowfish algorithm?


The key length of 65 bits is not valid for use with the Blowfish algorithm. Blowfish is a symmetric-key block cipher that uses a variable-length key between 32 bits and 448 bits.

Blowfish algorithm supports key lengths from 32 bits to 448 bits, in multiples of 8 bits. However, due to its vulnerability to brute-force attacks, key lengths less than 128 bits are not recommended for use. In particular, a key length of 56 bits is no longer considered secure and is vulnerable to brute-force attacks. This length was once used in the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm, but it was later deemed insecure and replaced by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Therefore, to ensure the security of data encrypted with the blowfish algorithm, a key length of at least 128 bits should be used.

learn more about algorithm here:


true or false a trigger is a pointer to a row in the collection of rows retrieved by an sql command.


False. a trigger is a pointer to a row in the collection of rows retrieved by an sql command.

A trigger is a database object in SQL Server that is associated with a table or a view and is executed automatically in response to certain events such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on the table or view. It is a special type of stored procedure that is defined to execute in response to certain events or actions that occur in the database.

A pointer to a row in the collection of rows retrieved by an SQL command is typically called a cursor.

Know more about a trigger here:


in ____, each datagram can follow one of many paths to reach its destination.


In packet switching, each datagram can follow one of many paths to reach its destination. Packet switching allows for more efficient use of network resources and better resilience in case of network failures.

In packet switching, data is broken down into small units called packets or datagrams, which are then sent over a network. The packets are sent individually and can take different paths to reach their destination. This is different from circuit switching, where a dedicated communication path is established between two points for the entire duration of the communication.

Packet-switched networks divide data into small packets called datagrams, which are transmitted independently through the network. Each datagram can follow a different path to its destination, as the network constantly finds the most efficient route. This ensures efficient and flexible data transmission, even in the event of network congestion or failure.

To know more about datagram visit:


The Only Pieces Of Metadata Not In An Inode Are The Filename And Path. T/F (2024)


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