Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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tTHE I THE WASHINGTON TIMES MONDAY MONDAYJANtLIiI JANu4ur lB IJO Lt UHouse 1 I I 1Ii 1IiI a 1Iif 1 i iI I I House Hunters Are Finding fi1indin That They Cant Find the Best st Houses ROjises by Simply Going Goi Out to Look Around Aroundi I Ij i ij i For or the Most Desirable Places Are Not Placarded PlacardedT1iey TBey ey Are Advertised In in THE TIMES TIMESS a USS I 4 1 I 1 I tu 4 0 1 hIMES 1T TIMES I WAKTADS WAKTADSBEING WA1 ADS ADSBRING 1 BRING RESULTS RESULTSRATES R1SULTSRATES RATES FOR ADVERTISING ADVERTISINGSituation ADf ADVERTIEiIGituitii TISING TISINGSitu1tio Situation or orHelp orreIp orhelp Help Wastod WtU Wath tod Ads Adsne AdsOne Ad AdOn One On ne Cent nt Soons oois far Rant Eanta Ranta a i Boarding BoardingWord Be BDarthgWord mWord Word Reams and Boards BoardsKlnlmum nrd nrdrifntmum 1 Klnlmum Lnlmum Charge 15c Ono Insertion InsertionAll In In9t3flAll 8rJbn 8rJbnOthe All Other Two Coats CoatsClassifies CentsClassified ents entsClassified Classified ClassifiesLiners a aLiners aLneri Liners Liners Word WordThree WordThEe I Three htec or More Moreci2ccuUve I ci2ccuUve 1 cu ve Days DSytOne DaysOne One Cent a Word WorfiWanl WordWant WordtYant Want Ads Ad Received al Branch OHlcos OHlcosLIBRARY OffJosLIBnRy OthOSLIBRARY LIBRARY PHARMACY PHARMACY2d 2d ei lit aad PamtylvaaU tVall at a9 a9n ea eaTH eWM TH tl DAVIS VIS BUG Utk and sta 13 nw nwWM nwW WM CENTKEK cor llth and sts tw nw nwL 1WL iv ivL IJIEKCH SIMPSON eor 7th it at tthode tthodeIsland msodeJI1And Ifliide1iand Island Are and nt nw nwTHEO 1lWTIJEO nWTBEO THEO A JUDD cot co 7th and sta cw cwTV f1All11STRO ww TV ARMSTRONG All11STRO cor 7th th and wi sts ne neASTORIA neASTOmA fl flASTORIA ASTORIA PHARMACY A Evans Mgn Mgncor 3Igrcor 1T 1TcoT cor 3d end 0 nw nwCHAS nwcns nwdrAB CHAS II PLUMER North Capitol and Usts RIt Itst sts st ne neR ne neR neR A A VEITO1I 20th and eta MU nw nwH lWU A YATES ne ne cor 7th th andM and ais at nw nwQUIGLEYS nwQUIGLEYS nsvQTJIGLEYS QUIGLEYS PHARMACY PU 1UCY1st Slst and eta nw nwODONNELL nwI nwODONNELL ODONNELL ODO NELL ROGERS cot co Eth and Gsts a5U 0Its Its 5U 5UW Itsv st stW II CLARKE CL mrn 1M WI Md It at nw nwANACOSTIA nwANACOSTIA nwANACOSTIA I ANACOSTIA ANACOSTIABURYS ANACOSTIABURYS ANACOSTIABURrS BURYS PHARMACY 1 comer mcr Monroe and anJefferson nd ndJeffcrn Jefferson sta t4 1 HELP WANTED WANTEDFEMALE WANTEDFEMALEW FEMALE FEMALEWASTED WASTED AilDXest ANTEDet Neat competent colored girt tor torprncral torjtnrlll Cr Crtntr41 prncral tntr41 work In apartment rlJftltt reference nl nln reret1e required requiredCall rWtUMeCall Call in afternoon THE FABRAGUT Sc No NoW 4W 4WAftr 4 4WAXTEDThrec Aftr AftrWANTED WANTED WAXTEDThrec A TEDThrtt Three women plain cook cook chanibei chanibeirmi eMlIIMrJ13 chabernii4 rmi J13 rnii4 i I I laundress also women to do cleaning cleaningprivate ceutungJrhatt ccuitingt4iat private Inquire 1CSS nth nw fl3 It ItWANTED ItTEDGood itI WANTED I TEDGood ood cook and general lioiieework lioiieeworko Th laundry 1 1 and t1nd7 stay nigbto n1bt references Apply ApplyUfoit ApplyI Ufoit I 1118 PATED0Irl It ItWANTED ItATEDGfrl WANTED ATEDGfrl ATED0Irl Girl for general housework 730 73 3 12th 12thst UtllU 12tht st nv nyW livv it itWANTKD WANTKD AliTEDGirl Girl for i general gnern iKHiscwcrk anal analiainilj mllillamJy inall inallimh iainilj 10 per month 131 1319 st ilL nw It ItWANTKD itWAn itAiTEiQoed WANTKD WAn AiTEiQoed Good cook wash and Inn no other othern otborDtC1 otIu otIunei DtC1 tl apply aIJ ppiy 1v good wages wa for the right party partyArjly party1l1y paflyAply Arjly 1l1y at 1013 7th tlt nw jalSIt jalSItAV jaiS2tANTEDGirl AV ANTED A ANTEDGirl TJoDGlrl Girl for general housework hotI Cwork Call GtliTitl Calltilll OJIith Titl ith rrrrencea rerrent al a 11M 6th st nw It ItWANTED ItA WANTED 1 A ATEDA illJ A good colored celor woman mn cook Apply Applyit 829 Pa aie 1H It ItWANTED 1CrlD itw WANTED rlD rEDflright Bright young lafty for laundry JHndZX or orLCI oftiT tfcrr tiT Apply AIpt BOSTON I 70 PKUDEfTIUAL LAUNDR LAUNDRromea LAUDnl LAUMIVE22rornorist E22rornorist romea Urn lst and an aw awvrED44Jq1 It ItANTED tTEDfcxI ANTED ANTEDwotbw TEDfcxI plaiD lt1Ok md general IrftJelalWlritS hOi hOitr wotbw tr Apply with references reI Flat 11a 12 1 1419 1419ll 1J11It i4i i4iitb ll itb once It ItM ItTE itTE1A TEjiA TE TE1A A chambermaid X12 I nw It ItV ItTEJJoa A 7Eli TEJJoa Pooka chambernuios lhamben8 iGs experienced experiencedrtrsi experie8Cel1Mral cxperieicirur rtrsi rur and genrrat frat houseworkFrs no fee In ad advat adut adttu vat ttu Apply at CHURCH 1701 11th at st nw nwJTTSI J1WJ J1WWttIWcJlian JTTSI JTTSItt 1 st stl tt WttIWcJlian ANTED uan to keep house houeonc Ue one thai thaivvariU tba tbaumt4 thatwants wants a Rood dome Ii me no washing hing or ironing lronh lronhl froniigBROOKS BROOKS 44 I at ne ja181t ja181tWoTEoo jaiZ3tv 18lt 18ltw WoTEoo ANTED ATEDOonma1 Gn i lIl worker nurse nu chambermaid chambermaidwaitress chambrinaldtattrc8 bam bamuaitrt58 waitress uaitrt58 and good cook 00110 1013 New Vork are areH areWANTED aveit itw 1W WANTED ANTEDWornan TEDffman Woman for fu general erai housework ork fam family fami1 fainfly fly i1 i if three reference nKnnvd rtqul 501 East Ea Gap GapItol Uaptol Gapit1 Itol st I tWANThDYung jaltKte jaltKteWANTED jWaXTEDYung WANTED WaXTEDYung Young ladv lady clerk 0 week private privateoffice printeomC pricaicoffice office PEOPLES BXCHASUE BXCU GE 1006 BW BWRoom uwitoon WUOO11 Room 2 It ItV ItW ItVNThDA VNThDA NTtDA TWA good louoJ loo flretcU ftntcw 8tC1aM humbcnnaid haflbCiWUdc1i haflbCiWUdc1it Call Okllit Callt it once 14ZO lit nw It ItV 1tAXnWWhite itvANrEDwbite vANrEDwbite ANTED AXnWWhite White kitchen nwi JUlda niakM fc IS itanroon itanroonKiTis ItorerooMJ etertrooitKLris KiTis is maids and rid help for all departments meota ot otVte I I1trjll Vte 1trjll 1 tea today toda DICKS HOTEL AGENCY 1GEI Utli Utliind Utlind 12thnd ind nd PJ aTc ja86t jal8itWAXttoA jal ja86tWANTED tV WANTED WAXttoA kTEDA A pood od colored co*kJ woman mntO to do plain plainiking plaDac iking in ing a gtxxl borne for the right tine Mb Mb12th JIIblh 2Ofst 12th at a atntY nw fl HANTED 1 1TEDRplctblf 1Vi Vi ANTED TEDRplctblf Rttpectable middleaged middlt ttd coloml co10red1n wt wtrran wtn ran do fitatclow plain cooking and general generalhotaWrk gftMnJw eitai eitailotawrk hotaWrk small family mi permanent place if ifttijri iftirruy ng ntJ ntJl ttijri tirruy ry and gxI ood wages wa goud refereHotatall refereHota refarnnsall tall all At JM3 FL aw awWATEDThre Jal jalSs jalSsfAXTE 3i 3iWANTED WANTED WATEDThre fAXTE Thre 1ii plain cooks chambermaidnurse cbam chambermaid chambermaidsnuae wnma nurse general workers work f16 16 Inquir 1211 10th 10thEt IOUa 10thFt Et a rre 117 It ItWANTED itW ItANTEDA WANTED AIoTEDA A good xxl clean woman for to kitchen kitchenSOS kitcbeRII kitchenI SOS Xlatnw sL nw It ItWANTED ItW itw I WANTED ANTEDDramatk Drtmatic a few amateurs to topietc toJIetc oem oemrite rite my dramatic dram ti oimpany mpeny inexperienced mlxJlCl enewd pee paorlc ofIe peene rlc fIe write writ Addrn BOX SB this oflk uftke ja18lt ja18ltW jaIbWATEDFxprienced al 4t 4tWANTED WANTED WATEDFxprienced A TED Experienced wawt IIt hand and appren apprentkf pproe pwentc tc tkf 720 26 llth ii8t at nw It ItANTED ItAIE itAVIEDSettled ANTED AIE AVIEDSettled Settled tlPd woman for general houw houwvrk 1 1Irk houat vrk Irk 685 1 st nw Jal88t Jal88tWANTED ja181ti WANTED I i 21NIIDYoung TEDYoul1 Young lady to instruct on tAg tewtogmacbines tAgInaddnfl5 sewingmacb macbines macb mrs state where wtwr last employed and expe expenMKe espepncc ezpeAddress nMKe pncc Address Addn BOX AIthi thi tia office Jl jcalSlt jcalSltW lt ltW INTEDA TEDA girl do lo chamber work and 4 help helpwait belpuAi helpt uAi wait on able J1C it 06 at aw iaOSOt ja1SUATEDA iaOSOtWANTED WANTED 1 ATEDA A woman to do general hoHMwoiK hoHMwoiKin in a family of two references required Chll Chllat adlat II IIatIi at atIi loU to v3jw IW 2iWwrkDiieliatIe Jal89t Jal89tWANTKD JaJiW WANTKD wrkDiieliatIe TfDReitable Reliable colored woman mn mint he heJJd beoc1 ot otgxxl gxxl oc1 lliin I lit in rook ou and do general homework bouspw rk In InKit kmiat Kit 1 of five fI room no weaning Wllllbl family fltmi of two twotnngs two1rm twotrns 1rm tnngs reference Call between betw 9 an ani not it 2 Tu Tuuay Tam Tuetay Tamav uay ay Apartment artment Ko 000 1108 N16 The TheFarraut Farragut It ItWANTED Itwi itVtNTEDWusnnn WANTED wi VtNTEDWusnnn lIWumAn Woman for housework Apply AppJ 216 61a 61ast Xd Xdt Iiist st nw zood pay pa sleep sl hWANTED hOllM hose 1t 1tDYOUBh ItWATEDYuung WANTED WATEDYuung DYOUBh Young lady aa waltroa Mil 1a 1 Pear PearIi ara aranw aorebt nw Ii ii iiWANTED 1 1A IiWkNTEDA WANTED WkNTEDA A TEoA A ookred oor chambermaid Call all at atZ02 attLat 202 tLat at nw aft aft aitr 6 oclock jal jaUIt jaUItW 2t 2tW ANTED XTElImmediateIy IrameOUtcly I flratcUfiS laM cook coo where wheremac whenman whereiran mac ftixj an bone girl are kept nil tot nc It ItWANTED ItW itIIANTEDOspable WANTED ATEDOIpabie Capable colored woman for general generaltousfwork enai enaibrmvork I Ib tousfwork brmvork ftwork no washing good wages small smallfaritiv malifantiy 11 11fan faritiv fan bring references O7 Maryland mr mrne aft aftne ayeno ne Ir IrWANTED hW1EDGJrl I IWATEDG1rl WANTED W1EDGJrl WATEDG1rl Girl for general II traI housework small smallfamily wIf emailfamily family mll stay nights 10 month MB 7th st it ne nejalB2t Dej1182t mbaJaIB2t jalB2t jalB2tWANTED j1182tW 1 1WATEDWhite WATEDWhite WANTED mDWJalte Whit woman nan to do plain plai cooking cookingit cookingflpyat flpyat it py p1 at 1B8 Vernvnt inflt are nw It ItWANTKD ItW ItWASTEDA WANTKD WASTEDA A i TEDA A colored woman umlUl for general gPI1 al work workCIS wOlkfJs workfISI47 CIS fISI47 1747 Oregon ave av It ItW 1tryrEDGeDftS1 ItWNTEDGneral ryrEDGeDftS1 NTED General houseworkcr for three th Ha 14 14nby 14a1W a nby many plain cooks LADIES LAD4l EXCHANGE EXCHANGE6J7 EXCIUXGJtIiR EXCHANGE7yermont 6J7 7yermont Vermont ave Ye It ItWANTED ItW ittcTEDk WANTED tcTEDk TEDA A settled unman who wo likes II children childrenaa chlldftnmothcra aa 4 mothcra triers helper and to adat about house 1443 st at nw JalTIt JalTItWANTED janitW ja172tWtTEDColored WANTED WtTEDColored TEDCcII Colored kouwgiri stay ItA nights Ap Apply Ap AppI Ap Apply ply pI with th references Mrs Mr I DSYOOT SMOOT 310t 310tlira nI 3iYtm Ytm lira I it nw js7St js7StWANTED jnItWTEDA 4 WANTED WTEDA lv A houwkeeper for man an1 child childfour childfou chllijfci four fou years 8JJ1 old Address BOX DO 42 2 this tN office officeJal72t o0k o0kja172t mc mcjal72t Jal72t Jal72tWANTED WANTED jal72triDUelp riDUelp ThDIIeIp Help oouks chamberAaJds che experi experienced cj cjenceti xper1 xper1encel enced nurse and general houeeworkwv no fee feein fffIn feeIn in A1vloZlce vunce Apply Appl at CHURCH 1701 llth llthVTED tw tWiEJExperJeneed t1e1122t 1e1122t 1e1122ti i WiEJExperJeneed VVcJtDExperlanrd VTED ExperI no tailor tan thloree on OIlt1l trouMrs trouMrsetadj troiwerswurk etadj work guaranteed WEIXBLRG WEJN 8S8 fIt PE PwATiuirl t1l 3tl It lROJ1 Jal6St Jal6StvrAVTTn 3t 3tVA vrAVTTn VA wATiuirl rFD lfrl Ofrl fcneral enerml hoMMWork houMWork bring br1 bTthii bTthiierenP wf wferm rerln erm erenP tII 212 1 4 st to nw jnl68t jnl68tW jal63tr jalOILWTEDSchoIem WTEDSchoIem NTED TEDScbotara Scholars at WagMra gnwa gners Millinery MJlIIIHf Art ArtFchc ArtFebd ArtFchc Fchc Febd i 817 filith 8th th st It nw awWVTDA jalJUt jalJUtW talvnt talvntMI WVTDA TiDA good pr MI ladies Jadl and gen genilemcns gemrltmens gentlemcne ilemcns garments pnnt fl steady Itl3 4ork Qrk Call at once onceBESSOV fnceDFfaSO1 oncenEr0N BESSOV 1229 i 14th th st ow jaUCt KELP HE EEl WA3fTED WATTZDFEMALE WATTZDFEMALEWAXTIiDYeeRg A1fTEDFE FEMALE FEMALEWASTED ALE WASTED WA WAXTIiDYeeRg ED Vow lady LidyetnoIra tea rapher salary saIav 117 not notto DOlto notto to exceed ee ft a week Atrosa A rising expen expenroce xpetivOte vOte BOX 80 BOXd1tbiaOee BOXd1tbiaOeeWANTEDWoman tbia oflkw JaJUtt JaJUttWANTED jalb WANTED WANTEDWoman TE Woman WM mfQr for fneral housework oewom5 pre prefer pre prect I fer ct Ucrmaft cr Swede Uf7 Itth I lth aw lalbSl jalittFG jaIb2tWtNTEfl0rl lalbSlVAXTE WtNTEfl0rl VAXTE FG Girl 1 far hmmrkSi9 bctawwork SIS sw swWANTED It ItWANTEEWai4 I i WANTED WANTEEWai4 oinO Want thre th tbee general workers work two twoplain twoplain I plain cook IGb two wahTCtM place farniahoa farniahoauritit faraiIdacaI finnlahouuntil 1 1I until I salte1 Apply to KDWARD8 Dv D8 714 I st stWASTED sI swvn I IW WASTED AIED Settle Settlework wvn fir general hone housrit bouIIP honework I IOr work Or 919 I 8 ftW it itWANTKD ltAYlKDCbInabenMid itWANTICDChemnberiaghd AYlKDCbInabenMid WANTKD ChawbrnoaW also hmmk a Matt MattI au aurees alt altres I rees and co*ck ao SilO 5 month Apply iW liASKMKNT liASKMKNTrtt UAS1 UAS1tlf IlAS1tNZJ24 rtt st arr nHELP 1 1IE iHELP HELP IE WASTED A1lTEDMALE WA1TMALEWANTEDAt A1lTEDMALEW MALE MALEWATTKD AYTEDAt WATTKD At once drummers familiar with withgrocery withtnde withIrocery grocery trade Apply to ROOM 925 5 Colorado ColoradoI ColoradoDttUd ColoradoDufldng I BuOdcg DttUd DufldngWANTEDYowmg al82t al82trequired a18tAYIWYouac AYIWYouac mall for oce bu binine iDe it itrequired tt ttrewuired required fie 10 day up Apply before 12 1 a to xBAfiKMEXt lit litBASDEn inBAEEENT BAfiKMEXt OmCE Wl me It ItWANTED ItA itWANTDBl1iy WANTED WANTDBl1iy A NTEDBor Boy to drive lw1nte rirate famih faanlbhutlec faintlY also alsobutler butler 930 mae and wife pdrate family faDlil In Inquire 111quire Iiiqidre quire WW lllk at rw It HWANTKD ItW ItWANTW WANTKD A TYDOood Oood OOmJ barber ieedy eiidy lIdr job all winter winterjMlary wlntlNll1ry winieruslary jMlary Nll1ry or CCTcariashm CHINK Hyatta Hyattai H1lItadU Ilyattititle i title dU ialSSt jall3W misILwArioDA ialSStWAVriCD wArioDA WAVriCD A fKDA A ma 1JId cr boy for a physktan pltyslci ca cafurnace one onewho mwho who 1IIMIenbDdIt imdetjmm furnace Iwnace and is willing wil to Nice inakchhRaelt makeIdtl2aeli Nice1f hhRaelt 1f generally useful ISM 1 Rhode MaiM MaiMa1 WandN a1 It ItI ItW itWAlEDltaUan I WANTED AlTEDltaUa Italian boy to work in poolroom ana anaI aMM1n armabut I sUn shoo Apply at once onoe3200 3200 1 at nw It Ittor ItW ItWA2ThDWhLte WA2ThDWhLte TImltite second 75 75 JOdt meat 4O help for hotel today 1JUHOE8S 1Jl RUESS HOTEL ACENCY ACENCYMR AGKXCJOtit ACENCtl MR 10th st atFiTEli8 It ItWAKTBD UY WAKTBD FiTEli8 By reliable pfluib 1ib1f company youns OUlIE white whiteman whiteln llte lltelIMn man lIMn 8 week PEOPLES EXCHANGE EtC AGR 1008 1008P IODIJPD 1004P PD aw llama 2 It ItI 1trA1rrEIcoIcrd VAKTKDOolcred 41 waiters waite 10 30 todiv for forl flte forPenvania I lte Penvania mwrlvajria Apply wty DICKS HOTEL AQEKCY ACECY1m AGEC12th 1 1m st mid Pa arc iml8 iml8I ja18U ja18Ur jailUANT1iDWhte I XVAXTBO A TKDWaite liite chefs 980 50 to 100 100I second MOOndeooao secondoeoi I cooks eooao oeoi room cooke ooou and broilers today Ap Applr Ap AppiT Apply piT DICKS HOTEL AGENCY AO CY ISth St and Pa PaWANTED Pe PaWANTEDA jII SW WANTED ANTEDA A boy of neat appearance with iUs wheel wheelJL wheelt wheelM JL I WARSCHALER 818 11th at at nw 1 1I 1WANTED 1wANTEnIgbt WANTED wANTEnIgbt Night engineer whit whit4 for apart apartment aranmmt apartmont I mont house Apply TilE co*kCORD New NewlUmpshire NewI Newllaicpmbfre lUmpshire I and Oregon in uw JalSSt WATEDA WAKTED NTEDA A boy to caviat in the house a to tohelp tuhe1r tohelp help look after aft an old OIc111U1 man 728 5th st It nw It ItWANTED ItWANTEDA ItWANTEDA WANTED WANTEDA A youth cnth on a dairy farm must come comewell comecon comewmIl well con recommended Inquire of I HOLLIDGB HOLLIDGBSaks BOLLIDGRSab IIOWIOESaks Saks Company jalS jQJ8a jQJ8aW jaIS4tWANTEDA ft ftWANTED WANTED WANTEDA jKDA A steady reliable man to help In a ahoarding abOllrdillf ahoarding hoarding house ho 1148 Pa are aT iiw It ItWANTED ItWAoTEDGood ItWANTEDGoad WANTED WAoTEDGood Good flrttcUM Iam barber shop boy Ap Apply Apply It Itply ply HOTEL VENnOKE Sd st It and rd Pa aw 1t ItWANTED 1tW 1tWANTEDTwenty WANTED WANTEDTwenty A 1EDTwemy Twenty colored men Apply HAZELSTABLE HAZEL IIAZELST hAZELSTARLF STABLE ST LF S141 0 St nw nwWANTEDA Jalgtt JalgttWANTED ja181tWAN1EDA WAN1EDA WANTED A shop boy Apply at 438 4 11th St atn Stnw tn nw It ItWANTED ItW itWANTEDPorter WANTED AXTEDPorter Porter in store 17 1729 19th at at nw nwreference mrTlf nwreference Tlf reference rt required It ItWANTED ItWANTEDBot itWANTEDIinf WANTED WANTEDBot Bo to collect co1tlCti mint hare a wheel wheelpeer wheelper 9 per week Address A BOX Ii6X 68 a tnfe tn office officejalT2t oliceja17Zl oicejall2t jalT2t jalT2tWANTED ja17ZlW jall2tWANTEDlb WANTED ANTEDl IS twohorse teams to haul bricks bricksat brlekst brinksat at once JACKSONPHILLIPS BRICK CO 0 over overLone oyerIalle orerLonc Lone Bridge jsWVtt jsWVttWANTED juIG4tWANTEDCood Glt GltWuTEDCtOOIl WANTED WuTEDCtOOIl Good black Wackwuttliscan Ite1per am wb wbcan wimocan can ilrive on shoes 118 North Northjalft8t CPito lit litjal68t at atjailIt jalft8t jalft8tWANTED jal68tW jailItwANrEi1 WANTED wANrEi1 MTIWao Man laam butter trade eight eightweeks ohhtweeb olhtweeks weeks average a Urns rciiphtd wages atEB Saturdays Saturdayswhile SIII1frdaJllhUe Satimrdayminbile while Wrnl horning te 11 wtekir guanmtcod guanmtcodwhen jIVtlrzmtccdborn gwirantewiwheim when born itrrooBk HheCaRtel 111 wUJogoe taloglle walled fre freVOLKItS free CretOLJtS freeOLEWS VOLKItS nARM9t JIARZ COLLSOR JM Dual st stSew st stSeow utw1ofk Sew w1ofk Totk TatkJlt1 pity nt Jal85t Jal85tWANTED jal85tWNED3f jailStWANTED3femenor WNED3f WANTED3femenor WANTED Meawn er er boys Apply WESTERN WESTERNUNIOX WESTERSCNIOX WESTERNLNIOX UNIOX OFFICE 1401 Fit st jalftiu jalftiuUANTSD jal61OAN1Eo jaillotWAIrrEDilen WAIrrEDilen UANTSD AN1Eo it Mm to cut wood at 125 per cord cordand cordaDd cordaM and team to haul wood WI WRLKER WRLKERLAOgdon WELEIfULaogdoii KLKEIt LAOgdon ja67t ja67tHELP jaI67tHELP jail7tHELP I HELP WAKTED AIf1EDMALE MALE lc FEMALE FEKALEwANTfcD FEMALEuTEDParty FEMALEWANTEDParty uTEDParty wANTfcD Party to take good basem*nt in ex exchange exelwap oxhaime change haime for light litlrtIfI1kea service 1S38 nw ft Jml83t Jml83tWANTED Ja1B jailitWANTEDAGENTS tWANTEDAGENTS WANTED WANTEDAGENTS WANTEDAGENTSi WANTEDAGENTSWAN1lAgeata AGENTS AGENTSWANTED i WANTED WAN1lAgeata A JA8eta Agents mla and women hustlers hustlersto hustlersto I to cajsrs Me article 216 nw It ItWE ItWE ItWE WE WANT A 10000 AGENTS for greateat grcot house housebold hooHaoId housebold bold seller wn ever invented best be money mone maker on onreocrd onreotinI onrecord record actually sells to every home Send St nd 16e 16efor 16eCor ISofix for complete sample mnpe and nd two mammoth mal moth rain catalogues eataol rainiogtaee logues of gents a supplies ppUes SOUTHERN MElt MEUCANTILK yltltCNI1LB MEltCANTILE CANTILK CO Dept Ie it 1 14 Houston Tex JallOt JallOtWANTED JallOOtI jaiiOltWANTEbBICYCLES I WANTED WANTEDBICYCLES WANTEDBICYCLESWX BICYCLES BICYCLESWANTED WX WILL BUY all seeo dhaRC1 wheels wlaelsItuTZR wheelsIIUXTEI1 ItuTZR 112 PIYBaki aye av ow jat jatWANTEDMONEY ja53Q ja53QWANTEDMONEY I WANTED WANTEDMONEY WANTEDMONEYA MONEY MONEYI I A GENTLEMAN awaiting remittance wishes wishesloan wtIMIOIUI w1st w1stloan loan of 4000 200 for fft 50 days return 240 Z40 giving girls se security ety seawRy awRy ty worth twJ W0 Address AddU care this thUoflhse tltl8otUat thisja17It oflhse Jtl7 jII17tt jII17ttWUlTEDMISCELLA1tEOUS ja17ItWM1TEDMISCELLANEOUS tWANTED WANTED WUlTEDMISCELLA1tEOUS WUlTEDMISCELLA1tEOUSWA WM1TEDMISCELLANEOUSWANTED1000 SnSCELLAJfEOUS SnSCELLAJfEOUSWANTED WA WANTED1000 1000 ice besmecand a refrigerators relrilcratol bi biteen DOM7 teen paid for pod oem AAIdmw 1 NIIU NOTES NOTESusI IIU Iowtau au JlSIOt JlSIOtWNTEDFumituft a1l a1lWANTEDFurniture WANTED WNTEDFumituft Furniture and upright pianos for forensb fortMb forb ensb sell II your goods to the man who give ti glees you youthe youtM youthe the most money HOlWOOD HOIWJX fth and Tel Telephone TelRo Tel Telpholie phone Ro Roaha Main aha 270 furniture fun packed for shipping shippingWANTED abippIDg1r shippingWAJTEDTo WANTED 1r AC1EDTo To buy old feather HIck MARKS lARItSt11 307 7 7ih st ialgtt JallItr jailItWANTEDReynohW ialgttWANTED WANTED A1TEDRqnoldll Reynolds Torooora tags and coo coupons coopaM conpose paM etc highest bl lN price paid JUSTHS OLD OUlSTAND OJ OJST OLDTAXI STAND ST TAXI AXU 11 419 9 1 at a itWANTEDA ja18lUt ja18lUtW bil6 tWANTED WANTED WANTEDA A ftDA A smell lathe for wood turning in ingood IJaaoocl timg good miml order state tawllice price Address Addi BOX 82 this thisottc tbillollc4 tWaothcs ollc4 ottc it itWANTED 11W itWAITEDA WANTED WAITEDA AXTEI A boiler must be cheap and in good goodcoodttioo odeoDdttioa goodeosidttiou coodttioo Jl MORRIS M04 Gi st nw ialBlt JaIStW jaiBltWANTED7000 ialBltWANTED WANTED7000 WANTED A TED7OOO 7000 seoondhan 1It I brick brickHOX Address AddressBOX Addr AddrBOX BOX 27 datIng price and wi to be bejailSt seen seenjalOSt Helljalea jalOSt jalOStWANTID jailStWANTZD1iletrical i iWlIID WANTID WANTZD1iletrical Rteetrical cal books Posters astera and Ar Armoors ArJI1OI Armoms moors or Seranton School Eo BROWKE 218 218Q 19 19o at nw ial78t jaliItW jailItWAIITEPIllidwat ial78tWAjnKD WAjnKD AmXDUlhMt Higheat cash prices paid pa lor warn warnfarmcBts wornsrcts mpI1iDftit* farmcBts srcts ladles or gentlemtns Address poiUil poiUiland ftalaDd peeLs peeLsamid and I will call any hour TARSIIBS 1908 19087th isos7th aoi aoi7t1a 7th si nw de2S deJ638t deJ638tWANTEDHORSES ddlIOtWANTEDHORSES Ot OtWANTED WANTED WANTEDHORSES HORSES AND VEHICLES VEHICLESWANTKD VEHICLESW VEHICLESWANTEflMoeratprieed WANTKD WANTEflMoeratprieed ANTJroKCMlerate Moaerattpriced priced driving hone accus accustomed aoeuminsn4 CIUIIt tomed to city tlt ALLEGHENY LLoIIK COAL COM COMFOR COIIANY cXMPANT PANT j172t j172tFOR jaIlItFOR FOR SALE SALEHORSES HORSES VEHICLES VEHICLESFOR FOR SALE SALFmaek Black colt suitable for doctors doctorsCall doetorsia doctorocarriage carriage ia or lIght dtivsmy wagon un II at a aCaH fa faFOn Call between 3 and ft oclock clock jalStt jalSttFOR jailstFOIL FOR SALROne work horse two good Stude Studebalur SWdebabt 2thdebaker baker wagons wa awl ini eI tw sate hnrneta in good joodor joodorder or order order der Apply ApplYl2 912 0 st sw jkl83t jkl83tFOR J183t J183tFOR jI83tFOR FOR SAU 8AII0I Good sonnd work Horse thin thlflt 8fi 8fidrive 46rood rood drive drive7 or light deliveqr noree hone 0 hoary hoaryhorse IU IUaft toavi toaviJvatt aft horse 110 flrstda IntdaM secondhand coup couprockaway ooa ooarock couperockawey rockaway rock fSJ i brougbatn 1MB 1 nw nwlH3i noJ awjlSt jlSt jlSt100R lH3i lH3iFOR SFOR FOR SALE SALFRubber Rubber tire Browser sidebar awl awlroad androod 1Id 1Idrod road hcrse IK her at tuxriflce in good eondttion Ap Apply All Allpi Aimply ply pi Ui FILED JOHNSON LIVERY 8th and nd ae aeialSSt liejalS sejaiSIt jalS jalSJIm jaiSIt jaiSItFfl1SALKlieap ialSSt ialSStFOR FOR Ffl1SALKlieap SALK SALJ7Cp Cheap fifteen work dt horses an anmares and anmmares I mares Apply in rear 47 474 Punwylvnnta I lvawta aye avuMISCELLANEOUS ayeI eveow nw 111 111MISCELLANEOUS ja17t ja17tMISCELLANEOUS I MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSTKRTH TKRTH examines um free cleaned tic fllllnn fllllnnby IlIIn lump SOc 1Oeby SOcby by expert fXp surgeon dewUst ROOM MO MOREMIVOTON gow at at7mw ow Ja17a Ja17aiiii jaI7ItltEMflJGTON REMIVOTON iiii sOTON TYPEVVKITRR for rent reat cheap for forlonw for10nM forIonic Ionic practice Address BOX 275 City Post Postoffice JiostoftCf loatefflce office jaieat jaieatWALL JI83tWALL jailstWALL WALL PAPER PAPERROOMS PAPERICUOYS PAPERfttlMS ROOMS PAPKRED 3176 17 UD CARLISLE CAnLIS BIIOS BROSlull 1106 8th st wi nl pU p1uDI pun nt East 30oD Jal73t I SITUATIONS WAKTED AnTEDFEIALE WANTEDFEMALEwAtnOiwag AnTEDFEIALEWIa FEMALE FEMALEWANTKDWasfcin WANTKDWasfcin wAtnOiwag WIa to take home taller 01 01gentleuiena emgeIesuewe Jkentlewell gentleuiena IttapJen nl en Court burt HW It ItV JtATEDII itWANTEDPlace WANTEDPlace ANTED ATEDII Place as diahwnsher or waitrws wait Sill 9Vitte 11 11lM SillMacotelusetta tChURtU lM tte ave Yf nw jalSs jalSsWAVTKD J1 3ISLWANTIiDSltuation rWLTImsttuaUone WAVTKD WLTImsttuaUone Situations for pU plain ia and andgeimezil rTcy cooks cooksgeneral cook1SpII11Il general workers wodttl chambermaids eba OJ IIenn IdI nurses mu good goodWANTKD JOOI goodIwippply I Iwippply VI 11 st uw It ItWNTltl ItWANTEIIIy WANTKD WANTEIIIy By a colored woman a place to tocook Wcook tocook cook in boarding houne or cafe 18 i MeCaHough MeCaHoughSt Ye Mcculloughstwi alJou alJouM stwi St MTT It ItWANTKD ItW itVAXTEDBy WANTKD A1TEDDJ By a reliable colored woman WOI wash washing washlug It ItiJltl lug at home or days work out Write 011 or calm eali1XB calmI 1 1XB id It at 1 nw 1 It ItWASTED ItcotIlJf itVATEDYoung WASTED VATEDYoung cotIlJf Youar lady with ita some knowledge 1DOW1 ot othairareMing 0Ita ofbalflkvwoing hairareMing Ita Ing wlstictt wlMi position po in parlor or as asmaid II IIlMid asicoid maid Addme ddnotla BON UO this oflkw It ItwVHTED It4mD itVtlTEDui wVHTED VtlTEDui 4mD By nJ7eal a cainstrws 13tr te to sew by the dsy dsyIIS cli cliUS tisyIliDaLuw IIS IliDaLuw IliDaLuwWANTEDGirl at ilt nw Jalfitt JalfittWANTED JalSYtI JalSYtW1THDGtrl I WANTED W1THDGtrl Oirl for general housework Apply ApplyL Appl ApplPh IIO Ph a at nw JaINt JaINtwA5 jailUWAritoIly 17J2L 17J2LVANTED wA5 WAritoIly VANTED Fo1JJ By a rotned Aned ned widow wldo charge ehJr of Oifiii Oifiiiniahed fur furnished furnisliod nished dining room and kitchen for board boar ot ottwo ottwo ottvo two Address BOX 27 this th othoe JalGrS JalGrSSITUATIONS jalOSSITUATIONS lG3 lG3SITUATIONS SITUATIONS WANTED WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALEWANTEDBy ANTE MALE MALEWANTKD MALEw WANTKD WANTEDBy I DB By a colored licensed engineer cnginc cngirmra cngirmraplace uplace ap1aCC place to run steam plant or as janitor or fire fireman fireman fireOman man Addrau KW fjl 24th at at nw ja82t ja82tWANTKD jalfiitWANTEIl1y 1 2t 2tW WANTKD WANTEIl1y A Tlmn By young UlIf man position po of any kind kindbest kb kindbeat best oX references ml nee Address ddr8lll BOX 05 this oftc oftcWANTKD oft1Ctr oft1Ctrja11ft olicejaiS2t ja11ft ja11ftWA jaiS2tWANTEDfly WANTKD WA WANTEDfly ED Ry a respectable colored man re recently recent reeently cently cent in District a place to do most any an kind kindof kindof kindof of work 011 or address 3480 I at MW I It ItWANTKD ItW itWANTRDBy WANTKD WANTRDBy IDn By a sober young married man po position position velLiott sition as collector for an installment house housebond llOllR1Knd housebend bond furnished Address Ad BOX 4 41 this office officejal7 oUkcja1i1 officejailSt jal7 ja1i1 ja1i1TKDn jailStWANTEDBy tWANTKD WANTKD WANTEDBy TKDn By capable educated young oullg man ot 01ii 94 imcHion I Lion with reputable house bou as clerk or ordrummer ordrummer ordrummer drummer for salable artcle Address BOX 4s 4Bthis 4sds 4Sthis this ds oiBce jal72t jal72tWANTED jl11i2trA jalT2tW4tNTEDYoung WANTED W4tNTEDYoung rA KDYoun Young man with some experience experienceat expNIi expNIiat at cake baking kln WBYSIAN 1C12 14th sU St jca1i3t jca1i3tAEDDy ju173tVANTEDBy ful73t ful73tWANTED WANTED AEDDy By nntclacs man cook situation situationOrat situatlollfi18t situationfhat Orat or second AddreM BOX 58 5 this office officeJal73t officeJaIi3 officejail3t Jal73t WANTED WANTEDROOMS WANTEDROOMSW WANTEDROOMSWAXTEDlly ROOMS ROOMSWANTED WANTED WAXTEDlly TEDIIJ By couple no children two unfur unfurnlsbed unfurnished nlsbed rooms bat gas south of Ia ave be between between hotwetin tween 17th and list ate must be cheap ehe Ad Addrew AdtlrmmBOX drew tlrmmBOX BOX 03 this office It WANTED WoNTKDlly By young coupi ecHI couple lc three or four un unfurnkhed WIfurnltbed mmfurnkhed furnkhed rooms light housekeeping good lo lorslity 10caHtJ locality rslity give full particulars reasonable Ad Address Addrt1lOX ddm dress drt1lOX BOX 30 this office oftI It ItMAN ItMAN MAN 1 AND ANDWIFE WIFE fFE wish three unfurnished rooms roomsncrthwest rccxnllnorthwest rcomiwncrthwcot northwest state term tern Address BOX 40 thin thinoffice thirJkoe thiSfllee office fllee koe ja73t ja73tWANTED jail at atWA 3 3WANTEDllooni WANTED WA WANTEDllooni HDnoonlr Roonfl to rent in any part pertofihe of ibecity ibe I Ictt I Icity city ctt If you hare houses too large for ycut yc use SSewith usewith ise isewith with vacant rooms I can rent them for you youThte YO YOT1d youThis This Is aa aiopportwlty oppertuMty pp rtu1t for you to increase your yourlucerne yourllIC8lJ1e yourIncome lucerne Terms moderate DUNLOP Metjerott MetjerottFOR MetHCOtt MetHCOttBllndlnS iSetserottBuilding Building 1110 st nw Telephone Siam Iain 744 744FOR 44 44ja1J8Ot ja1J8Ot ja1J8OtFOR FOR RENT RENTFURNISJED FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMSFOR ROOMS1OR ROOMSrOn FOR REKT ltKNTJewJ ItIINTNewly Newly furnished secondfloor secondfloorrooms HCOnd secondfloormoms oor oorIOOIM rooms well boated quie quiet house gas porce porceMte poroeJin poreelain lain bath Call before 1 or after 6 427 427Btk 4lirk 4 40th irk st nw It ItFOR Itpan itFOil FOR RENT IlETNiCe Nice furnished room 713 71 2d st stFOR at atn atIOR atnw nw nwFOR FOR RENT 1lEseeoncl Second Qoor OI front front large clesant clesantStreet elernt elernteentral cloantcentral central to bqst l06taurants quiet resluenee reslueneettreett1 resitTenec resitTenecmonth ttreett1 Street 12 month nlOn M4 II nw owFOIl jQ1 jQ1FOn JalB8t JalB8tFOR FOR RENT 1ttTA A handsome furnished roam with withhcntf witkheat2dm withheats heats heat2dm gejr ux uml bath th 8pcr J01 week 712 4th Ithat Ithatnw st stnw atnw nw JalS2t JalS2tFOR ja18 ja18FOR laThUFOR FOR RENT I1ENThlSO T111O 1180 9th 9th sC at nw furnished rooms roomslight room roomJigltt roomslight light hmuckepplngs Ial73t Ja171tFOR jailStFOIL Ial73tFOR FOR RENT RE BENTFurnished TFurntaMd Furnished one on suite private bath bathand bathnnd bothand and toilet parlor floor other rooms MS 12Ui 12UiK IUsK iUist nw Jal73t Jal73tFOR Jall3tFOR jail3tFOR FOR RENT IlE RENTTwo TTwo Two beautiful large secondfloor secondfloorrooms eCIOndflocnJOOIJII secondfloorrooms rooms furnished light housekeeping permitted 80 1 1m 22 3d st et nw Jal68t Jal68tFOR jal6ltFOlt JailStFOR FOR RENT nE I1ENTFurnislied TFuml Furnished od hall 1l room second florr florrf 1 6 month IS 6 Est st nw jilt juit4t juit4tFOR 4t 4tFOR tFOR FOR RENT ItE ItENT4i7 417 17 Gilt st nw two furnished furnishedrooms lurnished1OOmII furnishedmeow rooms S6 6 and 0 per month all modem im improvements improvements tinprovenienta provements jalO5t jalO5tFOR jaIafitFOR jaidfitFOR FOR RENT nE ItENTTwo TTo Two nice sunny front rooms roon roe reasonable rlll1sanabtc roeamiable amiable 1407 Corcoran st lit nw nwFOR fal63t jCL1fi3tpon fal63tFOR FOR RENT nR IIENTFurnished Tumlshed Fumislied urge front room second secondHoar secondltoor ocond ocond1Ioor Hoar two gentlemen a month 082 nw nwJal83t njalWt trwjclSlt Jal83t Jal83tFOR jalWtFOR jclSltFOR FOR RENT RENTUNFURNISHED UITFURNISHED ROOMS ROOMSFOR ROOMSOR ROOMSFOR FOR RENT nE BENTEntire iEnUre Entire second floor gas bath ant antbeat anltMelt antihert beat thoroughly renovated no children eD 706 7063th 7059th or orI 3th st lit nw Jal83t Jal83tyOR jal8StPQIt isiSSt5OR yOR RENT UElT1hree Hire unfurnished unf 1rnbhed rooms light lighthooaekoeping IIgbtkoeptnS lighthosisekong hooaekoeping koeptnS Apply iBM 4th st It nw jtllSIt jtllSItFOR jalfiItFOIl 16 tFOR FOR RENT REYTSe1eral Several nh uke wellheated rooms rooms1laY 218 1laY 3 at nw ia73t ja1i3tA ja1741WANTilDCouplo ia73tWANTEDjCooplo WANTEDjCooplo A 1HICou1Jc tp rent part nIce house eii eiiII 15 152X1 i 2X1 MsssBCDtuetU IHJI ln ta are we nw 1 fal7St fa171tPOR jral7ltFort fal7StFOR FOR BEXT RENTTo Tvo rooms parlor floor 473 at atnw ItJaW si15W nw 15WFOR Jal73t Jal73tFOR al13t al13tFOR FOR RENT ilENTLarge Large comfortable rooms beat heataad beataad beatad aad gas 1007 it nw jalO3t jalO3tFOR jal6JtFOn jalfiItFOR FOR RBNT RmTTIdrd Third story flat unfurnished will willbe wUlte willbe be rented low to a good tenant Apply pplf 1 1B82 1U Dst Dlit Dat st ne jaUStt jaUSttFOfi jailItFOI al81tFOR FOR FOI RENT REliTFURNISHED FURNISHED AND UN UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMSFOR ROOMSFOR ROOMSFOR FOR RENT RF115JI 1618 17th st nw three furnished furnishedI hecl heclor I or unfurnished rooms on second floor with or orwithout orwtUtnut orwthnut without board 80 unfurnished S5 furnished furnishedJslSOt tumWledjlt186t furnishedjmilSOt JslSOt JslSOtFOR jlt186tFOIt jmilSOtFOR FOR RENT RgTTwo Two rooms second floor heal and andgas aoogas aiwgas gas 11 tt 818 North Capitol Copitoist at lit jal73t jal73tFOR jaljStFQIt jailStFQIL FOR KENT Two uufurnisbsd rooms light lightlieusekeeping IIglttbu lightbuaekeoplng lieusekeeping bu ektcplng two furnished rooms 821 Ver Vermont Vernont 11 11nIGHt mont ave nw ja63t ja63tFOR ja1EiStFOIl jalG3tFOR FOR RENT ItETwo Two unfurnunod or one furnished furnishedrooms furnishedrootnI lurnlshedToeing rooms 086 A at It sc jalo8t jalo8tFOR jaIG3tFOR jaiL jaiLFOR FOR RENT nK RENTThree TThrec Three brfgiit earrn arm rooms on car carline CIIr111M carflue line ISM 8M 9th th nw ja64t ja64tROOMS jal61tROOMS jailItROOMS ROOMS AND BOARD BOARDFOR BOARD1OR BOARDFOR FOR HKNT 1UCFumMJed Furnirtied rooms with 1111 goad board boardnwrriad boIlrdJ1IUTtel boardneerrlml nwrriad couple 01 0 gentlemen reasonable bet Iteatgas betJU lmatgas gas and porcelain bath Included 611 Sd st stnw stD etnba nw Jal83t Jal83tFOR jalS3tFOR jailStFOR FOR RENT ERNTLorge TLtnc Large beautifully be uUfully furnished second sccondstory secondater3 eond eondstOr story front room good board moderate rates 806 12th si I Jal72t jJl72tInt 12 Int 4 MASS AVE A VI WJtoorn Room with Ith board boardUblc boardIe boardtable table Ie boarders jalli3t jalli3tFUn isiSItFuit alft3t alft3tFOR FOR RENT UF Clean warm nicely nteol furnished furnishedrooms fumiabeclff furnishedrioriw rooms I good home table 1121 10th st nw nwi nwja1Wl owjiBeSt i ja1Wl ja1WlTiiA jiBeStTRANSIENTS iett iettTRANSIENTS TRANSIENTS TiiA sii I 1 PER PER DAY UP UJ rooms And amidance andSisrul Sisrul 26 up per month Monday onday cvenintll cvenintlldanlC ereningedance dance HOTEL BALTIMORE LTnlOllR 15th 15 and New NewYork NewYork ew ewYork York ave trw Jfti47t Jfti47tFOR ju47tFOR iai7tFOR FOR RENT RENTAP RENTAPARTMENTS RENTAPARTMENTSFOIl APARTMENTS APARTMENTSFOR ARTMENTSYOU FOR RENT mTNEW NEW APARTMENTS APARTMENTSin AJ ART1I TS TSIn in the theOLENDOWER theOIFOOWER theOLFNDOWER OLENDOWER OLENDOWER6th OIFOOWER8th 6th and a1E East i Capitol iA streets Dti northeast northeastNEW northeastNEW eut eutSTKAi NEW MODERN BLILDINO BLILDINOSTEAM 1JLILDINOSTEAM I STEAM HEATED THROUGHOUT THROUGHOUTLA TJIllOUGllOUTLAJtm ThROUGhOUTLAItGE LA LAJtm ROE AND BRIGHT ROOMS ROOMSApartments nOO ROOMSApartments 5 5prtIl1OOs Apartments prtIl1OOs 4 and 6 rooms and bath each eachCO eachauDo 2609 3000 and 3300 3300CONVENIENT 3500COVRNENT CONVENIENT CO TO Toa CAR LINES LINESlf i LINESt0t iES iESjalrot jalrot lf t0t 0t L1EBERMANN LJRnRll UN 5 II IIAWNlSoii AWN WN 1308 it itFOR atFOR tFan FOR RENT RP RENTIn In The Ellsworth Ellsworthfour four apartrornts apartrorntsnow apart apajjj apajjjnow ntl ntlnow now ready sis large outside rooms and tile bath batht heated ated throughout by hot water a bcauti bcautiSTONE ful horn roIM worth nh 50 30 par month rent 1JiJ oi STONE STO IT FAIRFAX dc31tf dc31tfFOR dc31tfFOR deOttfFOR FOR RENT RENTFLATS RENTFLATSI FLATS FLATSFOR FOR I OR RENT RE RENTFiat Flat new sis sl rooms rear yard yardand yardand Urd UrdAnd and porch 115 10th at at se 0 20 KARRIC1C KARRIC1CIMETCALP KltJUCKMITCALF RAltRICltM1CALF IMETCALP 1J33 sf at nw jQ1iSt jQ1iStpaR jailstFOR al78t al78tFOR FOR RUNT BESTModern Msdern fiat four rooms ro fDI porcelain porcelainbath porraljibath bath papered located northeast st near oars ars rent 1050 EDWARDS REEVES Inc 014 13th 13thst 13thIt 13thIL st a an jalOCt FOR RENT RENTOFFCES RENTOFFICESFOR OFFICES OFFICESFOR I Itro FOR tro KENT JtKTI IIENTIN IN TUB LEWIS BUILDING south soutlieoA 8OUUCCI southcom CCI com eoA cor Oth and Louisiana loul fault nv aft nw two c*nt c*ntinMnlcating Cunl CunlInwnlcattnJ tuininunicating inMnlcating front towns oa second and third thirdfloow thirdflilOtlS thirdfloors floors each building steam heated convenient omtvenientlocation OHfftIlent1oeatiOh convenientlocation II location for lawyer la rent fl fL 11 i 11 er mouth tar taroa kIIOKt forouch oa ouch ch suit mite UEBERMAXN HAWN UA 1 1I PeL Pst Fit I eL it jal81t jal81tW JailstWANTEDSUBURBAN tt ttWANTED I WANTED A1lTEDSUBURBAIf WANTEDSUBURBANWANEDTo SUBURB AIT AITWAKTED I INrEDTo WAKTED WANEDTo NrEDTo To rent near Washington Wuldft VaaI dngton a aImmne ema emahouse sruaJ sruaJh house with iU improvements and at leant lea three thrl or ortour orfour orfour four acres of land place I aee suitable for pigeon pigeonfofU plgpooJolta plggonhilts hilts on large scale must be near school and andprefer indI Sodprefer I prefer place near river give In full particulars and anaBtutc andtute andstmite Btutc rent Addr Address 201 3d Sm rt rt se a jalfrSt jalfrStFOR JalatI JailStFOR I i FOR RENT RENTSUBURBAli RENTSUBURBAliI SUBURBAN SUBURBANFOR I FOR it KENT RENTAt TAt At North crit Lanirdon Station CI I 20 acres of laud with fireroom house and nd iteceH iteceHsary mieceissry HCI 101ltbllldlnrs sary outbuildings 2 2i par month Inquire ca caJ cJ jJ Ifc 1 ii SHEinvOOD Risgs f1I Market ja07t ja167t11OR jalOltroit I IFOR 11OR FOR RENT RENTIn TIn In suburb 0 rooms bath gas con concretc concrete conCrete crete cellar porches lauii stable and carriag carriaglH carriglt11t4l2 carriagImousa lH 11t4l2 use near cars rent ea 26 Address dwos BOX DOXthb sybil sybilthia StI StIthu thia thu ofaee jalOSt jlll6atOR jailStFOIl jFOR FOR OR RENT ItliNThiouse TIIou House and sixteen acres 1253 1253PIERCE 12 12lnmCK i25 i25IJEILCI PIERCE PIERCE Vienna Fairfax Co CoI Co5a14SOt i iJal4S0t Jal4S0t jaUJOtI jFOR I FOR SALE SAL SALESUBURBAN SALESUBURBANVOlt SUBURBAN UBUI 3AN 3ANFOH I IFOR I FOR SALE OR RENT HF1TOn One mile from Anucostii Anucostiicottage Anllt Anllto Aniwca Aniwcacottage cottage ttaC and 2 24 4 acres Apply 210 8th st nd ndjalO3t ni njailSt i jalO3t jIl163I jailStFOR 7 7FOR I I IltOR FOR RENT RENTFURNISHED FURNISHED AND VN VNFURNISHED UfFUY tNFURNISHED FURNISHED FUY USHED HOUSES HOUSESFOR ROUSESFOIt EOUSESFOR FOR RENT HFTfurnl IIENTFurnlahed Furnished bed or unfurnished unfurnialmedat hjuacs hjuacsat bat at any price and in any prt of the thecity thecityDUNhAM city cityDUNLOP cityDl DUNLOP Dl IoJ Heal Esate Broker Mctzerott iklg kl kg 1110 I nw jsufaot jsufaotFOR ja3Ot ja3OtFOR JOt JOtI JOtFOR I FOR RENT RENTHOUSES RENTHOUSESkOIt HOUSES jFOR It01l FOR RENT RE RENTATFRAUTIVE ATTRACTIVE NEW Nl HOUSE HOUSENEVER 1l0USl 1l0USlEEIt hlOUS hlOUSNEVEIt NEVER OCCUPIED OCCCPIEDNO I INO INO NO 2824 Sf BRIOHTWOOD AAKNCEj AYfiSGE AYfiSGEOioui tEl tElbl bl Open on three sides ftJ line porches 0 9 rooQs moths and andlulh aMHIT antitth lulh nf furnace heat heatRENT heatRENT eftJ lOil RENT 2M PER MONTH MONTHll MONThJaisIt IO TII i iI ll jlS1t lS8t L1EBBRMANN HAVN lIA 1308 st stFOR stRmIT atFOR I FOR RENT Nineroom hint nortiwcst nortiwcstroomers nort nortwcstroOmers WiSt roomers would like to remain Address BOX Bq 28 28tlite 28tlll ISLids tlite office JaB3t jl FOR RJiNT RJiNT14W 1IENTi411 THIH 14W sL St Sr ami amIOOB aniASOhi SXM SXMtOS tOS Portlier pi pl 7r amI am S2 S122G 2254 1220 13th st It llr ami ainlS 60 5Of 5OfR 11 HRTH HRTHjalBtt URTlIjaIlat hiliTifJailat 4 jaIlat Partner I rtner Plats loth 1 th andU andUR andiUOlt mdUiFOR iFOR Olt RENT 1tEI018 018 st nw I rooms and bath bathimacc bathfuniace 1th 1thfunuoo I funuoo imacc hint the condition same as new newl rent rentIB rentfli rentDUNLOP fli IB DUNLOP 1110 I st nw jaS38t jaS38tWANTED ja17r39tWANTEDHOUSES jaiiflOtWANTEDHOUSES WANTED WANTEDHOUSES WANTEDHOUSESA WANTEDHOUSESWANTEDTo HOUSES HOUSESWANTED WANTED WANTEDTo A TED To buy nnall na1l store property or orhouse orItousc orhousit house that can ooslly be turned into a store stcrewould st storewould re rewould would prefer brick and ne price not to ex exceed exceed oxcoed ceed 2 2500 0 Address ALL CASH jthis office officeFOR otkefa ofletjailU fa jailU FOR SALE SALEHOUSES SALEHOUSESFOrt HOUSES HOUSESFOR FOR SALE SAlE SALEStxroom Sixnx Slxroom brick perfect condition conditionnear condi conditionnear 1Ju 1Junear near Lincoln Park bargain if sold within ten tendays tendo tendays do days METCVLF AttomeyatLaw ttometztLa ttometztLaG 1X 1XG 1531 5 st nw Jal73t Jal73tVERY ja173tVERY jalifitVERY VERY CHEAP 310000 310000NEAR 310000NEAR 310000NEAR NEAR UNION STATION STATIONTJe STATION1Jcst STATIONBeat TJe Beat houses for the money in the city Must Mustxll Iustell Iumt Iumte11 ell ten brick houses to close an estate ts Houses Houseswithout 1I0J ilouseawithout IeI IeIithout without the ground worth the price pri asked Two Twoand Twoand Twoand and three stories with large roerna and lot Th Ibti Thh ThIt ti It front by bJ good depth to pared 15feetwids 15feetwidsalley I5feetwimlsalley teetwicle teetwicleI alley I well rented best part of 10 st St near two twoear tWbIU twocar ear lines SAME PRICE ONE OR ALL Apply ApplyMly Applyijr pp1y pp1yly Mly ly to sole agent pay 3Y well at present rental rentalJOSEPH renblJOSEPH rentalTOSEPII JOSEPH I WELLER WELLERUealty WELLERRealty VVELLERRealty Realty Broker Brokerrel Drokeriel Brokere1 rel e1 SIR No 002 St St Njlli Wfulatf Whuhti fulatf jlli huhtiso tf 50 CASH BALANCE MONTHLY MONTHLYWill Will niy new home 7 roonu rooms 4 closets closets porches porchesIatrjl porcl1C1htrhe porcheslatrle htrhe Iatrjl plumbing large nge lot lot near school ana anacar mUaft anticirs car aft 100 other lots 7 5 per mo Houses built to tosuit to511ft tosuit suit Take green oreen can on st st for ELLASTON ELLASTONTERRACE ELLSTONTERRACE ELLASTONiRcE TERRACE iRcE 20lh st lit nc Je tr dcl7tf dcl7tfFOE de17tfFOR delltiFOR FOR SALE SALEmSCE SALEMISCELLANEOUS SALEMISCELLANEOUSOR MISCELLAUEOOS MISCELLAUEOOSOXR LANEOUS LANEOUSlOR OXR OR SVLE sISccn Seven school desks cheap HOP HOPWOOD HOPWOOD HOPWOOD WOOD 8th and furniture packed for Chip Chipping shIpping Ip IpIing ping Iing ja18t ja18tFOR jatStFOR a 1851 1851FOR FOR SALE SALPrCord Cord wood OI1 for sale 6 per cord corddelivered corddoU corddohluered delivered doU Pd to any part of City cl eft 1tddress Address ddro BOX Wthis 0thlos 66thlsoflee this thlsoflee ofHco j188t j188tFOR JUSUtFOR jailsStFOR FOR SALE SLECheJp Cheap at once loavimj ImYIr city con contents centeats contents tents of naval officers residence sid l1Ce good ood furniture funiitursll furnitureall all 11 kinds Iron and folding foldln beds beds mites IIUI tes bu bureaus 00ream horecta ream parlor and library pieces desk price no noobject noobjQet noObjeCt object 508 flO lltli nw Jal68t Jal68tFOR jailStFOIt 163t 163tFOlt3ALElresh FOR FOlt3ALElresh SALE SALEFresh Fresh cow and calf tf three weeks weeksold weeksold weeksold old part Jersey cncy and Holstein 1I01 teln can be bought boughttiieap bou boughti4ueap bt btIeap tiieap Ieap Call 9063 st at between 30th and Slat Xlsta l1tg Slatsea a wr Jal8It CLEARING SALE OF OFEXCHANGED OFEXCHANGED OFEXCHANGED EXCHANGED PIANOS PIANOSFifteen PIANosFifteen PIANOSFifteen Fifteen square pianos taken in exchange to be bedoBoiJ becIOI6d beclosed closed out at practically coat of repairs and anddelivery andde1ivery anddelivery delivery to your our residence reeldence20 ldenCcIO 20 15 86 55 36 etc etcow etcon etcout ow easy monthly or weekly week I payments paymentsK 2 SMITH PIANO IAXO CO COBradbury COBradbury COIlradbury Bradbury Building 1225 225 Pennsylvania lcnn ylvanla Ave AveJal7tf Aeja1itf Avejailti Jal7tf Jal7tfPOH ja1itfIIOU jailtiFOR FOR SALE SALItOnehone Onehorse power gas or gasoline gasolinemgine a OlInpmglne gasolineengine engine and eightinch swing screwcutting screwcuttinglathe aerewcuttinglathe rewelttlngLallI lathe complete cheap Apply Appl after 4 oclock oclockII oclockIL II IL a WARNER 492 92 at flw jaI7Jt jaI7JtfoOlt jai7StFOR i 17dt 17dtFOR FOR SALE Mediumsize cherry wardrobe wardrobeFrench wardroooJIronCb wardrobeFrench French bevel glass doors Apply pply f11ter after 5 m10tO 1010 st nw jal3t jal3tFOR ja1iStFOR jailStFOR FOR SALE SLPOomplote Complete meatcutting outfit Call CallMonday Call3londay CallMonday Monday 10 to 12 1007 18th st et nw ja1iSt ja1iStOR jailitFOR 173t 173tFOR FOR OR SALE SLEurnlture Furniture contents of finely fur furnWicd furn furabubed nWicd lhcd home at sacrifice including upright uprightpiano uprlshtpiano uprIghtpiano piano desks revolving chairs must sell 315 315Oth 3166th 3156th 6th si nw ja78t ja78tFOR jal73tYOn jailStFOR FOR SALE SALESquare Square piano pl noJ oarved legs good goodeonilltlon Soocieomlitlon goodcondition condition overstrung dent hesitate 86 86I 36I10i SbIIOPWOOD I HOPWOOD I10i WOOD 8th and Its Jal73t Jal73tFCR JallntPCR JailfitPeR PeR SALE SUESinety Ninety stoves slightly rued ed one 6 6cc 0 0cost 0ecet cost cc S16 16 others from 250 up HOPUOOD StIr Stusnd SU1anti StIrand anti aLa furniture packed for shipping shippingja78t shippinga17at shippingjai7lt ja78t ja78tFOR a17atfoOR jai7ltFOR FOR SALE 5LE SALEIron Iron ron safe Hairs cheap and in ingood Ingood ingood good condition 1320 Gilt st nw jalOTt jalOTtFOR jalaitfOR jailItFOR FOR SALE SALElarge Large quartered oak oac oac desk and nd chair chairto chatrto chairto to match cheap 13tO 0 at at trw JalO7t JalO7tFOil jd67tfOlt jailItFolt fOlt SALE SUBOne One 1 regalia In good comB condition conrUton comBLion ton Address ddrns BOX 93 this th otliee JalCSt JalCStFOR julG3tFOR jailStFOR FOR BALE BALEDorseyS Dorscys strain thoroughbred bnnvn bnnvnICRhorns lIrownlrthorna Inownleghorns leghorns co*ckerels coclrerelir 92 2 hens hens 1 trio 350 3501S33 50 1S33 Providence st Brookland I ja63t ja63tFOR js163tLIrline jailati FOR i iitLirine SALE LIrline Pine and oak wood sawed and andsplit andspIlt andspilt spIlt f7ro 750 cord S376 375 half 2 quarter deliv delivered detheretl dclivare ered are Address BOX 10 thia thi offlce OI ce Jal57t Jal57tFOR jttl57tOiiSALEChCllP isisItFOIISALIiCheaP FOR FOIISALIiCheaP OiiSALEChCllP SALE Cheap to quick purchaser pLlIcl1W1er por poruliatora few ir ircliatoN ra radiator diator lot old pipe Jot wagon I on and carriage carriagewheels carriagewhee3 carriagewheeti wheels nix I grindstones 0horse upright boiler boilerlot boilerlot boilerlot lot blacksmiths forges two wagon scales iron ironbathtubs lrorbAthtubs trotbathtubs bathtubs one light delivery wagon etc BAUM BAUMk BAtJtBERNIIEIMFR BERNHE1MER 1726 7th tb st nw ja50t ja50tPIANO j1150tPIANO jailCtPIANOSPECIALS PIANO PIANOSPECIALS SPECIALS in slightly used u5ed and andImand scccna scccnahand lCC na na112nd hand uprights Knabe full sir sire 6D 260 fj new newprice neTJ1Ilce newprice price U0 Decker Bros 5175 175 Pease 4150 4150und 11 i imind und 00 many others New pianos 5200 oo and up upanuarcs upiC1IreI upoqtiarea anuarcs iC1IreI 625 5 up All on 11 easy monthly pay payments pa paucntl paynients ments ucntl DeMOLL CO Ittrc it at at nw nwial4tf DVJa14lf owjai4U ial4tf Ja14lfPRIGHT jai4UUPRIGHT ial4tfUPRIGHT UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PIANOS PIANOSBargain PIANOSDargalns PlANO PlANOBargains Bargain Firstclaw loirst luI makes makesCHAS makoC tB tBClus CHAS M7 11 STIEFF 521 11th St St WJ wJ IV3p 3p CONL1FF Manager nolStl nolStlVSE no15UWE noistiWE WE BAY buy now novwhile while prices are sr low will willcredit willcredit jjj jjjcredit credit you vou when short of cash for furniture furnitureitovcs furnitunItoves futnjtwestoves stoves Itoves etc hair mattress In two parts partsREnJIOND portsREDJIONDShlaDd WREDUOND REDUOND REDJIONDShlaDd Sll and 313 7th st at nw aulStf aulStfFOR aul8UFOR aulltfFOR FOR SALE SA SALEGOOd Good q1Jty quality opaque abodes fitted fittedto fittedto siii siiito to your windows only 25c the beat quality qualityoil qulUtYon ciualttyoil oil opaque shade ball SOc hung free will call callwith callwith raftwith with samples KLEEBLATTS 11th and sts stsnc stea ta taDc nc a Phone East 25D JohlSU bI3U 1 FOREIGN MAILS MAILSRSlIllCOTON I RSlIllCOTON 111 U1UX POSTOFFICB NOTICR NOTICRPM NOTICTUbqeW PM bqeW 14 he read dully defl aa changes alllln pay occur occurP oecwfi ocourany any fi HIDf tjtp1DUEIGN 1DUEIGN UBICN it lCN 1LILS ar lire dhisiUbed to the porte wfcIf portetisily I If mUnjc 1 Oaily IIsU and the schedule of cleainss cleainssMl cl dmsintsuuted I II uuted Ited Ml on tlw pwawBpdon ptiCNI of rf their train uninr trainoil overland tmnsft treest For the ek eec 1 1J 1 Jiniwry 4IUIllr M4 the lt kit connectii eon eeth closes claimI i iWl I Wl lIRe I HK maOt isma TrciM riatt the MAIN 11l OFFICE as Follow FollowTransAtlantic follows followsk I ITrlnsAtlanti I TransAtlantic Mails MaUsMONDAY Mails1O MailsIIONDAIc MONDAY 1O IIONDAIc DA At 1145 15 prn for NETHER NETHERjANDS NETHERAN1 NETlIERSANDS AN1 SANDS jANDS direct djr per ss Stantendara from New Newrk iework Newmt ork rk Mntt IUl MHMt be directed Per es Staatenlam Staaten Staaten1ft Staatetmam lam lamTUESDAY am amTUEfDAy5 TUESDAY 1ftT TUEfDAy5 1ft Dy a At 713 71 pm for NAPLES and and1KKOA andiE1OA IJRJlO 1KKOA ller er MS 110 Deutacfaland fnwi New ew York Yortclull Yorkhdt Yotitlull antiI lull for other parts of ITALY must be directed directedPer directellI tilveetmIier I Per I SS 11 Dsutschland Dsutschlanda a At 71 711 pm for EUROPE par 44 A Teu Teuonic TeuI TeuItome Teutonic tome from Xeu York via Queeiistovm QiseenstownVDN1ISDAYC QueeiistovmIvrraBUUVND I riO VDN1ISDAYC USDA At 1010 pJH for FRANCE FnANCPSVI FRANCESVlLZIIIlLAND SVI SVlLZIIIlLAND IvrraBUUVND HM ITALY I1 yJ SPAIN SI POBTUUAL lORTUGALTLRRIIV POBTUUALiURKBY OI TV AL I iURKBY ECPT PG PT OilKECE BRITISH INDIA INDIAind I hNDI hNDIsod DI I sod LORENZO MAROUtZ per SB la BxcUgiur BxcUgiurrom Ibiningilefrom from rom New York via 111 Ilavr tIv Matt lan for other parts partif prrt1rof partsrut rut EUROPE must InUl be tilrictcd Per SA La LaJretajjnc 1AIJNtanc LaIbretagne Jretajjnc IbretagneFitllAYa JretajjncFRIDAY FRIDAY FJUDAYa a At 715 vm rn for SCOTLA SCOTfAXD SCOTfAXD1RIUUm SCOTLANIIREAND Nl i iRKIAND RKIAND and LIVERPOOL per ae LucanU Lucu Lucufrom Lucunisfrom I Irom from rom New York 011 via I Queans QUtQJ1IOD I own 3IaR far other otlierlaru otherpartli otherports ports laru of ORKAT BRITAIN mUTAINand and EUROPE must IBllitbe musthe i iw be directed diNe Per SA Luoanva Luoanvaai Iueanaa ai a At 716 16 pm for EUROPE per s8 SU SUauf SC4Paul StPaul Paul auf from New York via vi Plymouth and 1Id Cl Cher Cherbcntr CherscM rjotirr bcntr bcntre jotirr jotirreAt eAt scM At 1146 pm for BBUtfUir direct Ct pr paso pasoJinJonland sj sjliroonland sahroonlmid liroonland from New York Mail lall must be di directod dttod directomi rectod tod Per BS 8 Krooh Irvo rroetnml rroetnmlC arMl arMlc l1fHtc At 1145 ii4 pm for JTAiY direct per s8 s8Princess SosIrtnccss ssPdiierm Princess Irene JAIl from Nev Se York Mall all must nUI6 be1 be1dlrseted 00 00dlrted bedlr5eted dlrseted Per ss Princess Irene IreneMails JrIIcMai1J IreneMailo Mails for or South and Central America AmericaWest AmericaWent AmericaWest West Indies Etc EtcMONDAY Etc110NDYc EtcMONDAYc MONDAY 110NDYc At 1145 pm for CENTRAL CENTRALAMKR1CA CFmALA11XIUCA CENTRALAMERICA AMERICA Wept enet nt Cosdt Rica and SOUTH PA PACIVIC IACIVIC lACWIC CIVIC PORTS per SA es City of Washington from fromNew fromSe fromNew New Se York rJt via CBlon Mall lflll for GUATEMALA GUATEMALAmust OUATE OLATBMAIAunmet IAJ IAJt must be directed Per ss City of Washington WashingtonTUESDAY IVashfngtonTCRSDAYc ashln ton tonTlRSDYc TUESDAY TlRSDYc At 1145 114 in for NEW NEWFOUNDLAND NRWFOCXDIND NEWFOUNDLAND FOUNDLAND per ss Shun from r1iRt New York Yorke YorkCc Cc At 1145 11 ra for ARGENTINE URU URUOOAY UUUorJAY lIEUICILY ICILY and PARAGUAY per S5 Hjacinthus Hjacinthusfrom 1lacintJuJSfrom llyaclnthuammli from mmli New York Yorke At 1145 pm for NORTHERN BRAZIL BRAZILper DnAZIIper BRAZILper per ss II Dun t4n from New ew York via Para and anilMsnax nndY1IQ andcc Msnax Y1IQC cc At l1U pm fee nnA BRAZIL BRAZIL lT rutr per a 8 a Drifu DrifuInncc BritbhIrmnec lil lilPrmcc Prmcc from New York via Ia Pemambcico Rio RioJandre RkJonro RioJanoipe Jandre and Sotitoa Mall for NORTHERN NORTHERNBRAZIL NOJlTlIRRIilHLZIL NORThERNBRAZIL BRAZIL ARCKNT1NE URUCUAY UnUGUAY and PARA PARAGUAY 1AttGUAi PAILAGVAI GUAY roust be directed Per ss British BritishPrince 1Jrltisklrlncc IlrttishiPrince Prince PrinceWKDXKSDAY lrlnccWIrDNF5DA PrinceIVFDNESDAYc WKDXKSDAY IVFDNESDAYc Yc At 11S pm for MEXICO MEXICOper YEtICOper MEXICOper per Sf rt Havana from from New York via ProRreso ProRresoCVwrtoche lroJtI8llaQl FrogresoCmpbche CVwrtoche aQl and Vera Cruz Mail must be di directed drectecl dmreeled reeled Per s8 Havana Havanap lIat1lDAt At 1115 pm for BERMUDA per perTrinidad sj sjTrinidad usTrinidad Trinidad from New York Yorke At 114 1146 ii 45 pm for HAITI per 88 Ji Prlns PrlnsWlllem PrIneWtllcm PrinsIVillen Wlllem from New York Mat for CAPE CAPfcHAITI CAPfHAITI CAPEHAITI HAITI PORT DB PAIN CURACAO VEN1 VEN1lIELA ENEZI ENEZ ENEZUELA UELA IBf TRINIDAD TJU IDAD BRIT IIIILTIIt II AND DUTCH DUTCHGUIANA DUTCnGU1 DUTChOGIANA GUIANA GU1 must de directed direptt Per s8 Prins Prins1lTemT PrtlloUem PrinsIliliem Ililiem 1lTemT 1lTemTe Uem Ueme Ya At 1146 11 pm for MEXICO per ss ssYumurl ssYunturf usYninur Yumurl from New ew York via Tamplco Mall Mallmnst lahm Mailmns mnst mns be directed Per ss YumurL YumurLTHURSDAY YumuriTHUnSDAYc YumnurLTIIURSDAYe THURSDAY THUnSDAYc At 1115 pm for the BA BAHAMAS nA1IS BAllAMAS llAMAS per 8J Saratoga Surdto from New ew York YorkMall YorkMall Mall 11 for the PROVINCE OF SANTIAGO IAGJ CUBA CUBAntuat CCllAIBwt CUBAmust must he directed Per Ss Saratoga SaratogaFRIDAY SaratotaFRiDAYc SaratogaFRIDAYc FRIDAY FRiDAYc At 1145 pm for PORTO RICO RICOCURACAO RICOCURACAO RICOCUIACAO CURACAO and VENEZUELA VE E7lTELA per as Phila Philadelphia Pl1l1adelllllla Philadelpimia delphia from New York Mall for SAV SA SAVANILLA SAVANILLAan AXILLA AXILLAami A 1UA 1UAnnll ami an CARTAGENA A mint be directed ir Per as asPhiladelphia 81PhlilldclpblL scPhiladelphia Philadelphia PhiladelphiaP At 1145 11 15 for BERMUDA ANTIGUA ANTIGUAMARTINIQUE ANTIGUAMAI1TINIQUE A AKAltTlXIQtE MARTINIQUE and GUIDBLOUPE per ss ssEtnirifl ssEmnia LuEtrurta Etnirifl from New York Mail for BARBADOS BARBADOSTRINIDAD DARBADOSTRlli BARBADOSTRINIDAD TRINIDAD TRlli AD BRITISH DUTCH and FRENCH FRENCHGUIANA FRE FRENCUUIANA Cl1 Cl1CCINA GUIANA must be directed Per 8S Etrurfa EtrurfaAt Etrurlaa 0 At 1145 11 ii4 1 pm for PORTO RICO ordinary ordinarymail ordlrlQmalt ordicarymail mail malt only nly per ss Pathfinder from New York JUC JUCci ci At 1145 pm for ST THOMAS rnOll8Sl rnOll8SlCICOIX ST STCROIX STCROIX CROIX LEEWARD I1 ARD AND XD WINDWARD ISLANDS ISLANDSBRITISH 1SLND3D ISLANDSnhlmII BRITISH mSII DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA pn pns IW111lnoa peaas as Manor from New York Yorke Yorce At 1145 pm for FORTUNE FORTU ISLAND ISLANDJAMAICA JSLLtDT ISLthDJAMAIO JAMAICA SAVAN1LLA SA IIl CARTAGENA and andGRBYTOWN ant antGnRYTOWX antiGRIIYTOWN GRBYTOWN per ss Sibiria from New ew YO1 YO1In YerzMall rz rzMall Mall In for COSTA COST RICA mnst Ul 5t be directed Per 1as rerB 86 Slblriu Slblriue At 1145 ih4 pm for 1NAGUA HAITI ana anaSANTA alNtsA andsArA SANTA sA MARTA per ss Adirondack from New NewY NewYork et eellA York YorkCUBA rk rkCUBA CUBA ellA MAILS close c1 here at 3 pm daily ex except except oxcapt cept Sundays and Mondays via Ill Port Tampa TampaFla TrunpaFlu 1 1n Flu the connecting eo etinlf clof e1o ciosiw being on Wednesdays Wednesdaysand and Saturdays and at 3 pm on Sundays and andlondays snd11onrla1 andMondays Mondays tia 1cl Miami Flu FlaMEXICO Fl FllEXtCO FluIEXICO MEXICO overland Unl unless specially 1Ir addressed addressedfor addrcssodfor addrcmodfor for dispatch by bJStecamor3 steamora sailing from New York Yorkclose Yorkcloee Yorkcloie close We here dally at 1006 10 am 0 and 10 10pm 10Im 10pm pm hMails 11 11Iqlll I IMqfk Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND NEWF01XDL by hy rail to Ntrth Ntrthydney NerthSydnq NirthSydney Sydney and thence the eo via steamer cl cI9Iebore cleame here dally dallyexcept clallrseopt daiLytscept except Sumlays at 12 and an Sundays Sundaysat mch15 mch15at at 1130 am the connecting eonneetln closes being beingon beingog beingon on Mondays Aonda WiKlueedcy and Saturdays SaturdaysMalls SaturdaS3lalls SaturdaysMalls Malls for JAMAICA by rail to Boston and andUicncc andlcnce andthence thence lcnce via Ia steajner close chI here every Friday at atI 1 12 el also by rail to Philadelphia malls mallsclosing maibc1ostnr mallsclosing closing every eVen Sunday at 1 45 pm kail CtMails It ItMails Mails ail for MIQUELON by rail to Boston and andthence andthence andthence thence via ofa steamer close here daily daU except Sun Sundays Sunat Sundays days at IS end on Sundays Sunda at 1130 1130am 1130 1130am 11 iib iibain am CO COMails C1181k CMalls Mails for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and andGUTE1tAI andOUATEiUALA nd ndOUATEiIAI OUATEiIAI by rail to New Orleans and andthence andt1tcmee andthence thence via ia steamer ctem fl8e here daily at 1008 1008anu 806aI anu aI I and 10 pm the conneetinc conneetinccloses conneetl conneetlck conncodngckimico closes Je belup 1Ie1B on Mondays MowlajvMalls MondaysMalls 1MtdJ 1MtdJlJ1n8 Malls for COSTA OSTA RICA mC by rail to New NewOrleans NOrksn NewOrleans Orleans and thence via steamer deo close bore boredally bor borfly heredaily dally fly at 1005 am 0 1 and 10 pm the theconnecting theconneding theconnecting connecting clones being on Tuesdays TuesdaysTransPacific TuesdaysTransPacific TuesdaysTransPacific TransPacific Mails CHINA CIU A and JAPAN JPA vU Vancouver and Vic Victoria Vietoriti toria close hen 1 daily at 080 pm up upto tipto Hto to January 19 inclusive inclU ve for dispatch par 09 09Empress SoliEmpress saEmpress Empress of Japan Merchandise for the SPostal sPeatal Postal Pes tal Agency at Shanghai China cannot be beforwarded beforWllrtlCM1 beforwarthod I forwarded Tin Canada CanadaCHINA CanadaCHISA UanamlaChINA CHINA JAPAN IIAWAH and PHILIPPINE PHILIPPINEISLANDS PIItUPPINfISLANDS PhILIPPINEISLANDS ISLANDS via 11 San Francisco close here daily dailyat dUyat tinilyat at 030 pm up to January SO inclusive fee fotdispatch fOJdl feedispatch dispatch dl pateh per ss America Main Ce CeChINA oCHINA 0C1n CHINA C1n A and JAPAN via a Seattle ttl close sc here heredally hendan heredaily dally dan at 680 pm up to January 20 inclusive inclusivefor includvt includvtfor inclusivefor for dispatch per ss Toes Maru oAUSTRALIA oAUSTltALlA 0AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA except PXCf pt West Australia Utr lia mails mailsFIJI mollsFfJI mallsFIJI FIJI ISI JStASDS ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA via viaVancouver viaYancover viaVancouver Vancouver ond nd Victoria close here dally dallyat dail daillit dailyt at 630 pm up to January Tanu1r 23 inclusive for fordispatch fordtpateh fordispatch dispatch per ss Moano oHAWAII 0l1A oHAWAII HAWAII l1A WII via San Francisco close here daily dailyat dailyat dailyat at 010 pm up to January 25 inclusive for fordispatch lord fordispatch dispatch lpatL per BB Alamnda 0 0PIIUIPJ 0PIIILIPIJNE I PHILIPPINE PIIUIPJ INE ISLANDS vii San Frsneise Frsneiseclose Frsntfefclose Franofeetclose close here daily alb at 050 pm up to January 27 27inclusive 27inclulJhp 21Inclusive inclusive fw dispatch per IT I Transport oI 0rnllA oCHINA I CHINA JAPAN HAW hAWAII Air and PHILIPPINE PHILIPPINEISLANDS Pl1U1PPI PhIIllPIINEISLANDS fISLANDS ISLANDS via San Francisco gjase here daily dallynt dailyAt dailyat At 630 pm up to January Januar 38 2S inclusive for fordispatch fordisPAtch fordispatch dispatch per ss Korea KoreaTAHITI 0 0TA1UTI oTAhITI TAHITI AND MARQUESAS ISLANDS ISLA mS viii San SanFrancisco SanJormcl8co SanFrancisco Francisco close 1ose bore dally at 6 630 0 pm up to toFebruary tocbru teaFebruary February cbru ry 6 Inclusive for dispatch per ss Man Manposa 1l1npeea Marijoea posa 6 6AUSTRALIA 0 0rSTRALIt peeaArSTRAII AUSTRALIA except West Australia mails mailsNEW mall51NEW mailsiNEW NEW ZEALAND NEW NE CALEDONIA A FIJI FIJIS FIJIS4SIOA IJ1 IJ1S4 S4 S4SIOA MOA OA and HAWAII 11 AIr via San Francisco close closehere cll8ehere closehere here daily at 030 pm up to February 6 inclu inclusive Inclusire nolusIe sire for dispatch per ss Ventura 0 oNOTE 0NOTE 0NOTEMalls NOTE NOTEMalls Malls Iln i for COCHIN CIHNA are dis dispatched dii1patebed dispatched patched to New Nf York for connection connectionwith conncctiorwith conneetlorwith with European uropHn steamers steamersUnless steamersUnless Unless otherwise otheJ addressed addr c1 WEST WE AUSTRA AUSTRALIA ALISTRAria lTSTRA lTSTRArT LIA rT mails will be dispatched dl pateheI yin fa Europe ana anathose anatbOf antithose those for New Zealand and the Philippine PhilippineIsland Phtlioo1nr Phtlioo1nrI8bn PhmlipplncIslands Island I8bn via San Kraneisoo Oranci Cnl CI11the the quickest quickestroutes qur qulokestroutes tMutes routes Malls lal18 for the PHILIPPIJTB ISLANDS ISLANDSspecially ISLANOOspecIally ISLtNDLIspecially specially addressed Via ia Kurope or Via Can Canuda CAnsoda Canails soda must lie prepaid at the foreign rate ot otpostaco otpostlIlO otpostage postage Mails 1116 for HAWAII I1A AU are dispatched via viaSan nitSen vtaSen Sen Francisco Cal exeli Culwlhllly CulwlhlllyREGlSTFPiD ecelusivslyREGISTEPPI wly wlyREGISTERED REGISTERED MAILS IIs clow clo at the MAIN AIN op OFFICE opFICF OPFlUE FlUE an Ml M1I flSluws iws a At d30 SO pm same day daytb daytb daytb tb at 145 pm same da fr at 845 pm pms pI pmsame same me day Cd st 530 an 1111 same day cla Ce at atG atfl45 545 4 nm pm same day I at 035 am same day dayh dnyb dayEl El at 116 1 16 pm same day da flc ct 845 pm pmprevious pmpreylous pmprevious previous day da ot 0 at 234 am sime me day dayJOHN darTOm clayTOIIN JOHN A MERR1TT Postmaster PostmaatcrFOR POlltJ11llsterFOR PostmasterFOR FOR SALE SALECOUNTRY COUNTRY PROPERTY PROPERTYFOR FOR SALE SALEXJ SALES30aCres S30 acres timber land lands near line ot otSouthern otSauthem otSouthern Southern Hallway 513 Oth at at nw jalO3t jalO3tSTORAGE ja103tI jailfitSTORAGE STORAGE STORAGEWHY STORAGEWIlY STORAGEWIlY I WIlY IAY MORE We store for 75c a aUNITRI load loadUNITED IoIdn UNITED ITEU STATES STORAGE CO 418420422 41842042210th IlS420410th 4I842042h10th 10th st nw jolSlOt jolSlOtFOR jo1S1litFOR JaISlotFOR FOR SALE SALETYPEWRITERS SALETYPEWRITERSFOlt TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERSFOR FOR FOlt SALE SJENo No 0 Runtaeton typewriter typewritereMghtlv typewriterlght1 typewritersightly eMghtlv lght1 used for wile cheap helll on very easy pay paviccntfl payrrcnta payItenta iccntfl BOX SSa this office ja27t RAILROADS RAILROADSBALTIMORE 1 ILROADSBALTIMORE RAILROADSBALTIMORE BALTIMORE OHIO RS RL8ne ElLeae L8ne Washington Waekin ton on New Nev1VhM1 Jwsey AT Aft A 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Caitheesbumeg itiuttWg and way paints SJA 8 l015 11D15J 11D15JL 015 A AiL AIL iL IL ni 1230 Mills 116 33 S3U M34 4 800 5006l0 00 510 7fe 7s 172O i7 20 11015 1815 niiSfl 31 MWashington 31WMlaUlgtOD 31Wzshbirton Washington Junction and way wI points S5 SJIOU JIOU A I iilli 4 3flO 0 5 550 I Mx79U YDaJthnorc 31Baltimore Baltimore week eek days x3 xS00 GOO SaIl 88 xI0O xI0Oxl2iJ CIO CIOxi x79U xi CI xSCO xS 3830 886 x6t0 Qoo 3030 xliGQ xliGQx800 xllGOxll xISGOxLl0S xll xLl0S 1 A JiI II x1200 ItUCn 1204 OG elW lW xt80 xt80xIoo z200xZO0 x800 xIoo x4M x430 4W x500 xSA xf00 xf00SUNDAYS xl xlU 639 x7 x700 ot SW xlOw xIO06 1 xU xUJ 1135 I 31 31SUNDAYS 1 1S SUNDAYS DA xI00 100 00 x700 17 00 730 7 30 830 xO0 xO0xhl00 CO COsai00 COxl1 sai00 xl1 A xl00 xl 00 115 2100 00 x3SO xSiOO xSmOOStill Still 039 x800 xlO00 1000 xllM 11 10 1135 1 MROYAL 1I 1IROYAL 31ROYAL ROYAL BLUE LINE LINEAH LINEAll AH 11 trains illuminated IHul wted with Plntsch ch IJght IJghtBaltimore I4grtBaltimore toJtlmore Baltimore Philadelphia i hI delpkb New ew Ycrk Yerke Boston ana anathe and andtllc andthe the East SOO 100 Diner 830 Buffet Buflet119e BuffetIIUtXJ 10 119e 0 Diner d1000 10W 10 Diner A lrf lrfDiner 100 100DIM 100 100Diner Diner 3W 00 Royal Limited Diner DIner4O0 400 00 Philadelphia only 500 Diner DinerS Dinerou DInerflOuJ flOuJ ou and UUXJ 11 RI I 1I Sleeping Car open at atJO 10 oclock oclockAtlantic uclockAtJaDtlc oclockAtlantic Atlantic City 700 10 1000 0 A A 31 3l 1CO 300 300P 300P 306P MDaily 11Daily 31lafiy Daily Except pt Sunday llStmday only onlyxEspress onlyxRJapres onlytEprems xEspress trainsBaggage trains ttMU tanaluggage Baggage re called for and checked frem hoteU hoteUand ltetcliresidences holeUand and residences by Union Transfer Co on or OII OII10ft orders ordersloft lM lMloft loft at ticket office 019 Penntylvania Avenue Avenuenorthwest AVt1Duenorthwett Avenuenorthwest northwest New ew Tort Avenue sad ncl Fifteenth FifteenthStreet FifteenthSinet FifteenthSirvet Street and at station stationD ratlonD MARTIN lIEGE HEGEMsr lIEGE1Ig lIEGEMgr Mgr Pass Traffic DIst Pass Agent AgentCHESAPEAKE A5tntCHESAPEAKE AgentCHESAPEAKE CHESAPEAKE OHIO RY RYXranu RYJrault YTrains Trains leave Je lve tcrujuyiv lCWldYJViW1 iua aiauoa tat10Q Daily lJuy3a 230 3a 1 MtlLlAGU ClliCAUO AND ST LOUIS BPZ BPZCUL tiPZCUI sPECLtL CUL Solid vestibule electric lighted lighteddining 1I1thteddining lighteddIning dining car train with 1th Pullman Sleepers ta taLouUvillc tlLouavjle UsLouisville Louisville Cincinnati indianapolis and Sc ScLouis StLoUIs ScIoms Louis Connection for Virginia ir 1nil1 Hot Springs SpringsParlor SpringsParlor prinpPJII Parlor PJII Cars Cincinnati to Chicago fining finingCar 1 iilningCar 1I1inl 1I1inlCar Car from Washington WashingtonU10 Wsahjn on onUl0 U10 XL ItF FV LIMITED Solid vestibule reelibuleelectric TlJtibu1electrlc vestibuleelectrIc electric lighted li htcd dining car train with Pull Pullman PullOlin I Inun man Sleepers to CiDdnnsti Lexington Lexlnrt ln and andLouirrille andLotilzillle dLounillc Louirrille Compartment Complr1 Sleeper to Vlr Vlrglniu VlrSini Vlrginia glniu Hot Springs Tuesday Thursday and andSaturday mdiJtunia7 andsaturday Saturday Sietpcrs Cincinnati to Chicaza Chicazasnd Chicaoand Chlcapiand and St Louis Lou Dining Car CarReservation CarUecc CarReaevation Reservation Uecc ation and tickets at 513 Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaAvenue PennsylnnbAvenue PennsylvaniaAvenue Avenue 6CO Fourteenth Street near 10 and a athe at atC1e athe the station ctitionTelephoce Telephone 1640 for Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaCab IetmlYl PennsylvaniaCab ni niCab Cab Service FULLER FULLERTelephone FULLERre1epbon FULLERTelephone Telephone Main 1GCG 1GCGSEASOARD ecG Onerl Pamanger sswer tgant tgantSEA1OARI tSEABOARD SEABOARD AIR LINE LI JE RAILWAY RAILWAYTicket RAILWAYTicket RAILWAYTicket Ticket Office 1421 Penna nna Ave AveFor AveFor AveFor For Petersburg PetCIlibu Uaielgb l4i Wilmington Columbia ColumbiaSaranali ColumblaSarmn1Jz ColumbIaSavannah Savannah Jacksonville Tampa Atlanta tbnta Blr BlrI Birmlngham Ifirmiagham I mtogham Mobile Penssccla len cda and New Orleans OrleatuI I 1046 A A ll DAILY DAILYSeabulrd Seaboard Mafl MaRThrough MaRThroughPullman nThrout nThroutlnllman Through 1 Pullman Sleepers to Tampa Pin connecting onnectfD at atHamlet atHamlet atHamlet Hamlet wIth Pullman Sleeper to Atlanta Atl UtI Cafe CafeDining O1fcDinlD6 GaleDining Dining Car io Hamlet Hamlftioo 700 DULY DULYSeaboerd Seaboard Florida Limited LimitedSolid LimitedSolid LimitedSolid Solid Pullman train to Jacksonville and St StAugustine St StAUgustiBe StAugustine Augustine Fhu hi Compartment mind DoubleDrawing Drawing Drawtn Room Sleepers Observation Club Car CarDining llarDining ar arDining Dining Car 730 1 DAILY DAILYSeabomard Seaboard bo rd Express Expres5SoIid Expres5SoIidtrain ExpremSohidtrain Solid Solidtrain train to Jacksonville and Tampa Tam a with Pullman PullmanSleepers PullmanSleepers Sleepers and Cafe Dining Car Through Sleepers Sleepersto to Atlanta OCEAN STEAMSHIPS AMERICAN A1dERIC 1 LINE LINEPLYMOUniCHERBOURCSOirrUAilPTQN LINEPL LINEPLYMOUflICflEflBOURGSoUThJXpTjj PLYMOUniCHERBOURCSOirrUAilPTQN PLYMOUniCHERBOURCSOirrUAilPTQNJt PL St St Jt PJan Jsn 28 930 otniSt LFeb 0 fln 9SO aav aavLhIUan ait aitlhUT4n ai aiihilJan LhIUan 30 030 amew am ew YFeb 13 13 3d UJ8 ajn ajnRED a aRED nmRED RED STAR LINE LINENEW LINENEW LINENEW NEW YORK YORKANTWERIPARIS YORKANTWERIPARISKrndJani103U ANTWERP TWERPP PARIS PARISKrnd RIS RISKrndTan Krnd KrndTan KrndJani103U Jan231030 10ro anu an U11 jfinld rlnld ljnI Feb6W30 FebII1tJOm1 FebII1tJOm1ZeeIdTan3UI030 am amaldJan3U1030 amSeeldJanSIiiOSO aldJan3U1030 am VadTdFebl31030 amjadrdeb13li30 am amCOMPANYS amCO11PA sinCOMPANYS CO11PA COMPANYS lS WASHINGTON OFFICE hOG PSt PStSTEAMBOlTS St StSTEAMBOATS StSTEAMBOLTS STEAMBOlTS STEAMBOATSNORFOLK STEAMBOlTSNORFOLK STEAMBOLTSNORFOLK NORFOLK WASHIKSTON WASHIKSTONSTEAMBOAT WASHlr WASH 1TON 1TONSTEAMBOAT TOr TOrSTEAMBOAT STEAMBOAT STEAMBOATEvery COMPANY COMPANYEvery CUMjJANEnry Every day in the year from toot oot 01 7th 7thst ithIt 7thit st It for Ft Ft Monroe Norfolk Norfolk Newport NewportNews NewportNews ewport ewporte3 News e3 and all points south u1h by the su superb sttperb 11 11pab perb powerful steel palace pi ace steamers steamersNewport 5U steamersKewpOrt mers mersZewport Newport News News ew8 Ncrfolk and andingtont Wash Washiajrton VasJingtoIL iajrton ingtoILL ingtont ingtontLv i iLe Le Washington uhin C30 pmfLv Portsmouth 500 pm proLr pmiY pmLv Lr Alexandria 700 prajLv pm pnjrv Lv Norfolk orfoJk 600 pa paAr pnAr pmAr Ar Yt Monroe 700 amjLr Ft Ft Monroe 700 pa paAr prAT pmAr Ar Norfolk S00 similAr Alexardria 030 113Oam 113OamAr am amAr amAr Ar Portsmouth 630 83 amiAr Washington 700 am am22TThrough amTJtrouh amaSiThtougb 22TThrough connections made at Nor Norfolk rio riofolk Norfolk folk with steamers of Old Dominion DoniinioaSteamship Dominw1Stcunsblp DominionSteamship Steamship Co for New York and Met Mcrchantz Mercbmtz Metchants chants and Miners Steamships for Beaten BoftocSFbr Beaten5Or oatOI1 oatOI1or or SFbr 5Or further information fnt atlon apply Pilly at atgeneral atJeneral atgeneral general ticket office Bad ad Baildin Buildiny 14tb 14tband Utbnnd 14thand and ave telephone Main ain200 2200 ot ot7th 017th orz 7th st wharf telephones Main 11IIn740 743 and ando 75 75JXO 738 JXO CALLAHAN Gen HerW Her YgrW 3lgrW CALLAHAN Gen Pass Act ActBUSINESS AgtBUSINESS st stdeZJlf deZJlf deZJlfBUSINESS BUSINESS CHANCES CHANCESFOR CHAIiCESpaR CHANCESFOIl FOR SALK SALEOenta Jenta Gents furnishing stock etoe and aHIt nx nxttKa liz liztures tures ttKa at inventory excellent stead DUNLOP DUNLOPCO DL DUNLOPt I ICO CO 006 81 JalS3 JalS3ROOMING jc1lS3nOOIDXG ja1S3ROOMING ROOMING HOUSE OUSE i full owner now has Go Gommcnt Goenunent Got Goternment mmcnt position make offer DUNLOP DUXLOIIt CO CODOG CODoe DOG st at atFORSAIEA JalS3 JalS3FOR ja1S ja1SOR FOR FORSAIEA OR SALE SIE A few excellent grocery grocrcr and cigar cigarstores cigar ci18ritGre cigarstorm stores DUNLOP A CO CO00 MO fo at st jaMSt jaMStWANTED ja18stTHDlartner jailfitWANFhiDIarturr WANTED WANFhiDIarturr THDlartner Partner In csUbliiihtsl tab illhed paying paying fund furniture fundture 1evnttare ture business will take man of business abUk abUkat ability abilityat at half price of stock flneat location ta city cityAddress dCAddrea dciAddreae Address BOX thIs tilt office Ja183t Ja183tFOR jailStPORSALEibsrbera 183t 183tFOR FOR PORSALEibsrbera SALE SLElJubers Barbers and confections with witnbread withlHead withbread bread round well I established trade price in including including Ineluding cluding horse and wagon 3flW SS bargain bllr ln for cash cashbuyer caMburer cashbuyer buyer AUSTINS EXCHANG EXChANGE ClIAG as 5 st nw nwJalS3t JJdSat trwjais31 JalS3t JalS3tFOR JdSatFOR a aFOR FOR SALE SALElletel Hntel with thirty rooms rooms lSaX lSaXgrocery lMUi lMUignlCCI7 iiogrocery grocery store 850 businesses of all kinds ana anapries 100prieN anti antiprices pries at AUSTINS ACSTl BUSINESS mS E8 EXCHANGE CIIAXGR CIIAXGRG 446 446ci 35 35O st nw t183t jtl183ttOR jalS4tFOR t183tFOR FOR SALE SALEA A good grocery store living rooms roomsattached I5I roonmeattached I attached good reasons must be sold at once onceAddress ontti onceAddress i Address BOX 01 this office jaJMt jaJMtWASTED ja183tWN1lI Ja1841WANTEISteady WASTED WANTEISteady StlKld Steady reliable man with wit i imore f5 I5 or ormore ormore more to run poultry business bWll on snares slaar ebarm man manwith mallU1 warmwith with U1 horse and wagon preferred Address Ad HSI BOX 57 this office JalS8t JalS8tGENUINE ja181tGEeINE ISISItGENUINE GENUINE grocery s4 stores res also cigar ei coulee coufectionety couleetlOfIef coesfectionery tionety tlOfIef notion stores bargains YOUNG YOUNG70c1 700 70c1 Otli st jaW ja181t ja181tW jaiCItWANTEDA tWANTED WANTED WANTEDA A TEDA A good huatlin bustling man with tiOO 700 or 800 300 to take half interest in good ned agency al already already alreatLy ready established can lIn be made mute to pay good goodreturns COOdreturns gooereturns returns none hut hustler with ith cash need apply applyAddress applyddre applytddrese Address ddre BOX 40 lOthia tl1 this oilier oilierROOMING ial7at jaliatROOmXG ial7atROOMING ROOMING HOUSE downtown location clearing clearingS100 S100 100 a month 15 rooms cheep ell NEW YORK YORKBUSINESS YOIURLTSISFSS VoltSBUSINESS BUSINESS BROKERS 611 st st Jal7St Jal7StONE jailScFINi l1M l1MO ONE FINEST FINi LIVERY AND SALES STABLES in inWashington InWuhlllton inVaahlngton Washington clearing 40 40 a month owner re retiring re retlriug yetiring tiring rare opportunity NEW YORK BUSt BUSINESS BUStNESS lXss NESS BROKERS Oil st 5t jaIlit jaIlitnUI jailStDININCNDLUNCR lal lalPOOL nUI DININCNDLUNCR ND LLSCII UOOll lime tabU8hed estabIishedwell tabU8heden well en equipped ill health cheap 1EW NEI VOltS YOlUiBCSnESS VOltSnINESS BCSnESS BROKERS 611 lit at jilli3t jilli3tPOOL jailStPOOL POOL ROOM best location clearing eri closets 6 lduzy lduzySee 5 day dayERS dayee ee It cheep Nifty 1W YORK BLSIN BUSINES ss l1ROK l1ROKns ERS ns 115011 Oil st ja73tGROCERY ja73t jailfitGROCERY 11 3t 3tGROCERY GROCERY AND A MEAT MARKET excellent excellentstand exeeUentfitnd excellentatand stand cheap rent investigate NEW EW YORK YORKBUSINESS YOUKISIXlSS VOltSBCSISFSS BUSINESS BROKERS 611 11 st st Jal7St Jal7StCONFECTIONERY jal13tCONIiicr jailStCONFECTIONERY CONFECTIONERY CONIiicr oXi center city finely 1 equipped equippedand equl equlpeuiand tAnd and mating money price only onl aDO 900 NEW NEWYORK NEWYORK RW RWYORK YORK BUSINESS BROKERS 81LF at jal7H jal7HSHARES ja171tSHARES jailItShARES SHARES in legitimate gold mine offered t60 t60lC1cl1 4oeach eeach each par value tue 0 1 tunnel now into mountain mountainHide rnou mountainaido 1n 1nRId Hide RId SCO CO feet Join on ground floor small for fortune for fortune fortune tune to prompt investor full inrestigmtMm inrestigmtMmWrite hwttatlenWnte luycodretiSnWrite Write us or call FARROW AURo ARMS CO COt ill 2d 2dat wIt 3dat at nw ja JIIII3t JIIII3tTl Joil3t Joil3tTIlE 163 1 1THE THE Tl if BEST ST MONEYMAKING IOxEY il mm SALOON SALOONiottth SALOONiottthcut south southcast southy cast WT DUG nUOA AN Oil 61 Louisiana aw Jal69c Jal69cWHOLESALE jl1ISitWIIOLESALR JailSCVHOLESALR WHOLESALE WIIOLESALR LIQUOR IJcUOR STORE 8To northwest nerthw 1trOO 1trOOJ itO0J 00 00W DUCAN fill Loubhtna ave a jell6lt jell6ltfoOR jailStFOIL tal 3t 3tFOR FOR SVLE SLECtJllr Cigar store tore doing illg a good badness badnessntuat btWn btWnnttziJtet1 bummi bummimutt mutt nttziJtet1 sell on account of other buelm bullne Inquire InquireSTEWART InquireSTEW InquIreSTEWART STEWART STEW ART NEUT3URGER lr CO 434 48 Oth St Stnw stnw iitrw nw between hours S30 to 1030 a 4 to to8pm it itS 8pm 8 pw pm JIl 4ti16it ulC3t 3t 51 RAILROADS EAIL3ZOADSPENNSYLVANIA RAILROADSPENNSYLVA PATLROADSYLVAIAROADS PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVA YLVAIAROADS YLVAIAROADSltlzus JIA RAILROAD 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cincinnati ladi 1n ifldliuaVLS ifldliuaVLSseimi lil nixia nixiajnd a aaid aid St St Louis Buffet Iarior Oar HsrnaL 1I6rr1JJeIJ llrr5E llrr5EiLls gM iLls A 1L DAILY FAST LINE UNEluHww Puiiiuuu liuX liuXfet bfet buflet fet Parlor Car i ToI ti Harrisburg 1 Uuftvt 1jjtof 1jjtofCar 1liotCar IsrtutCar Car harrisburg to WttiVurg WttiVurg3S llttimlsxrg3t 3S 180 1L DAILY CHICAGO AND ST LOUIS LOU13XXPIUiSS LOtaSXXPUESSSleepirll LOUISEXPRESSSleeping XXPIUiSS XXPUESSSleepirll Sleeping and Dining DiDin Cart llarria llarriabun llarrthiTX rrls rrlsbr bun to Chicago C1Ie ro Indianapolis St St Louis LouU and andNashville sndNashrllle andNaibrilla Nashville via 1a Cincinnati and Louisrie LouisrieParlor LoufsriDeJParlor LaUhVfflParlor Parlor Car ta Harrisburg HarrisburgS4S Darribur Darriburi S4S i DAILY CHICAGO LIMITED LUUTED LIMITEDSteep LIMITEDSteepIng eap eaping MPIn ing In Smoking Dining and ODeerrsttoe OIII41 tto Cars CarsHarrisbUrg CnsIIarrisbUt Garsharrisburg HarrisbUrg to Chicago C11ka Toledo edo 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ItrtJ ItrtJorders vu tn tnorders eyeorders orders can be left for the cbeeMac cbee of baggugs baggugsto sI sIto to destination tlnatlea from liuttk and reslrferKSes reslrferKSesTelephone resWetliTelephone resMeodzTelephone Telephone call uIIHG 1G40 for Pennsylvania flail Riflroad IbUroad flailroad road Cab Service ScnIccemning Dining Oar ATTERBURY WOOD WOODGeneral WOODCcnca WOODGeneral General I Manager afUl g1I Passr TrofSe Trai Manager ManagerGEO l1acaerGEO ManagerCEO GEO BOYD BOYDCenerai BOYDGeMTII1 BOYDGeneral General Passenger Agent AgentSOUTHERN AgentSOUTHERN ent entSOUTHERN SOUTHERN RAILWAY RAILWAYSchedule RftILWAYSebedule YbeduJe Schedule beduJe eeetive January 2 1Trains fJOt fJOtTrains JIOtTralns Trains Leave from rcnnsytvanJa WDBytr1J SmtiOi Si 7 10 SO A 3 DAILY DAILYLOcal Local for llavrtsaunr llavrtsaunrWarrenton l1nTU iatvzsousurg iatvzsousurgryentnn ub ubWarrenton Warrenton ryentnn Uanviiic ianvtiiC 111111c and way stations stationJI51 1051 A DAILY DAILYWashington Washington and sajLimited Fl FH FHLimited rfia rfiaLimited Limited Flrstclasj nstclass coaches and drawing drawingtoom dr2win dr2winOOm drawingoom toom oom sleeper to Jacksonrflle Fla 11 Dining car c2d 11 15 2d DAILY DA1L DAILYUnited United States Fast F1StFlrctdass JiiS JiiSFirctclass MPiratciass Firctclass coaches and drawing room sleeper slctperto to Ilcw tcw Orleans Ori ns Dining Olin car service servicei01 6CnfccOl i01 Ol WEEK DAYS DYS DAYSLOcaI Local for Harrlsoabura Harrlsoaburaand Hnrr3soaber Hnrr3soaberand and way 3 stations on Manassas Branch 440 iL 31 DAILY D1LYLoc Local for Warrantee arid n1dCbalotlCSille aridCharlottesville Charlottesville 631 1 1L ii WEEK DAYS DysUwerns iherns Palm Lisa Lfanited LImted Lisaited ited Solid 1 Pullman train fit cab Observation Olsscrvatitoaad Ollservttillllnr Ollservttillllnrn1d Observationarid arid Dining Can betw between a flr Whinginu hingtoB IIi JCSKfnbia wbia Jth Jthbin bin bia Alkali Augusta Au Sanuiih Ii Ja JjsGnrlltt JjsGnrllttand JasonriUe JasonriUeand jKsoavfRe jKsoavfReand and St 51 Augustine AugustineTMr Augustine7tI lStine lStinei1 TMr i1 DAILY D1LYKcw New York and Atlanta tIanb Kx Kxto rupra3 rpress press iirstcl1s3 irstciasa coaches to Atlanta slcepe slcepeto slcepcto to Columbus Ga via Atlanta tJJUI Mondays 11o1dc Tata Tatadays ruts Ttitadays days cLtys and Fridays Sunset u5 Route Tourist Touristdeeper TouristtIseper Jouis51eeper deeper Washington hln on to San Francisco Throuya Throuyasleeper T1uu1Jsl Tirrungasleeper sleeper sl per to Pinchurst daily except Sun Sunday Sund1 SundttT day Pullmsn buffet scrrice service servicep ce 7 SO MN 3LNw New York and Florida FI riI101 Exp ExpThrouh pr prThrough i9 i9Through Through sleepers eep rs and coaches to Columbia ColumbiaAikcn ColumbIaAlken mbb mbbAIken Aikcn Augusta 1 Savannah and Jacksonville JacksonvilleDininc 1aclsmUlDIning JachsentthidDining DIning car ca aenricc errl errl10CO 1000 DAILY DILYN DtILYNew New York and MsaspJua MsaspJuaLimited 1I1CpugItn1lted MimpluaLIOILIOI1 Limited via Lyncbburg FiratKdasi Iirat coacli coacliand cuactllnd caciand and sleeping INpln car to Roanoke Knossilw Kno t1le Chat Chattanooga ChattanOGP Chattanooga tanooga and Memphis sleeper to Jrtw Or Orleans Or1enns Orieans leans Dlniac car service 1045 104 DAILY DAILYWahn DAiLYWashington Washington ami ant South Southwestern Seuthwern utb utbestern western estern Limited AU Pullman train train club and anili andobservation i observation tiou cars car5 T5 to Atlanta and Macau steep 8reeperi strepela 1 era to Nashville NiashVIllOp Atlanta Atlanb ilaecn lIactD Msiapnu MsiapnuNew lI Slampwstew pna pnaSew New Orleans Or1ee Dining car service serrfceTRAINS serviceTRAINS rnce rnceTRlliS TRAINS ON BLUEMONT BRANCH BRANCHLeave BRANCHLave RANCIILeaTe Leave Washington 810 A il 1X 110 100 100p 00 00P 11t 506 1 JL IL Gt6 6 1L U4 Ut Mweek 1week 31week week days 505 I and 11 Uto 11 fr its itsburs i lS lSburg ie ieberg burs burg OnlY Sunday trains Iwtve le 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LLJiASDINING DINING DI 1 CAR SERVICE on this train 810 In daily dan except Sunday SaDdayTbt The NEtY NEtYYORK I IYORK tw twYOuR YORK and FLORIDA SPECIAL cimpc cnmpcect rrpceC cvi ot otthe 0 0the ofthe the most modern PULLMAN DRA DRAWINh WING 0 fUoM fUoMSLEEPING ru oM oMSLEKPIXG 3f 3fSLEEPING SLEEPING COMPARTMENT CO JPART IT DININ LIBRA LIBRARY LllHURY LIBItAIIY RY OBSERVATION CARS heated ted by 1Itlmd 1Itlmdr aten en and andlighted andlighted lighted throughout by electricity runs SOLID SOLIDto 0UDIrer to St Augustine AugustineOFFICE AugustineFor For tic tickets eta and all IDiarmatiou apply It the themncl theorneil OFFICE OF TIlE tE USE Ll 6M PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIAAVENUE PlLCSYLY PENNSYLVANIAAVENUE AxtA AxtAoVElF AVENUE NORTHWEST and PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIARAILROAD PXNlSYL AXIs AXIsRAILROAD 1A 1ARlLROD RAILROAD STATION STATIONA STATIOnL A REED REEDDistrict REFDDl REEDDistrict District Dl tricl Passenger Agent Washington OW aW 0 0IV CRAIG IL 11 EMERSON EMERSONGtn EE1LQGrn EMERSONStn Gtn Pass Apt rt Traine Manager ManatjerWilmington ManagerWilmington narre narreWUminton Wilmington Wilrciaaton Wil CiaWlf Co Cojd CCaathall iaWlf iaWlfGaaadian jd jdGauadian Gaaadian FaciieBaHway Pacific RaHway TranscontiMuntal Tran eench1uatAl route rout I to tie CfeaaantR Nrtti Nrttim rth rtht rthWIIIIIC WIIIIIC connecting at Vancouver anlnUVQI with te tt faK UclSt at atof 11 line of steanahiiiis on the Paotitc toe Jajuft JA 114 114Australia Cbtoa i4 i4Itawaihmn oa lhlllpptM Fiji lmade Jlawai Itawaihmn 11l lu31 lu31B Jz Australia and New Zealand ZealandD IL II MORSE MORSE1S29 KOR 1S29 1 Pennsylnaia pIU lhDia Avtiae AvtiaeBIEDS AnzaBmDS tytz as asBIRDSIPDDGSETC BIEDS BIRDSIPDDGSETC BIRDSIPDDGSETCtats DOGS ETC ETCFOR ETCFOR FOR SALECaa iE 01iriu rks breedlus ii edlo cagts paiwti paiwtipats pats ts dogs fancy poultry iuxibators ill batClrs broodera brooderag breedersgslt gslt lt It oyster shell goldcshe and a aRnariuna aRnariunat anariumartc nariums nariumsetc etc SCHMIDS PET 11 ANIMAL STOKE 5TOUEn STOII 7i ISth 13thSt St nw QcGt.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.